Nine Heavens

Chapter 2227 Violent Territory Demon

Ten days later, the envoys of the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree and the Demon Realm who had gone out to deliver the fairy and demon wedding invitations all successfully completed their missions and returned, and received a generous reward from Liu Qianlang.

A few days later, people from the four directions and eight domains of the Demon Thunder Sect have arrived one after another.

On this day, Liu Qianlang went to the meeting hall alone early in the morning, and leaned over to see that the envoy of the eight demon kings had turned into a ceremonial envoy, and he was already waiting for him at this moment.

"Hehe, brothers, is there something wrong with you who came so early?"

Liu Qianlang thought in his heart that the situation he expected must have happened, and asked with a smile.

"Reporting to Mengxian Zhouzhu, the Gold Demon Realm, Wood Demon Realm, Water Demon Realm, Fire Demon Realm, Earth Demon Realm, Wind Demon Realm, Electric Demon Realm and accompanying people who have come here are all dissatisfied with our hospitality conditions, and they are all very annoyed. Arguing to see the Dream Immortal Zhou Lord."

The eight are the messengers of the demon king, which are the woody tree demons with eight attributes of wind, rain, thunder, lightning, hail, frost, and dew. Among them, the messenger of the wind demon king with the attribute of sea blue wind stepped forward and replied with a embarrassed face.

"What can I do?"

The demon king messengers of other attributes shook their heads and rubbed their hands, and cooperated.

"Oh! Don't we treat them well in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm?"

Liu Qianlang asked knowingly.

"This? Hey! Lord Mengxian Zhou, of course it's not good, and I still need others to say that. The subordinates took offense and bluntly said that even the living palace of Mengxian Zhouzhu could not be compared with their usual subordinates' sleeping halls, because we The demon domain of the Demon Thunder Tree is in decline.

But even so, at least give them a bedroom to shelter them from the wind and rain. No matter how bad it is, you can't just arrange a Dou Xing for them and put them all together.

Don't talk about them, we can't stand it anymore, don't we have a lot of idle mansions in the Eastern Star Region, why not let them live there? "

The messenger of the wind attribute demon king replied with a sigh.

"Ha ha……"

"Wind Messenger, Messenger, you don't care about them, this Dream Immortal Universe Lord wants to torture and torture them, so that they don't underestimate our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm.

Not to mention them, even the Sect Master Molei is here, just like them, let them squeeze on the little star to eat sand.

Of course, if they build their own sheds and buildings, Master Ben Mengxian will not object. After they leave, it will be considered as a souvenir for us, and it will be considered that we have not entertained them in vain.

You go back and tell them that the Master Mengxian is too busy, and there are still ten days before the wedding ceremony of the Immortal Demon, and the Master Mengxian has no time to receive them. If anyone does not want to stay, he can leave immediately.

But remind them that the battle star they are on is the place where the two standard magic formula scrolls have reappeared twice, and they can leave if they want to. If there is any accident in the search for the two standard magic formula scrolls, they will be responsible.

Of course, I also told them by the way that if you feel that the gift for the wedding ceremony of the immortals and demons is heavy enough, you can present the gift first. one two. "

Liu Qianlang heard that the masters of the star domains around the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect in all directions and eight domains were miserable, complaining a lot, which was exactly as expected, and laughed loudly.

"It's really not good, if they are in a hurry, wouldn't they destroy our Nebula Continent!?"

Liu Qianlang's order made the eight messengers of the demon king startled and expressed their inappropriateness.

"Don't worry, you have forgotten that the lady of Mengxian Zhouzhu's fairy marriage is the number one princess in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect, and what they are afraid of is not me, but the Demon Thunder Sect Master!

For the sake of the two standard magic formula scrolls and his precious princess, Molei Sect Master can bear anything. Just go ahead and do as I tell you.

By the way, it's a pity that the star houses in the east of the star field are idle. Let's assign them all to the young children of our magic thunder tree demon domain, so that every tens of thousands of our magic thunder tree demon can have their own homes . "

"Oh fine!"

The messengers of the Eight Great Demon Kings actually wanted to say something, but seeing the majesty and domineering of Mengxian Zhouzhu, his resolute and confident expression and the infinitely deep eyes, it seemed that it was useless to say anything, so they had to shake their heads.

"Tell me, isn't our Mengxian Zhou Lord too courageous!"

"Not only that, he is looking for death! As far as the power of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain is concerned, in the entire Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent, although it is not the last, it is stronger than the Demon Thunder Wuhua Weiling Domain and the Demon Thunder Flower Domain. So a little bit.

However, compared with the other five major beast clans and the standard lion beast clan in the center of the Demon Thunder Sect, ants are better than elephants, which is incomparable! But we are obviously mosquitoes, Mengxian Zhou insisted on singing the song of the eagle.

Get ready guys! It is estimated that after this madness, we will have no chance to breathe again! "

"But having said that, I admire Mengxian Zhouzhu a little bit. At our level, he has the ability to invite the leaders of the entire Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent. It is really relieved that he should torture them like this!

If the dead Demon Thunder Lord knew about it, he would probably have to come back to support him. This is so fucking unbelievable, anyway, we don't think there will be a good end, so it's worth it to accompany Mengxian Zhouzhu to die crazy! "

"Yeah! Your messenger is right, let's go! Bully them to death!"


After the eight messengers of the demon king stepped out of the meeting hall of Mengxian Pavilion, they discussed for a while on the way. These words were heard in Liu Qianlang's ears. Liu Qianlang just smiled slightly, and then lay on his back on the throne of his domain master On the sky, looking at a khaki-colored wind and sand star in the sky outside the pavilion window thousands of miles high, watching the eight messengers of the demon king flying there.



The eight messengers of the demon king chatted all the way, and soon arrived at the periphery of the dust-yellow Dou Xing. The wind messengers found that no matter how poor the demon domain of the Demon Thunder Tree was, there were countless stars that were better than this one.

However, Master Mengxian Zhou actually asked himself and his brothers to send all these big names here, not to mention these big names, even himself and his brothers couldn't stand it anymore.

But they just wanted to ask Mengxian Zhouzhu for some opinions, and now they came back to answer their questions, so they had to come.

However, when the eight messengers of the demon king came to this wind and sand fighting star, they did not see figures standing in the wind and sand. The sound of building.


The eight messengers of the demon king looked around at each other, and couldn't help admiring Liu Qianlang, the Lord of Dream Immortal Universe, in their hearts. These big names really couldn't stand it as he said, and developed the Wind and Sand Fighting Star by themselves.

"Huh! You are back, what did your tree demon leader say? Are we going to stay in this ghostly place? We have to go to see him immediately to see what kind of new wood he is from the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain. How dare you neglect us like this!"

Before the eight messengers of the demon king could speak, a hurricane vortex swirled over the Wind and Sand Dou Xing, bringing with it a dark and hoarse voice, roaring.

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