Nine Heavens

Chapter 2263 Subduing the Mo Lao

"Old man, you are so shameless that you dare to disobey the princess, you know what will happen to you!"

Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo, had never encountered such an embarrassing scene, she fell on the ground in an instant and turned her face, angrily scolded that this was the first time she had hit a nail in her life.

"No matter what the fate of this old man is, as long as this old man is alive, you will never succeed, and Mo Leihou should not be wishful thinking!

You are all the same breed, one is humble and the other is domineering, neither of you is suitable to be the Lord of Molei City. Now there is only one person who is suitable, and that is Young Master Jinzong! "

The white-headed demon elder ignored Princess Molei who fell to the ground, with a cold attitude, and said righteously.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Young Master Jinzong!?"

"Do you think he is suitable to be the Lord of the Demon Thunder City! Do you know how the entire Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Sect's domains perished, and how he regained the so-called two standard magic formula scrolls? The real cause of the death of the Demon Thunder City Lord? , and Princess Chengxiang.

Everything has something to do with his elegance on the surface, but his ambition behind it. For his own future, at the cost of slaughtering the five beast clans in the entire Demon Thunder Zong Nebula Continent except for the three spirit monster clans, he joined hands with Emperor Zhou, the young dream fairy of the Chuangzhou Immortal Realm, in exchange for the two standard magic formula scrolls.

The Lord Molei could have been rescued, but he was the one who killed the Lord Molei, and Chengxiang, his wife, was also killed by him, a so-called elegant and refined person.

Haha... or the two of us were thinking about killing her together on the city lord's couch. On the night of the previous seven days, when he and I were having fun on the couch, her wife Chengxiang was struggling to death, haha...

You are not a good person either. Didn't you eighteen demon elders also see the city lord being killed by the young master Jin Zong? But have you exposed him until now? Didn't you hide the truth for your own selfishness? "

Princess Molei sat on the ground and did not get up, she looked up and laughed at the young master Jinzong and the white-headed devil.

"You were there that day!?"

The old white-headed demon asked in surprise.

"How could he not be there? My princess has been looking forward to his death for hundreds of millions of years. How could she let go of such a happy scene, but you let the young master of the Jinzong kill the Lord of Molei, which is very satisfying. Accident.

At the same time, it also gave me a new view on you. The eldest princess believes that Manchao Molao Mozun is not stubborn. You old white-headed demon, think about it, just because you see the city lord die and don't save it, if the eldest princess exposes you in front of the eight great demons, do you still have a chance to live until now?

Furthermore, you misread Young Master Jin Zong. He is not just plotting against Lord Molei. After he conspires to ascend to power, if my guess is correct, you will be the first ones to get rid of.

If you don't believe this point, you can check the two basic magic formula scrolls and magical skills he copied for you to know. The ones he copied for you are definitely fake. "

"How do you know?"

"Because you got together secretly that day, and the eldest princess was there invisibly."

"Since you want to be the Lord of Demon Thunder, why are you working hand in hand with Young Master Jinzong!?"

"Don't put it so harshly, I don't like your way of fighting and killing, and you can solve things if you are happy, why bother to fight and make a mess.

Of course, I and he are in love with each other for the sake of my position as the city lord. I won't tell lies in front of you, the eldest princess is trying her best to help the young master Jin Zong ascend the throne, but she is actually helping herself. If he ascends to the position, the eldest princess will win the country. "

"how to say?"

"Hehe... He became the Lord of the Demon Thunder City, and I am the queen of the city for granted. If he died suddenly when he took the position, and you one hundred and eight demons, three hundred and sixty-one demons, and demons Lei Hou recommended me, Princess Molei, to be the highest in the country.

According to the rules of the Continent of Ruizhou that the master should not fight for the upper position in a hurry, and the eldest princess is also the upper princess, so it is natural that she can take the upper position logically.

Of course, if I take the position, I will naturally not lose your benefits. The benefits that the young master of the Jinzong defrauded you, but the eldest princess will give you the benefits.

As long as you are obedient, you are still the main courtiers of the Palace of Demon Thunder City. In addition, you, the old white-headed devil, is the first favorite of the city lord, your highness is the first of the courtiers, and your highness is Huanxi Gong in the bedroom. You, the old white-headed devil, will not risk your life and benefits, so just think about it! "

Princess Molei stretched out her slender arms, and after some words, she found that the old white-headed demon had a hesitant look on his face, and his shameful look was replaced by charm again, his eyes fluttered, and he said in a charming manner.

"Since the young master of Jinzong is in power, why did he suddenly die suddenly? Did you do something to him long ago?"

The old white-headed demon thought about it, and when he realized that the only way to survive was to obey the eldest princess, his tone of voice softened quickly.

"I didn't do anything, but when we were happy, we sneaked in a hundred days of energy and love poison for him. According to the plan of my princess, after a hundred days, that is, the night before the day of his ascension ceremony, my princess Let him have a dream of joy and never live again!"

Princess Molei said happily, as if she was singing a beautiful song, smiling all over her face, and it was a sweet smile.

This kind of smile is poisonous, but it is infinitely intoxicating, and it is irresistible to look at it. Looking at the charming and shy face and seductive eyes of Princess Molei, the old man stretched out his hand involuntarily, and then bent down to help her rise.

This time, Princess Molei fell directly in the arms of the white-headed old man.

"You won't deal with me the same way you dealt with Young Master Jinzong."

Finally, the old white-headed demon still couldn't stand the threats and temptations, and asked while hugging the poisonous beauty.

"It's just that I really treat you that much. With a stunner like me, don't you feel that you have no regrets when you die?"

Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo, has always been extremely confident in her seductive magical skills of infinite charm. She is confident that there is no monster in Ruizhou Continent that can resist her temptation and use.

So what about the old white-headed devil in front of him, he can be said to be a rare so-called gentleman in the continent of ruining the universe, how about it, isn't he still prostrate at his feet in the end.

Princess Molei said in a charming voice without concealing her pride.

"What I'm talking about is that the white-headed devil is just a low-ranking court official, if it weren't for such a chance, it would be impossible to embrace you even in a dream.

Forget it, as you said, why do I, the old white-headed demon, let the beautiful woman go, disregarding my life, and making life difficult for myself. Even if Huaxia dies, being a ghost is also romantic.

From now on, the life of the old white-headed demon will belong to the eldest princess, and she will bow her head no matter how she orders her. "


"This is the person my eldest princess loves all over the country!"

When the eldest princess heard the words, she laughed so hard that all the branches trembled.


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