Nine Heavens

Chapter 2244 You two thousand two hundred forty-three

"What, let's go to Magic Thunder City!"

Hearing the words, the four star commanders suddenly jumped up, threw away the chess and wine, glanced at each other, tongue-tied, and immediately flew towards the Demon Slaughter Palace hand in hand in a hurry.

As far as these four star commanders are concerned, in today's Demon Slayer Palace, apart from the Demon Slayer Land Emperor and the two Spirit Emperors, they belong to them.

However, as the Generalissimo of the Slaughtering Demon Palace, these four were afraid when it came to war, and retreated when they mentioned going to war. Everything has to be forced by Liu Qianlang and a military order can be made to force them to honor the military order.

At this moment, when they heard that Emperor Zhou was going to send him to that ghostly place in Molei City, it was obviously not a good place to go, and they would issue some military orders if they had nothing to say.

"No! Hurry up, we can't go this time, we can't go this time, we've made it this far, we can't lose our lives!"

While speeding like lightning, Lancang Zilan looked at the three star brothers left and right and muttered.

"Brother Lan, you are right, the last time we were imprisoned by the Demon Thunder Sect was miserable enough, if Emperor Zhou hadn't killed the Demon Lion Kings suddenly, the three of us would have been drunk by the two of them that day.

I heard from us that they like to eat the fresh Chuangzhou Immortal Territory Chuchu, which is tender and delicious, unlike the Yucu Continent's Chuchu, which is fishy and smelly.

When we heard their words, we were frightened, and there are still sequelae to this day. Whenever we mentioned them, our legs softened. "

Zimai Lanlan Xingshuai said anxiously.

"Hey! I said, why do we have to do this? Why do we have to be some kind of star commander? After a while, we just resign and quit. Why are we worrying and frightened every day, not having fun playing chess, not concentrating on playing chess, and eating alcohol? I don't like it!"

These are the words of Western Star Marshal Hong Liao Cuilan.

"That's why it's so boring!"

Lvchou Chilan also chimed in.

"Cut, you three are really ignorant. If we don't do this, we won't have three people, one star commander and one star commander, who will be complimenting us. We won't have countless marshal salaries, and we won't have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and get rewards.

Let me tell you, it’s right to be the Quartet Star Commander, the village’s fault is that Emperor Zhou shouldn’t always let us deploy troops to work, and always issue military orders, and we won’t be paid if we don’t complete them. You say this is unreasonable.

We should think about how to do it. If we don’t accept the order, we will get our salary for nothing. That’s great. No expedition, no danger, let alone happy in our four-star main hall all day long. "

Lancang Zilan Xingshuai retorted.

"Also, I'm afraid we won't have many days together in the future. I heard from the Marshal Shougong, the Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion, that after the seven leopards and eight wolves, the fifteen Nebula Lords and the Black Mouse and other rudder masters went to After taking office in our respective regions, our Quartet Star Commanders will soon go to their respective regions to guard the border!"

Hongliao Cuilan and Lvchou Chilan sighed together.

"Hey! I've thought about this a long time ago. If Emperor Zhou mentions this later, we will say in unison that we need to practice together and cannot be separated. Remember?"

Lancang Zilan Xingshuai smiled strangely when he heard the words of the two brothers.

"Yeah, that's really a good reason, it's not good for anything, hehe, haha..."

The four were chatting happily while flying.

They were having fun, and the people in the Demon Slaughtering Palace were almost teased by them. All the officials in the palace leaned forward and back together, and couldn't restrain themselves for a while. Liu Qianlang was also used to the behavior of the four star commanders, and never really got angry in his heart. He also laughed freely.

After half an hour.

The four star commanders finally galloped into the palace of Demon Slayer Palace.

"Wow! This is terrible, the meeting is over!"

The four star commanders rushed over in a hurry, saw that the entire hall of the Demon Slaughter Palace was empty, and couldn't help but look at each other.

After looking around for a while, Lancang Zilan Xingshuai said with a bitter face.

"Then, what should we do? According to what Emperor Zhou said, the task of going to the Demon Thunder City and Qifangzong will be handed over to us! Ghosts know how terrifying those places are. If we are caught again, we will not be in the Demon Thunder Sect." So lucky to be caught!

well! You must know how good it is that we came early, and push this matter to the seven leopards, eight wolves and fifteen lords, or the rudder masters such as Xuanshu, and let them take over. "

Hongliao Cuilan, with rainbows all over her body, and her thick green eyes almost shed tears, looking very miserable.

"Hmph! They are too unrighteous. Didn't Emperor Zhou just say that he would only rest when he was drunk? Why did he drink it back in less than half an hour? It's really infuriating.

Walk! We also go back, anyway, they are not there, we immediately hide in seclusion and have fun, if we have any tasks, we pretend not to hear, just don't answer, let's see what they do! "

Lancang Zilan Xingshuai's dazzling eyes twirled for a while, suddenly smiled, and then called the three brothers to leave.

"Oh my God! Woohoo... You are finally here! It's terrible, the young master of the Jinzong just wrote a letter of war to Emperor Zhou, saying that he will lead countless Demon Thunder City troops to slaughter our Demon Slaughter Palace tomorrow! Woolen cloth.

Emperor Zhou and all the high-level brothers waited for you again and again, but you didn't come, so they had to leave me to wait for you, and then went to the ninth floor of the abyss to discuss the matter of dealing with Young Master Jinzong tomorrow. "

Just as the four Star Marshals were about to leave the ground with their feet off the ground, they saw a tall, hunched figure appearing from the back of the palace. The four of them took a closer look and saw that it was the Marshal of the Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion.

The Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion burst into tears when he saw Sifang Xingshuai.

"My mother, why is our Demon Slaughtering Palace so unlucky? Just a few days after we were happy, he came to take revenge. Marshal of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion Demon King, don't do this. Isn't there Emperor Zhou and you guys?

We believe that with you protecting the Demon Slaughtering Palace, we will definitely be able to defeat the Young Master Jinzong and those monsters in the Demon Thunder City! "

Lancang Zilan Xingshuai heard the situation in front of him, and it seemed that it would be difficult to stay out of it, so he said.

"Why, as the four star commanders of our Demon Slaughter East Continent Demon Slaughter Palace, don't you plan to live and die with Slaughter Demon Palace?"

Hearing the words, the Devil Thunder and Lightning Scorpion Demon King pretended to be surprised, raised his eyes and stared and asked.

"Hi! Of course, that is of course, but when we came just now, Emperor Zhou agreed, let us go back and wait for his order to let us go to Demon Thunder City and Seven Nebula Continents.

As soldiers, orders are everything. Since Emperor Zhou said to give us a mission, we have to go back and wait for his order even if we die, and then resolutely execute it, and never slack off! "

Lancang Zilan Xingshuai snickered in his heart, now it's all right, Emperor Zhou couldn't come out, so he couldn't give himself orders, and he was so clever to push back the protection of the Demon Slaughter Palace. Depending on the situation at that time, life-saving is the most important thing.

He pondered this in his heart, and then the words that came out of his mouth were sonorous and powerful.

"Admiration! Admiration! Emperor Zhou did not misunderstand you. He said that you four star commanders are the Great Wall that will always stand in our Demon Slaughter Palace. I didn't believe it before. I heard Lancang Zilan Xingshuai just now. Believe it or not.

Here you are, Emperor Zhou asked me to wait for you to give you your mission, well, I have completed the mission, and I hurried to the outside of the palace to command the gatekeeper. Try to guard the door when the young master Jin Zong comes tomorrow, so that everyone will die later! "

The Devil Thunder and Lightning Scorpion Demon King laughed wildly in his heart, bowed his head and lowered his head, his nose was bubbling like tears, and said in an infinitely sad tone, handing the four star commanders a volume of the Edict of the Emperor of the Universe, and then left suddenly.

Seeing the hunchbacked figure of the Demon King of Thunder and Lightning Scorpion leaving, the four star commanders felt sad in their hearts.

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