Nine Heavens

Chapter 2242 Outsmart Starland

In an instant, the entire Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent was filled with blood and blood, lions roared and wolves howled, thunder and lightning exploded, majestic in the sky, like the end of the universe.

Seeing Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, they were terrified, how could they drink fairy wine, and they were chasing after the young master Jin Zong's mad demon and fighting demon elephant, his face was pale and terrified.

Seeing the corpses of monsters flying around in the sky, I feel that I am also a remnant among them.

However, to the surprise of the two spirit demon domain masters, Liu Qianlang, the master of Mengxian Zhou, still didn't even lift his head. There is no fear, but a happy face and a beaming smile.

"Brother Zhou Lord, why don't we leave quickly, this monster is really terrifying, he is so cruel, even if Brother Zhou Lord sacrificed Princess Qinglei Yu's sister-in-law, he might not let us go.

He can even kill his own wolf father without blinking, let alone us! "

After being horrified for a while, Ganoderma lucidum finally remembered her own safety, and quickly proposed to Liu Qianlang, the master of the dream fairy universe who didn't care.

"Oh! You're scared, let's just let you be quiet for a while, haha..."

Seeing the embarrassment of Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing, and at the same time, his soul moved, calling them into his soul door.

And next, he was drunk, waving his sleeves and shooting the rainbow to break the wine case, moving the altar and drinking even more.

Yiren Ba Kongsha, this side laughed.

Several hours later, the sky cleared, and in the vast and boundless time and space of the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent, only Liu Qianlang and the two standard magic formula scrolls, one red and one catty of gold, were left in one hand, and his eyes were like fire. The young master of Jinzong.

"Let's make a condition, what conditions are needed in exchange for Princess Qinglei?"

The young master of the Jinzong slaughtered wildly, and all the domain masters of the Warcraft clan were slaughtered, and the besieging army of warcraft around the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect did not let go.

Especially the Lion Demon Clan, all the Demon Lion Clan monsters that appeared on the Molei Zong Nebula Continent can no longer be seen.

The young master of the Jinzong thought that Liu Qianlang was also scared by his majestic formation. After all, he was the eight precepts, the lion soul, the thunder magic art, and the wolf demon clan's earth soul magic art. A madman with double success in magic art and magic skills is also rare in the entire continent of ruining the universe.

And the dream fairy Zhou Lord, who was surrounded by the slaughtering demon elephants in the sky, saw that his magic skills were no more than two standard magic formula scrolls, and his magic skills were comparable to his own, so the advantage lies in himself.

If it wasn't for the fear that he might jump over the wall in a hurry and kill his favorite Princess Qinglei, he would have killed him long ago. Now I just need to deceive Princess Qinglei, and he...

The young master of Jinzong pretended to be a very fair negotiation, and asked Liu Qianlang, who was thousands of miles below, coldly.

"The young master of the Jinzong seems to have made a mistake. I did promise to trade two standard magic scrolls with you, but when did I agree to trade Princess Qinglei with you?

Qing'er is now the beloved wife of the Master of the Dream Immortal, like his own darling, how could he make a deal with you, a demonic wolf.

Qing'er's position in the heart of the dream fairy and the universe master is comparable to everything in the universe, no matter what you give the dream fairy universe master, you will not talk about it.

Now I think you should be content, go back and forth quickly, otherwise you will not be able to end up. This Demon Thunder Sect is the first one around the Nebula Continent of Demon Thunder City, and it was slaughtered by you just like that. Even if the Lord of Demon Thunder City protects you again, are you confident that you can explain the past? "

At the critical moment, Liu Qianlang's words made the Young Master Jin Zong so angry that he almost choked on his breath. After gasping for a long time, he laughed dumbly and said:

"Haha...Chuangzhou Immortal Territory bastard, you are really messing around, hurry up and hand over Princess Qinglei, otherwise today will be your death day. As for the confession to the city lord, aren't you ready-made, the young master of the Jinzong said, Everything here is done by you, isn't it done!"

Young Master Jin Zong is not a fool, he has already thought about how to explain to his father-in-law City Lord before going back to Molei City.

"Young Master Jinzong, you are so clever that you were misunderstood by your cleverness. If the Lord Mengxian Zhou is alive and well, it can prove that everything here is the master of this dream fairy universe, but if you kill me, then it is not true. That's it.

If you don't go, let's continue the deal, let's stop here, you don't want to touch my beloved wife Qing'er, I will bear the blame for slaughtering everything here for you, you have solved the hatred of being humiliated in the past, and you have obtained two scrolls of standard magic formula Magic skills, why do you have to use my wife, Princess Qinglei?

One is that Qing'er has no affection for you, and the other is that you, the young master of the Jinzong, have a noble status. Now that you have obtained the two standard magic formula scrolls and made great achievements, after returning to the Demon Thunder City, you will have a bright future. Maybe in the future, the entire Destroyed Universe Continent will be destroyed. is yours.

What kind of woman do you want at that time, so why be heroic and short-tempered, because the unwarranted affection will affect the bright future of the future. "

As for Liu Qianlang, who is now in the Immortal Demon Universe, it is reasonable to say that he does not change his once great kindness. After all, everything he does is to destroy the Universe Continent, and he spends extra effort for the immortalization of the entire Immortal Demon Universe.

However, his style and methods of doing things are really not flattering, even a little bad.

Listening to what he said, it's like a kind father and mother who just tricked someone into getting drunk and then came back to care about his future. It can be said to be bad and wise.

What's even more ridiculous is that the young master Jin Zong really took Liu Qianlang's words to heart, and pondered for a while.

Young Master Jin Zong originally had hatred in his heart, but now he has wiped out all the five beast demons except himself, and the hatred has completely disappeared.

Young Master Jinzong secretly asked himself about his relationship with Qinglei, it was unrequited love at best, and it was nothing more than a chance encounter from the beginning, and there was no intersection.

Such unrequited love is not rushed for a while, he won't be too late to gain power, besides, Mengxian Zhouzhu below is right, he really needs a scapegoat for his random killings.

Since the Dream Immortal Lord below is the young child of the Creation of the Immortal Territory, and has practiced the two standard magic formula scrolls and magic skills, he does have two tricks, so he is the best candidate to take the blame.

Besides, he was right. With a great future, there are no beauties. Competing with one beauty is better than putting your mind on countless beauties...

The young master of Jinzong thought about it for a while, not only did he not resent being used by Liu Qianlang, but he felt a sense of gratitude in his heart.

The young master of Jinzong sighed secretly, thankfully he had no hands to kill this guy quickly, if he was not alive, he would really be in a whole lot of trouble.

Cheng's father-in-law asked himself to consult the two standard magic formula scrolls, but more importantly, he asked himself to appease the Demon Thunder Sect's domains, but in the end he wiped out the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect and the five beast clans.

The more Young Master Jinzong thought about it, the more he felt that what Liu Qianlang said was reasonable, so he howled in the sky:

"Forget it! The young master of the Jinzong will let you go today, so you can just be your new master of the Nebula of the Demon Thunder Sect. Don't forget to help me take the blame, hahaha..."

Young Master Jin Zong yelled a bit, then whizzed away.

Liu Qianlang in the rear continued to drink the Xiaoyao wine like this, without even moving a finger, he occupied the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent—his second base in the Ruizhou Continent.

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