Nine Heavens

Chapter 2261 Stepping Magic Stone

The seven days of the first round of competition for the position of city lord passed in a blink of an eye.

On the morning of the eighth day in the Nebula Continent of Molei City, the empress of Molei City sat in the hall early, with a calm expression on her face, watching the young master of the Jinzong, Moleihou, and the eight great sects of demons enter the hall one after another.

"Sovereign masters, the young master of the Jinzong, Mo Leihou really kept his promise, and when the time came for the seven-day invasion of the Immortal Realm, everyone who did not fall would return as scheduled.

The eldest princess originally planned to compete one round after another, but considering the fairness of your competition and the mood of the competition, I decided to compare the results together after completing all three rounds.

Who is strong and who is weak in the first round does not determine the final victory or defeat. The most important thing is the next second and third rounds of competition.

It's too early to talk about the third round of wheel fighting, let's talk about the second round of life and death vows and breaking into the eight sects and nine demon soul formations. The oath of life and death was made in the hall today, and those who pass it will naturally open the door of the demon souls in front of the hall nine days later, and you will be given three months to decide the winner or loser based on the order in which you come back alive and the level of magic treasures you collect. "

Princess Molei sat upright and looked down on all the demons who were supposed to come, and without any words, she directly told the process of the next battle.

"This? That's fine, just listen to the eldest princess! How to make a life-and-death oath, let the eldest princess tell me!"

The demons of His Majesty, especially the eight major sects, originally thought that Princess Molei would let all the demons demonstrate the achievements of the seven-day invasion and creation of the Universe Immortal Realm, so each of them held the battle merits and stored the magic weapon, and they were waiting to show their great achievements. Unexpectedly Princess Molei and Princess Qingguo did not do this, so they all looked at each other unexpectedly.

The Golden Luhu Demon pondered in his mind, and thought to himself, that's fine, it would be a good thing to reveal the Warring States of the Eight Great Sect Demons earlier, so as not to surprise them, so he hesitated for a while, and replied.

"Follow the princess' orders!"

There was no objection to being called Jin Luhumo. The other sect demons, the young master of Jinzong, including Mo Leihou, all raised their hands and saluted, expressing their agreement.


Princess Molei, the head of the country, nodded slightly when she heard the words, which was considered to be a response.

Then she showed her beautiful face, swept across the demons, deliberately stayed on the face of Young Master Jinzong for a while, and then said:

"Hehe... Jin Luhu Demon is not a bit confused anymore. Any action in Molei City, if you say life and death oaths for other things, you have a choice, but the rules of life and death oaths in the battle for the position of the city lord have not been ironclad throughout the ages!

As long as you summon the nine Eternal Life and Death Stones sealed by His Majesty, those of you who sit on them and meditate quietly for nine days and nine nights are considered to have passed.

However, if the magic power is not enough, the life and death stone backfires, the magic essence cosmic body collapses or falls in the middle, it is the providence of the magic way, and you can't complain about it, and it is naturally regarded as a failure in the second round of competition! "

Princess Molei couldn't help laughing when she heard Jin Luhumo's words, and then said slowly with a serious and cold face.

"What! The eldest princess wants to activate the life and death stone of the city that has been dusty for hundreds of billions of years!?"

What is the life and death stone? The stone of life and death is something that is changed silently by hearing the rumors in the continent of ruining the universe. In the gate of the continent of ruining the universe, the six people in the Zongcheng Palace have corresponding life and death stones of the same level.

The life and death stone contains two kinds of extremely powerful magic energy, pros and cons, and it is the only test standard for the upgrade of any level-destroyed continent monster.

There are six 60th-level demons in the palace and lower positions of the Ruizhou Continent, each with a tenth level. If every level demon wants to know how many levels his strength has reached, he will naturally know how long he can stand on the stone of life and death.

If one day is passed, it is considered to have reached the first-level strength of the standard, two days for the second-level, and so on, and the last nine days are spent easily, and the strength of the best tenth-level has been reached, and one can rise to the upper-level demon.

But if this is the case, it is not terrible. What is terrible is that any monster that destroys the continent will not dare to sit on the stone of life and death. Because the stone of life and death has been said before, it contains two completely opposite magic energies, pros and cons.

Whenever a monster sits on it, these two kinds of magic power will be activated immediately, and every day, the strength of the two big magic powers will double. If the monster is strong enough to control the two big magic powers, it will naturally survive. The desired step energy time.

On the contrary, the stone of life and death will crazily counterattack, absorbing the magic energy in the body of the super-level demon. If the demon fails to escape in time, it will be sucked to death alive!

Therefore, in the Continent of Destroying Eternity, monsters who want to cross the ranks generally do not dare to sit on the standard life and death stone, also known as the stepping stone, if they are not sure of 100,000.

The materials of this stepping stone are different for different demons. From the gate domain Zongcheng Palace, from bottom to top, there are Mozhou Heart Stone, Mozhou Heart Jade, Mozhou Heart Crystal, Mozhou Heart Essence, Mozhou Heart Gold, and Mozhou Heart. Zhouxin drill.

The life and death stone that the queen of the Molei city wants to unseal is the material of the Mozhou Heart Crystal. Compared with the Mozhou Heart Jade Life and Death Stone of the Molei Emperor, the inner magic power is at least 90,000 eons. positive and negative magical energy.

Princess Molei not only has to use the life-and-death stone of the city as a means of swearing in the battle for the city lord, but also requires competitors to spend nine days on it, that is, the strength surpasses the strength of the demon of the city to be eligible The upper-ranking Demon Thunder City Lord.

Logically speaking, such a request is not too much for the purpose of choosing the Lord of Molei, but for the eight great sects of demons, it was really a shock. Even the always arrogant and confident Jin Luhu Demon was very surprised, and asked with his tongue open.

"Hmph! Why, is it wrong for the princess to choose a worthy city lord for Molei City?

The eldest princess has no intention of embarrassing you, she only cares about Molei City. If anyone wants to quit, the eldest princess will never stop it. "

Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo sneered and snorted when she saw that all the demons in her Highness were all shocked.

"Ha ha……"

"Even the eldest princess can devote herself so much to Demon Thunder City, how can we, as the masters of the Eight Great Sects of the Demon Thunder Kingdom, stay out of it.

The other suzerains, the principal Luhumo dare not speak for it, but the principal Luhumo vows to accept the life and death stone! "

Hearing the sarcasm from Princess Molei, the Golden Land Tiger raised his head and laughed, and then said in a compelling tone.

"Okay! My princess admires Jin Luhu Demon Sect Master for being so brave! Then I wish you good luck first. Do other Demon Lords who participated in the battle for the city master have any objections?"

The Eldest Princess Qingguo heard the Golden Luhu Demon pick it up, and after sighing with a smile, her beautiful eyes swept towards the other monsters of His Highness.

Both Mo Leihou and the young master of Jinzong lived in Molei City, especially Moleihou had already experienced the test of the life and death stone of Molei City, so he naturally agreed.

But the other sect demons became more embarrassing one by one, secretly cursing the eldest princess for her country's wickedness.

But apart from the Snow Demon Turtle, the other sect demons also accepted it cruelly.

"There is a way to do everything according to one's ability, and the high-ranking ones live there. This Snow Demon Turtle knows that its strength is not enough, and it is basically not worth the life and death stone of the city. It is willing to withdraw from the battle for the city lord, so I can only wish everyone good luck!

Those who don't want to fight don't want to do it. I happen to have a lot of things to do in Xingyun, so let's go first. In the future, the new city lord will come to congratulate me. Take care, I will go! "

The snow demon tortoise kept its head down and remained silent. After bursts of ice and snow rose all over its body, it suddenly said this, and then without waiting for the reaction of the demons, it simply swayed, turned into a whirlpool of wind and snow, and shot out of the magic thunder city palace in a circle.

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