Nine Heavens

Chapter 2243 Demon Slaying Commander

After the young master of the Jinzong left, Liu Qianlang used more than ten days to kill all the remnants of the beast races and monsters around the Demon Thunder Sect, and left an obvious trace, that is, all the monsters slaughtered by him of Warcraft.

If there were corpses of the killed monsters, there would be a blood hole in the throat of these corpses, which is a unique feature of young master Jin Zong's murder.

After completing these, Liu Qianlang returned to the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect in a grand manner, destroyed all the monster buildings, summoned Ganoderma lucidum, Princess Yingyao, Princess Qinglei, Pioneer of the Star Immortal, and all the people of the three spirits and monsters. It didn't take long for the new Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Palace to be completed.

The new Mo Leizong Palace is called Tumo Palace, and there are three halls around it, namely Ganoderma Lucidum Hall, Yingyao Tower, and Xingxian Hall. The Molei Flower Domain and the Molei Wuhua Weiling Domain still exist, and all the monster clans gather in their respective areas.

Its leaders are still Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, but they are no longer called domain masters, but the two spirit emperors and three demon emperors of Moleizong.

At the same time, the two voluntarily added the title of "Guardian Left and Right", Ganoderma lucidum as Liu Qianlang's Ganoderma Zuohuang Envoy, and Princess Yingyao as Liu Qianlang's Yingyao Right Envoy.

As for the Star Immortal Pioneer and the three Star Brothers who have also returned to their normal fairy bodies, they are each responsible for the East, West, North, South, and North Demon Slaying Commanders of the Demon Slaying Palace.

Because of their body color and iridescent characteristics, they are respectively called the Grand Marshal of the Blue Cang and Zilan, the Grand Marshal of the Hongchou and Cuilan, the Grand Marshal of the Green Liao and Chilan, and the Grand Marshal of the Purple Veined Lanlan and the South.

They are referred to as Dong Xing Shuai, Xi Xing Shuai, Nan Xing Shuai and Bei Xing Shuai. Liu Qianlang proclaimed himself Emperor of the Eastern Continent, and Princess Qinglei as Empress of the Eastern Continent.

To say that Liu Qianlang is too low-key, this is clearly going against the most powerful Central Destruction Continent Demon Palace in the Destruction Continent.

In fact, in the cosmic structure of countless concentric ring nebulae in the Universe of Destruction Continent, except for the center is the edge, where is the East Land of the Destruction of the Universe? A place on the eastern edge, which is not even a mosquito leg compared to the central nebula, calls itself the East Continent of the Destroying Eternal Continent.

How ridiculous such a thing is, you will understand after catching a mosquito and studying it. However, Liu Qianlang did such a thing.

Did he start to live a carefree life after occupying the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect like he deceived the young master of the Jinzong, and did not try to make progress.

It is his consistent style to be free and unrestrained, even if he wants to die, it will not affect his drinking and happiness. But he still has an unchanging demeanor, that is, go forward bravely, no matter how powerful the gods and demons are, I will make me happy!

The Demon Slaughtering Palace in the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect of the Destroyed Eternity Continent was newly established, and the members of the Three Spirits and Monster Clan were rejoicing. On this day, Liu Qianlang sent an order to hold a meeting, saying that there was an important announcement to be made.

Hearing that Emperor Donglu Zhou was summoned, all the courtiers and ministers were naturally happy, and they came one after another. They were used to thinking that something good was about to knock them out, so they went to the hall one after another, nodding and smiling at each other, each with a beautiful heart.

"Huh? Why didn't any of the four star coaches come?"

Liu Qianlang and the Queen's wife sat on the throne of the Emperor of the Universe, looking at the people in the hall, frowning and asking.

"Returning to Emperor Zhou, Dongfang Xingshuai said that they are busy practicing the four-star shake land star Zhouhao Lianxi magic art, saying that they must break through the limitation of separating each other and quickly spreading breath, and they have no time to go to court.

They all asked me to keep the benefits given by Emperor Zhou for now, and don't wipe them away. "

Liu Qianlang leaned over and asked seriously. The Queen of the Erling Emperor Ganoderma lucidum, who was at the front of the emperor's palace, looked at it, only to hear sniggering. When every courtier answered, Lingzhizi had to glance at her side and also snickered. The three demon emperor Ying Yao princess bowed her head and replied.

The reason why the people in the hall laughed secretly was because they knew that the four-star marshal was practicing some magical skills, and when they came, they still watched him and the others playing chess and wine in the clouds.

It's not that they don't have time to go to court, but they are afraid of delaying Du Xingqi. However, the star chess they are fighting is also a game for them, but it is a cosmic sky for the world of the next universe, and the layout is really not a trivial matter.

"Why, even Er Linghuang can tell lies, it would be great if the four of them could work so hard.

Emperor Ben Zhou is also very troublesome to them, they are too playful, in order to monitor them, Emperor Ben Zhou invented this, let's take a look together. "

As Liu Qianlang spoke, he raised his hands and waved his sleeves towards the palace, but he didn't know what he had done, only to see that the sky-like roof of the main hall of Tumo Palace suddenly became like a sky, the sky was as blue as washing, and the white clouds were long.

The eyes jumped over one white cloud after another, and the four star commanders everyone saw were on top of a huge white cloud. There was a light blue star chess table in the center of them, which was covered with golden light star chess.

Lan Cang Zilan's posture is the most amusing, with his elbow leaning on the cloud, his whole body half submerged in the cloud, his upper body leaning to one side of the chess table.

With both eyes, staring at the golden star chess game, while holding the immortal wine with the other hand and drinking it freely, when the wine glass was put down, he did not forget to throw a few grains of divine fruit into his mouth.

The others were also off-kilter, and the postures were more lazy and funny than the other.

When Liu Qianlang saw it, he was very angry and funny, and asked loudly using the remote sound and sound waves of his soul thoughts at the same time:

"Four Star Marshals, I have something important to discuss with Emperor Motu, why didn't you come?"



"Emperor Zhou called us, probably Emperor Erling didn't bring our message. What should we say this time?"

The three star commanders from the north, the south, and the west, because Lancang Zilan Xingshuai followed Liu Qianlang first, and he was the strongest, so they listened to him in everything, so when they heard Liu Qianlang's soul transmission, they were surprised at first, and then Ask Lancang Zilan Xingshuai.

Unexpectedly, Lancang Zilan Xingshuai sat up, looked around for a while, covered his mouth with one hand, motioned his brothers to keep quiet, and then asked in a low voice:

"What did you tell the Erling Emperor just now?"

"Of course it's practice, isn't that what I say every time!"

The three star coaches replied in unison.

"Oh, I see."

After Lancang Zilan Xingshuai heard the words, he cleared his throat and replied honestly:

"I'm sorry Emperor Zhou and all the palace friends, our four brothers are cultivating intensively, and it's really inconvenient to stop. No matter how important the matter is, as long as we are needed, just leave us the tasks that belong to us."

When Lancang Zilan finished speaking, with a snap, she threw another divine fruit into her mouth.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing him like this, Liu Qianlang and all the officials in the palace couldn't help but burst out laughing, even Qing Lei felt amused for a while.

"The four star commanders have really improved. They drank immortal wine, ate divine fruit, played star chess, and practiced magical skills. This level of strength really made this Demon Slayer Emperor Zhou see.

Well, you should continue to practice, the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty will order an important mission to be carried out today, and it is necessary to discuss who should go to the Demon Thunder City and the other seven sects.

This is the arrangement of Emperor Zhou. Anyone who attends the palace meeting today can be considered again and again, but if there are those who do not come to participate in today's discussion, then the task will be given to them directly.

Emperor Ben Zhou took a wide look at the main hall of Demon Slaughtering Zhou Palace, and found that only four of you are missing. It is not obvious that the candidates are you.

I don't want to disturb your cultivation anymore, and the task is entrusted to you. Since we have nothing to do in the hall, we can only drink and chat, come on, all the immortals will pour wine, we will get drunk today! "

Liu Qianlang winked at His Royal Highness and the officials, and said loudly on purpose.

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