Nine Heavens

Chapter 2262 sleeping hall tricks

"Well, although the Snow Demon Sect Master is not strong enough, he acts rationally in everything, which can be considered his strength."

Princess Molei wished that all suzerains would withdraw from the battle of the city master like the snow tortoise, so she used the fact that the snow tortoise left was a pun, implying that the remaining seven suzerains were overestimating their capabilities.

"Since everyone left behind is determined, why should the eldest princess talk too much, and immediately unseal the city's life and death Zhouxin Demon Crystal."

Princess Molei's voice is soft and sweet, but the meaning is sour and piercing. Naturally, all the sect demons present are unwilling to listen. Lan Yinghu, the lord of the earth demon, hovering around the blue sand, reminds the eldest princess with a very calm voice. Overwhelm the country.

"Yo! Look, the Sovereign Lord of the Earth Demon is in a hurry. Well, since there are people who are anxious to... Alas! You see, it's not that I'm in a hurry to become the city lord, I'm just a temporary master. Why do I talk so much, all demon lords Look!"

Princess Molei's eyes flashed golden and shone towards the Earth Demon Sect, she sighed coquettishly, raised her hand, and shot five flashes of magic lightning in red, blue, green, purple and black from the five fingers of her right hand, and shot them into the bottom of the palace.


Immediately there was a roaring sound, and nine pillars of pitch-black magic crystals, which were more than ten feet thick and hundreds of miles tall, suddenly rose above the main hall of the Demon Thunder City.

As soon as the nine magic crystal pillars came out, all the light in the palace was swallowed up by them in an instant, and the entire palace of the magic thunder city was pitch black, except for the depressive roaring hurricane whistling sound of the magic energy around the nine dark magic crystal pillars.

"Everyone is invited!"

Princess Molei let out a sneer, she was clearly in the palace, but she shouted in an ethereal voice as if from the edge of the ruined continent.

"Hmph! The eldest princess just wait, the Principal Land Rover will not let you down, so you should dress up neatly and prepare to be the Queen of the Principal Land Rover's Demon Thunder City!"

The golden land tiger demon looked at the situation in front of him, either he was dying or he would soon be brilliant, so why be polite, he also snorted coldly, took the lead to cover the golden body guard, and flew to the middle of the nine black magic crystal pillars The root went up.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, the other six suzerains, as well as Mo Leihou and the young master of the Jinzong also successively shone with their body protectors, each choosing a pillar, and circling up.


"Golden Land Tiger is fierce and majestic, powerful, if you can really sit on the throne of Demon Thunder City Lord, this eldest princess will definitely throw herself into your arms!"

According to the rules of the Destroyed Universe Continent, after taking the position first, after the death of the lord, the new lord will inherit along with the harem of the previous lord.

That's why the Jin Luhu Demon and the Princess Molei's princess just said that they are still the same.

Princess Molei gave an unimaginably charming smile, and she didn't want to suffer in the palace and wait for nine days, only to see his emerald green figure flashing and drifting towards the harem.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang also followed the Eight Great Sect Demons back to the palace of the Demon Thunder City.

Seeing that all the demons have gone up to the magic stone of crossing steps, wouldn't it be boring to wait for nine days, so he quietly went out, intending to throw all their magic weapons for harvesting power, and then refine the soul core of the soul for Chengxiang , Heart of Heart Sea and Immortal Body...

It is said that after Princess Mo Lei returned to the bedroom of the Lord of Mo Lei City, there was already a Mo Lao waiting for her there.

"The old white-headed demon waited for the empress for a long time, but I don't know what orders the empress has, so the old white-headed demon will do it now."

This demon elder is none other than the one hundred and eight demon elders in Molei City, who is under one person and above ten thousand people, and the first demon master of the three hundred and sixty-one demon masters in the palace.

Before Princess Molei went to the palace this morning, she deliberately sent her magic thoughts to come quietly and wait for her.


"You hypocritical male demons, each of you has a crooked heart, but each of you pretends to be confused. What do you think the eldest princess wants you to come to the bedroom for, ah? Hehe..."

Princess Molei floated in front of the white-headed old man, her delicate face was shy, her devil eyes looked at the white-headed old man, and she wrapped her sleeves around the white-headed old man, almost throwing herself into his arms and said coquettishly.

"The eldest princess was joking, you are the eldest princess of the Molei country, and you are also the empress of the Molei city. Even if the new city lord takes over, you are still the empress of the new city.

Although the subordinate is dull, he still has self-knowledge, so please don't ridicule the eldest princess. "

The old white-headed demon mechanically pushed his hands back as hard as he could, fearing that he couldn't help hugging Princess Molei, who was almost kissing his chest, and replied with a trembling voice.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just want to ask you, do you want to have a romantic night with this princess and have a taste of sweetness?"

Princess Molei bent her arms and hugged the old white-headed devil's head to her breasts, blowing the fragrance in her ears, and asked the old white-headed devil in a sweet voice.

"I think! The eldest princess has such an extraordinary appearance. If the white-headed demon said that he didn't want to get close, he would be deceiving himself. However, I, the white-headed demon, really can't think of anything that can make the eldest princess so favored."

The white-headed demon elder can be said to have extraordinary concentration. In such a situation, he can still be clear-headed, which is really the best among monsters.


"You are frank enough. What is the status of the eldest princess, and how exquisite her appearance is, I am naturally aware of it, how can I send fragrances at random.

The reason why this eldest princess gave you a chance to kiss my eldest princess Fangze is that there is naturally a need for you. Use my fragrant body in exchange for the support of the 108th Demon Elder and the 361st Demon Lord, and recommend me to be the Lord of the Demon Thunder!

This kind of transaction, it stands to reason that as long as I order you, you should obey. However, my eldest princess has always pursued 100% perfection in everything I do, and I want you to recommend me wholeheartedly, that's why my eldest princess did this.

You Baitoumo is always a smart person, and if you support me as the Lord of Molei, the benefits you will get are far more than what the Young Master Jinzong gave you.

Didn't he just give you some of the re-recorded magic formulas of the two major standard magic formula scrolls? If you support this princess as the leader, not only can you get all the two standard magic formula scrolls to re-record the magic formula, you, the white-headed devil, and me, a beauty, can enjoy it.

Do you want to fight against the princess, or spend the spring evening with the beauty in your arms, uh? giggling..."

Princess Molei used an extremely provocative voice, exhaled like blue, and stroked the lion face of the white-headed demon with her soft arms.

"You know about our Eighteenth Demon Lord and the young master of Jinzong!?"

The old white-headed demon was startled when he heard the words, he couldn't help taking a few steps back, and shouted.

" it strange, in the entire Molei City, there is a corner where the princess doesn't know what happened.

What's all the fuss about, now it's pitch black inside and outside the palace, it's a good time to embrace sweet dreams, why, doesn't the old white-headed demon fall in love with beauties? "

Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo continued to smile coquettishly, her body deliberately snuggled into the arms of the old white-headed demon.

"Hmph! Please be respectful, the Queen of the City! Although I, the white-headed demon, also covets the beauty of the Queen of the City, but I will never lose my morals because of this, and I will not be a successor to the new city lord!

Please forgive me for speaking bluntly, with your despicable and despicable behavior, you are not worthy of being the Lord of the Demon Thunder City at all. That's right, I was coveting the two standard magic formula scrolls for a while to re-record the magic formula, but I regretted it later, I had already destroyed it, and decided to go to the Demon Thunder Kingdom to plead guilty when the new city lord came to power! "

However, on the side of the old white-headed demon's body, Princess Molei, the eldest princess, fell to the ground.

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