Nine Heavens

Chapter 2238 Sudden Situation

"How to repay?"

Ganoderma lucidum frowned and asked stupidly.

"Of course I'm alive and well, otherwise I'm not working in vain, haha..."

Liu Qianlang said something that was very discordant with his expression, and then laughed loudly, signaling the two to continue drinking.

"Eh? Haha..."

Ganoderma lucidum also burst out laughing, but Princess Yingyao didn't laugh, saying:

"Heroes and demons are not talented, dance in front of the battle, add to the fun in danger, and also eternal for our beautiful life in the future, the blessings will last forever, and the friendship will last forever!"

After the words fell, Princess Yingyao had floated up, wearing a lavender starry dress, her hair was pulled up in a high bun, her beautiful eyes sparkled, flowers fluttered all over her body, the incense cage was thousands of miles away, and the white and beautiful jade wine glass was still in her hand. Dance freely and freely.

Seeing this, the ganoderma lucidum seed fancied casually, holding a sea-blue flute of the sound of the sea, put it on his mouth, and blew the sound of quiet sea, wild sea and tide...

Dance lightly, fall asleep with the sound of the sea, and the three immortals are idle in front of the formation. Such carelessness is like a fight before death!

Since Liu Qianlang came to the sky above the Demon Leizong Nebula Continent, he hasn't looked at the Demon Leizong Palace for a moment, because he had already planned a strategy before he came. Similar situations including the departed Young Master Jinzong have already been calculated.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang is the body of Zhou Ti, the former brothers and sisters of Zhou Ti, Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, Sirius Zhou Jun Cheng Yuanfang, Qixiang Zhou Jun Liu Juan, Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng...

Although they cannot become independent cosmic bodies like themselves, they are eternal existences in their own cosmic bodies, and all their divine powers are continuing to evolve, and their divine powers are naturally their own.

Therefore, the current Liu Qianlang is not only rapidly gaining strength in his magic power in the World Destruction Continent, but also his immortal god strength is constantly improving explosively.

When he came to the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent, he had already calculated that there would be a Xiangke evil star here, and Ke Yuan would appear on Qing Lei. In order to reduce trouble, Liu Qianlang deliberately did not let Qing Lei show up.

"Ha ha……"

"The two domain masters have such a peaceful environment, there is the sound of the sea calmly in front of the battle, and they dance naturally before the battle. I admire the dream fairy universe master!"

Liu Qianlang watched the dance and listened to the flute for a while, and couldn't help admiring.


"Grandma, what are they doing, why suddenly, the strength of the two demon idiots, Lingzhizi and Yingyao Princess, exploded to such a terrifying level!?"

Liu Qianlang, Ganoderma lucidum, and Princess Yingyao started the Cang Qiong Cocktail Party. At the beginning, they did not attract too much attention from the Sect Master Molei and the five beasts. Finally, kill a few of them and finish the job.

However, they all felt that the magical power of the sky had suddenly increased by tens of millions of times, and the roof of the Demon Thunder Sect Master's Palace was under pressure and shook, making them restless.

At first, they thought it was someone from the Immortal Realm of Creation Universe, and they checked the situation around the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect in horror, and found that there was no force outside the Nebula except for the young master of the Jinzong who was shooting back quickly.

And Young Master Jinzong's mana power belongs to his own internal mana, and has no repelling property at all. After some analysis by the group of demons, they turned their attention to Liu Qianlang, Ganoderma Lucidum and Princess Yingyao above the sky.

Then they saw the scene where the three of them were all standard demon thunder rainbows outside their bodies, and the golden lion soul rainbow flashed endlessly.

Looking up through the palace, the group of demons couldn't believe their eyes, the special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan, after a long pause, cursed.

"They have been colluding secretly for a long time. For hundreds of billions of years, they have been secretly practicing the lion demon skill on the two standard magic formula scrolls. We have been deceived by their superficial weakness!"

Xuanhei Heihu, the special envoy of the magic electric beast clan, suddenly realized when he heard the boss white tiger, the special envoy of the magic electric beast clan.

"No wonder they are so arrogant and not afraid of death at all! It turns out that they have been relying on for a long time. However, the Dream Immortal Lord is a newly born Chuangxian Immortal Territory, so it is impossible to practice the two standard magic scrolls and magic skills long ago. Yes, it must be the capital of the Molei Flower Domain. The ancient domain masters of the Molei Wuhua Weilingyu and the Molei Tree Monster Domain secretly hid two scrolls of basic magic formulas in ancient times.

Then their domain lord's descendants superficially abandoned their efforts, but in fact secretly practiced the magic skills of the two standard magic formula scrolls, and never slackened in the slightest. Everything they do on the surface is to confuse us orcs, and they are afraid that we will go and snatch the scrolls of the two standard magic formulas! "


The special envoy of the Green Tiger Demonic Beast Clan seldom spoke, and when he spoke, he analyzed with reason and evidence, as if he was an undercover agent of the Three Spirits and Monster Clan.

"Well! The second brother deserves to be called Nebula, and what you said is really reasonable. What to do now, a Dream Immortal and Zhou Lord is easy to deal with, and now they are three terrifying masters. I don't think even the young master of the Jinzong may be able to deal with it." We can handle it!"

The special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan had a troubled expression on his face.

"Brother, my second brother asks you, what is the purpose of our Demonic Beast Clan?"

The special envoy of the green tiger orc asked the special envoy of the white tiger magic electric orc.

"It's still a question, of course it's 'whatever it takes, do it if you are strong'!" said the special envoy of the White Tiger Demonic Beast Clan.

"Since this is the case, why should we still eat when we have a loss? There is a saying that evil spirits don't kill people, and those who have milk are mothers! The Demon Thunder Sect mainly sees that there is no future, so we are still playing with him!

I think the three above have a bright future, so why don't we hang out with them and respectfully ask them to be our new suzerains? "

This special envoy of the Green Tiger Magic Electric Beast Clan is really "intelligent" and his views are far ahead of the sky.

"Impossible, Second Brother! Let us let the majestic Tiger Beast Clan seek refuge with some Monster Clan, thank you for thinking of it, the three-headed domain master! What do you think?"

The words of the special envoy of the green tiger magic power were immediately opposed by the special envoy of the black tiger magic power beast clan. He turned around and asked the three-headed tiger, the domain master of the magic power beast clan who had been staring at the high-altitude three-spirit monster clan domain master.

"I agree with the words of the special envoy of the Green Tiger Magic Electric. Do whatever it takes to be strong. This is the only purpose of our tiger orc clan in history. The ancestors have a long history and have been tested for trillions of thousands of years. We have been strong until now, and we must not do anything. !

When the three special envoys of Magic Lightning listened to the order to surround and kill the domain masters of the Three Spirit Monster Clan in a while, if they found that they could not succeed, they would immediately turn against and kill the Sect Master of Molei! "

The three-headed tiger, the domain master of the magic electric beast clan, heard that the special envoy of the black tiger magic electric beast clan asked himself, so he lowered his head and glanced at the three most powerful arms of the three magic electric beast clan.


No matter what the three special envoys of the magic electric beast clan thought in their hearts, there was an order from above, and they still had to listen, so they responded in unison.


The special envoy of the Magic Lightning Beast clan greatly discounted the arrogance of killing the domain masters of the Three Spirit Monster Race, and even had the idea of ​​turning against them. The other positions of the Magic Beast Clan on the Doufa Yuntai, except for the original intention of the Molei Sect Master, all have made their own new plans.

The most obvious one is the Blue Shadow Fox of the Wind Beast Clan.

Lan Yinghu came here alone this time. Apart from killing the three monster clan domain masters, his intention was not only the two standard magic formula scrolls, but also the countless resources of the three spirit monster clan domains.

These resources are nothing to other Warcraft tribes, but to the Demon Fox tribe, all kinds of little spirits and demons in the Three Spirit Demon tribe are their delicacies. And there are countless genius treasures and so on.

Lan Xinghu once thought that he would be the biggest winner of this martial arts and killing contest.

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