Nine Heavens

Chapter 2239 Jin Zong kills the lion

However, what he didn't expect was that Ganoderma Lucidum and Princess Yingyao above the sky suddenly became stronger, so powerful that he didn't even dare to fight them.

"What about... what about his grandparents?"

Lan Yinghu was wearing a blue velvet robe, tall and handsome, with a pair of red, green and blue fox eyes flashing alternately, trying hard to figure out how to deal with the situation in front of him.


Suddenly he burst into a treacherous and evil smile, and then turned into the original blue fox, without even saying hello, turned into a blue light and disappeared.

And before he left, the wind attribute layer sealing of the wind attribute star sealing formation that he arranged on the periphery of the Molei Zong Nebula Continent was also withdrawn.

However, the blue shadow fox walked mysteriously and strangely, and did not attract the attention of any monsters. Because when he left, he left all the fantasies that should have existed, and these fantasies, according to his settings, will disappear immediately once he fights against the domain master of the Three Spirit Monster Clan.

The Doufa Yuntai is due north, that is, opposite to the Doufa Yuntai where Lan Yinghu is, is the direction where the black-eyed demon wolf of the Demon Sand Beast Clan is located.

Among the five monster clans, the one with the strongest sense of honor is the black-eyed demon wolf.

Because his son, Young Master Jinzong, is the son-in-law of the Lord of the Demon Thunder Sect, his natural status is very prominent in the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect.

Although he hasn't said anything until now, he is still the focus of the eyes of the group of demons. Especially after the young master Jinzong appeared.

The black-eyed demon wolf is a person who is very good at pretending to be deep and ostentatious. He is well versed in the truth that too much talk will lead to failure, and too much talk is too powerful. So he usually just puts on an imposing manner, but doesn't talk.

The result of this is that in most cases, he only gains benefits without offending others, and as a bystander, he thinks deeply and can see all problems more clearly.

For example, the black-eyed demon wolf watched the situation in a blink of an eye for a long time. Others may not have noticed that the blue shadow fox withdrew, but he saw it, or he could guess it without looking.

The black-eyed demon wolf hated Lan Yinghu very much, but he had to admire his cunning and reality from the bottom of his heart. Many of the things Lan Yinghu did were the weather vane of the black-eyed demon wolf's determination.

Now that Lan Yinghu has given up fighting the Three Spirits, then I...

The black-eyed demon wolf thought deeply, and finally had a clear calculation in his mind, and then Yili Yaoyin gave his son, Young Master Jinzong.

Of course, the Demon Thunder Sect also has die-hard loyal supporters. Naturally, there is no doubt that the main sect of the Demon Thunder Sect Master of the Lion Demon Clan is located in the southwest. This is the domain owner.

Facing the change of the domain master of the three demon spirits in the sky, Xiao Tianbao was not only not afraid, but was extremely excited. Only then did he feel that the fight between the two parties was not in vain, and they could fight and have fun.

And Molei's alien lion and demon clan are both lion soul beasts, and because they are inherited from the non-directed clan, their status is lower than that of the lion soul beasts, so they lack the opportunity to grow stronger, so the three-eyed lion can't wait to slaughter the three-spirit demon clan domain at any time The opening of the main murder meeting made him stretch out his hand and pretend to be egged to the end.

If you win the battle, you will be tall, and if you lose, you will be a loyal lion, and the bones of the dead can enter the tomb of the direct clan.

If we want to talk about the most uncomfortable thing in my heart now, we have to talk about Sect Master Molei.

When he found Gaokong Liu Qianlang, Ganoderma Lucidum and Princess Yingyao, drinking wine, two of them became the masters of the magic arts, the original stable devil heart began to feel uneasy again. Jump violently. The veins on the eyes and temples were also throbbing.

The ominous feeling that had been in his heart once again weighed on his heart. At this moment, he clenched his hands tightly, and he didn't want to think about anything else. He just hoped that the young master Jinzong would come back as soon as possible, and kill the three terrifying demon clan masters who were still drinking for fun in the sky.

However, when he watched from a distance, he found that the young master of the Jinzong had stopped at the edge of the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Zong just as he was shooting towards him, as if he was communicating with his father, the black-eyed demon wolf in the nebula.

"He won't help me..."

Although Sect Master Molei couldn't hear what they were talking about, he was well aware of the scheming of the black-eyed demon wolf, so he felt more uneasy, because he used to be the domain master he despised and treated the black-eyed demon wolf the most.

But fortunately, Sect Master Mo Lei saw that Young Master Jin Zong only stopped for a short while at the edge of the Nebula of Mo Lei Zong, and then quickly continued to fly towards the Dou Fa Yuntai over Mo Lei Zong Palace.

"Hehe, Mengxian Zhouzhu, we should also prepare! The last monster will arrive soon. If you put the entire Douju ​​Yuntai around, it is estimated that all the demon generals and demon armies of the five major monster clans are surrounding us!"

At this time, Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao had returned to their seats and had been drinking with Liu Qianlang for a long time.

Ganoderma lucidum looked back at the Young Master Jinzong who was shooting from the east of the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect and smiled.

"Ha ha……"

"Before, I thought that we were really going to fight to the death, but now it seems that we don't need to be so troublesome!

Brother Ganoderma lucidum, sister Ying Yao! Sit tight and let's keep drinking. Someone will do our business later. "

At this moment, Liu Qianlang, Ganoderma Lucidum and Princess Yingyao are really congenial, and they have already kowtowed to their brothers and sisters. Talking to each other is much closer and more casual.

Liu Qianlang raised his eyebrows and smiled, finally bent down to look at the cloud platform below and the Golden Light Wolf flying from the east, and said.

"Oh, how do you say that?"

Ganoderma lucidum seeds were a little puzzled, but Princess Yingyao saw some tricks, her spiritual eyes sparkled, she smiled and said:

"Second Brother Lingzhi, listen to Brother Mengxian, let's drink and enjoy slowly."

"Cut! You guys, don't say anything, why are you so mysterious, then I'll just watch, haha..."

When Ganoderma lucidum heard that he didn't say anything, she said a few words, laughed and didn't ask any more questions. The three really continued to eat, drink and watch "plays" happily.

After a gust of wind and lightning, the young master of the Jinzong finally landed in the Dou Fa Yuntai area where the Western Demon Thunder Sect Master was located, and then the Demon Thunder Sect Master quickly ushered in.

"Huh? Princess Qinglei?"

Sect Master Molei asked in surprise when he saw that Young Master Jinzong was empty-handed, and that he summoned his beloved niece Qinglei from any magic weapon.

"Hmph! Princess Qinglei is not in the Three Spirit Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm at all! Nor is she in the other two demon clan realms. Not only Princess Qinglei, but all the spirit monsters of the Three Spirit Monster Clan are gone, none of them are here. there is none left.

The young master of the Jinzong sect has turned the three Nebula Continents of the Three Spirit Monster Clan Domain into stardust, and the Three Spirit Monster Clan Domain no longer exists!

And Princess Qinglei is definitely still in the hands of the Dream Immortal Lord above! "

The young master of Jinzong ran away for nothing, obviously very ashamed and annoyed, with a cold face, he growled.

"It turns out that Mengxian Zhouzhu had already prepared for it. He is so hateful. I asked the young master of the Jinzong to command all the demonic beast army of the Moleizong, and immediately went to the sky to kill the three hateful three spirits and monsters!

This suzerain promises you that as long as Princess Qinglei is rescued, this suzerain will betroth her to you immediately! "

Sect Master Mo Lei was afraid that Young Master Jin Zong would change his mind to help him, so he took out the strongest trump card and said.

"Hmph! Seriously!"

The young master of Jinzong squinted his eyes, blood shot from his eyes, and asked.

"No joke!"

Sect Master Molei was elated when he heard that there was something interesting, and replied.


However, when Sect Master Mo Lei's words were lost, Young Master Jin Zong raised Jin Hongluo with his hand, and cut off Sect Master Mo Lei's head neatly.

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