Nine Heavens

Chapter 2260 Dream Fairy Shaving

"Really, then I will be able to see my husband very soon. That's great. Where are you now, brother Mengxian? Hurry up and start practicing. Sister Xiang'er can't wait!"

When Cheng Xiang heard the words, she was immediately overjoyed, she ran with open arms in the boundless sea of ​​Moyuan flowers, and said with a smile.

Then she floated up, wanted to fly towards Liu Qianlang's eyes, wanted to see what was going on outside Liu Qianlang's mind.

"Xiang'er, don't be anxious, don't move around, and adjust your obsessions and emotions. Only the stronger your obsessions, the greater the chance of Brother Mengxian's success."

Liu Qianlang didn't want Princess Chengxiang to see the situation outside, so she said this on purpose.

"Oh! That's right! Well, Xiang'er listens to Brother Mengxian, and stay here to adjust your breath."

Princess Chengxiang, who had already floated up, heard Liu Qianlang's words, her emerald green eyes sparkled, and she pouted.

"Hehe, good sister, you are so good. This magic flower domain is where I deliberately tried to turn my magic thoughts into immortals. Xiang'er sucks it for a long time, and it is just right for you to turn demons into immortals.

Brother Mengxian still has something to do, so let's just have fun and don't run around. "

Liu Qianlang exhorted at the end of the sentence.

"Okay, Xiang'er understands, Brother Mengxian, you just need to be busy, don't forget to help Xiang'er pay attention to her husband's movements, if you find anything, you have to tell my sister!"

Although the brothers and sisters have known each other not long ago, but because of their good roots, they cherish each other, and soon they are connected with each other, and they can communicate with each other.

"Oh, that's right, Sect Master Jin, how should we deal with the rising power of the Eternal East Continent that has risen from the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula Continent after the establishment of our Star Alliance?"

After Liu Qianlang had a few conversations with the demon girl, he returned his attention to the dialogue between the demons in the Snow Demon and the Blue Palace, just in time to hear the waves, light and shadows around the ice-cold otter demon, with its sharp mouth open, its face covered with mist asked in a sharp voice to the hall.

"Haha... you're talking about that ignorant Chuangxianxianyu. That's not easy, we just send a few sect scouts to destroy that nebula.

Thinking about that Zhou Chu who came to create the Immortal Realm of the Universe was also a fool, thinking that we would be a piece of cake after cleaning up the trash of the Three Spirits and Monster Clan!

Not to mention anything else, just from the fact that he obtained the two major standard magic formulas of the Lion Demon Clan and was robbed by the young master of the Jinzong, it can be seen that his strength is not great.

He was able to unify the three Nebula Continents of the Three Spirits and Monsters, not because of how powerful he is, the most important thing is that the Three Spirits and Monsters have never been favored by us Warcraft Clan, and they have long since abandoned the demons and returned to the immortals.

So they suddenly saw a young boy who created the Immortal Territory of the Universe, who actually relied on feces as a mountain. As a result, you think about it! "

"Ha ha……"

The Golden Luhu Demon has never looked down upon Liu Qianlang's destruction of the Mengxian Tumo Palace in the Eastern Continent of the Eternal Continent. The reason is as mentioned just now.

He laughed out loud, which also caused the group of demons in the palace to burst into laughter.

Liu Qianlang was originally lying on his back on his waterfall curtain cloud bed, drinking the fairy wine beautifully, and relieved the hardship of the journey, so he didn't intend to torment these monsters.

Just now, I decided to let these monsters be happy for the time being, and let them go to Create Universe Immortal Realm to grab some fairyland resources tomorrow. Controlling Yuanshen Soul Essence Core, Heart Sea Heart and Immortal Body.

Unexpectedly, these stinky and shameless people don't know their own strength, so it's fine to make fun of themselves, and even compare themselves to feces, how can this make Liu Qianlang happy.

Immediately received the fairy wine, and drank it in the mood, and then scolded the group of demons' grandmas and grandmas a hundred times one by one, while thinking about how to tease them.

Liu Qianlang lay sideways on the cloud bed of the waterfall curtain and observed for a while, and found that all these monsters except the snow turtle had long hair all over their bodies, so he immediately had an idea.

Piao Ran floated behind them one by one, and then secretly shaved off all the animal hairs on their backs with the magic sword, put them in a magic bottle, and returned to the Golden Land Rover demon head.

Liu Qianlang is the last one to shave the back of the Golden Land Rover.

"Haha... drink! Drink to your heart's content..."

"Ha ha……"

The group of demons were getting drunk gradually, but they didn't realize it. Liu Qianlang looked at the hideous and terrifying appearance of each of them in front of them, and the nakedness behind them. Without doing anything, they shaved off all the devil hairs on their bodies, and then put them all in the little magic bottle just now.

The group of demons with their hair shaved fell asleep all over the place, snoring like thunder and grinning. If killing them at this time, Liu Qianlang would be effortless.

But Liu Qianlang doesn't want to kill them yet, Liu Qianlang knows a truth very well in his heart, sometimes it is more effective to defeat the enemy with the enemy than to kill himself.

Furthermore, my goal is to transform and destroy the Universe Continent step by step, not just for slaughter.

Besides, I just occupied the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect, so it is too much to plot against the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder City so soon. It's better to keep these monsters, strategize, let the situation develop step by step towards a situation that is beneficial to you, and then move with the times.

Liu Qianlang's idea is very realistic and necessary. After "finishing haircut" for the group of demons, he finally happily lay down on the waterfall curtain cloud bed high in the hall and slept beautifully.

It is said that in the early morning of the next day, because the suzerain throne of the Snow Demon Sect Master Snow Demon Turtle was sitting on the highest position, a gust of cold wind poured in from outside the hall, and he couldn't help feeling chills all over his body, shivering, and then woke up.


Then he suddenly found that he was suddenly hairless all over his body, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

However, when he looked up, he found that not only himself, but all the monsters in the audience had been shaved. The Golden Land Rover's demon eyes flashed wildly, and he didn't know what happened. When he hesitated in embarrassment, he was afraid that other beast monsters would see his ugly appearance after waking up and laugh at him, so he escaped with a flash of golden light.

Next, the other suzerains also woke up one after another, but they were all similar to the Golden Land Tiger Demon, and they all chose to flash away quickly. Even if they saw each other's ugliness, they pretended not to see each other, and secretly scolded the Golden Land Tiger Demon in their hearts. and go.

All the monsters who left later thought that the Golden Luhu Demon was playing tricks again, and he did it for the sake of seeking the position of the city lord. However, all the demons were ashamed and annoyed by such a loss of dignity, and it was not easy to collectively mobilize the star bewitch to deal with the golden land tiger demon.

They all secretly searched for a place, worked crazily, and went to grow their hair first.

A long time after all the demons left in embarrassment, Liu Qianlang stretched his waist and woke up. This time Liu Qianlang slept soundly.


"It's really the relief of his demon grandma. Who understands my snow turtle so much and shaved their fur. It shouldn't be the golden land tiger demon, he must be... hehe... good wine, good wine... ..."

Hearing His Highness's chaotic laughter, Liu Qianlang leaned over to see that all the demons had disappeared, and only the snow turtle was left talking to itself and drinking...

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