Nine Heavens

Chapter 2228 Wind and Sand Fighting Stars

"Hey! Lords of the domain, the little one has already answered, but our Mengxian Zhou Lord is really too busy, and there is no time to look at the wind and scenery with Princess Qinglei!

But our Master Mengxian Zhou also said that if you can take the green mountains and green waters developed by the wind and sand fighting stars, the palaces and palaces to the sky in just a few days, and you have a gift that he is satisfied with, he will consider seeing some domains. Lord!

Lords of the region, our words have been delivered, and we are very busy, so we will go first. If you do it in a few days, we will see it from a distance, and we will come to check it out. When you are satisfied, you will report to Master Mengxian!

Of course you are free, if any domain owner is not happy, you can leave at any time. However, our Master Mengxian said that this is the second time that the Wind and Sand Fighting Star has appeared in the place where the two standard magic formula scrolls and golems appear. Which domain master can go, but don’t steal the two standard magic formula scrolls secretly. It is! Brothers, let's go! "

The messenger of the wind attribute demon king felt terrified when he heard the terrifying roar from above the wind and sand fighting stars.

If it weren't for the presence of other demon king messengers and everyone supporting each other, the wind messenger would almost turn around and run away.

However, under the influence of Liu Qianlang in the panic, he was still a little excited, and he said the above words as a genius when his scalp was numb.

Then, he quickly greeted his brothers and ran away.



After the eight messengers of the demon king fled quickly, they heard the roaring sound above the wind and sand fighting stars, which shook the sky and lasted for a long time.

One day later, the master of Molei Sect also arrived, and of course he was guided to the wind and sand fighting star by the eight demon king messengers.

The master of the Demon Thunder Sect did not bring any followers, nor did he care about any conditions. As soon as he entered the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Nebula Continent, he analyzed the information of the domain masters of the various domains, and came straight to this windy and sand fighting star.

As for the messengers of the Eight Great Demon Kings, they just followed behind symbolically after seeing him, saw that he had "landed", and then hurriedly reported to Mengxian Zhou Lord Liu Qianlang to go.

The majestic body of the Demon Thunder Sect Master, which is more than a hundred miles high, suddenly landed on the Wind and Sand Fighting Star. Seeing that the other domain masters who had come earlier were urging their magic and striving to develop the Fei Sand Star Dou, he couldn't help secretly sighing at the Demon Thunder Tree Demon that he had never met before. The new domain owner is amazing.

He thought in his heart that the Lord of the Regions would definitely be humiliated by him when he came, but he didn't expect him to use this method. Although he was full of resentment, it also hinted at his courage and wisdom.

"See the Sovereign!"

The supreme leader of the Lion Soul Beast Clan, who was all incomparably powerful, just landed on the Flying Sand Fighting Star, and in an instant, the incomparably terrifying power of the Lion Soul formed a howling hurricane, rolling up the wind and sand all over the sky, and swept away for hundreds of millions of miles.

The domain masters of Qifang, who were swallowing their breath to develop the wind and sand fight star, suddenly felt that the master of Molei had arrived, and all of them temporarily stopped their movements, except for the two guards of Princess Yingyao and Zuo Qingyouning of Molei Huadu, and Molei Wu. The domain owner of Huawei Lingyu, Ganoderma lucidum, and his mushroom-eared monkey, all excitedly ran towards the Sect Master of Molei, paying homage and greetings in unison.

"Hmm! The domain masters are here early, what are you?"

Seeing that more than half of the wind and sand battle star scene has been developed in front of him, although the Molei Sect Master guessed the reason, he still asked.

"Damn! His grandma belongs to Dream Immortal Universe Lord, he actually..."

Molei Sect Master asked this question, and the five beast clan domain masters kneeling in front of him were the three-headed tiger of the magic electric tiger beast clan, the blue shadow fox of the magic wind beast clan, the black-eyed demon wolf of the magic sand beast clan, and the magic hail beast. Clan Xiaotian Leopard and Molei Alien Beast Clan Three-Eyed Lion all stood up angrily, howling and telling the whole story.

"Regional masters, please bear with me. These matters are trivial. The lives of the two standard magic scrolls and Princess Qinglei are important. It is not difficult to settle the account with this Dream Fairy Master. We must first rescue Princess Qinglei and clarify the two. It’s not too late to talk about the big standard magic formula scroll!”

Sect Master Molei still hasn't figured out why his proud niece got involved with this Dream Immortal Zhou Master and why he wanted to marry him.

It is obviously bullshit that the two people mentioned in the fairy-and-devil marriage post met after chasing the two standard magic formula scrolls and golems.

"Have any of you seen this Dream Immortal Lord? The reason why he is so rampant is obviously that the two standard magic formula scrolls are in his hands. Maybe he has already practiced the standard lion soul formula and standard magic formula on it. Lei Jue. And the Demon Lion King was also killed by him!"

The whole body of Molei Sect Master is green, majestic like a mountain and pines, above the huge lion's head, a pair of small pool-like eyes are blood-red and terrifying, inside the waves are turbulent, and amidst the huge shaking, he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and said .

"In other words, Princess Qinglei was captured by him, and she was definitely not willing to marry him, right? Then what are we waiting for, please order from the suzerain, we will immediately destroy the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain Nebula Continent, and rescue Qinglei Princess, kill this bird domain master and take back the two standard scrolls!"

Although the three-eyed lion of Molei's alien clan is not the standard lion soul clan, compared with other beast clans, because it is also a lion soul beast, its status is naturally higher, so the nearby five beast clan domain masters all set their sights on him.

Molei's alien three-eyed lion was not polite, looked at the eyes of the four orc domain masters, nodded slightly, and put forward everyone's common thoughts.

"No! The problem is not as simple as this. The Dream Immortal Lord of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm openly provoked the entire Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent, which shows that he is really not someone to wait for.

It seems that for hundreds of billions of years, it was a mistake for us to ignore the Three Spirits and Monster Race! We have been trying our best to find the location of the two standard magic formula scrolls everywhere, but it was all in vain.

However, who would have expected that the Nebula Continent of the Three Spirits and Monster Race, which we have always looked down upon, actually has the answer we have been seeking tirelessly! "

The Demon Thunder Sect Master is very rational at the moment, the vast bloody eyes are rushing tens of thousands of light away, staying out of the way, standing on the top of two tall buildings, the Lord of the Demon Thunder Flower Domain, the Princess Yingyao, and the Demon Lei Wuhua Weiling Domain The main Ganoderma lucidum.

His expression was full of ice-cold taste.

Sect Master Molei looked at the other party with such eyes, and the other party naturally felt it.

"Ha ha……"

"Princess Yingyao, originally I didn't plan to come here with Ganoderma lucidum, we are not interested in the scrolls of the two standard magic formulas at all.

He just came here out of curiosity about the new domain master of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, Mengxian Zhouzhu. I, Ganoderma lucidum, really want to see the demeanor of Mengxian Zhouzhu. He is the benefactor of our Three Spirit Monster Clan. After hundreds of billions of years, he finally won a breath for us.

Look at their virtues, I am so lucky that they are still here! "

This Molei Wuhua micro-spirit master is no bigger than a human being, and his whole body is reddish-brown, shimmering and shining with rainbow aura, and his soul thoughts are transmitted to the British demon princess thousands of miles away.

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