Nine Heavens

Chapter 2265 oath of life and death

"Langlong, you've really changed, you've become an outstanding Xianxia!"

Liu Qianlang felt very relieved when he heard the words, and wanted to say thank you, but felt it was unnecessary, so he said so.

"Yes, Ouyang Langlong once missed it, but he will never be wrong again. How are you, mother?"

Ouyang Langlong's expression was surprisingly calm, and even the frightening hurricane in the sky that destroyed the continent could not shake his steady figure.

"Mother...she's fine. Mother is still in my body. She hopes that after you fulfill your wish, you will go back to see her one day. She is always looking forward to this day."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't want to tell Ouyang Langlong that her human mother had turned into "Wang'er Mountain," so he hesitated a little.

"I see, you can do your thing. If you want to go to Langlong City to find me for a drink, you and I are the body and the shadow, and the soul is connected. The seal of Langlong City is always open for you."

When Ouyang Langlong heard Liu Qianlang's answer, tears glistened in his eyes. After a long time, he left these words, turned around suddenly, and Yu Jian flew away.

"Langlong, I can see that you still have deep sadness in your heart. But don't worry, I, Liu Qianlang, will make your eyeshadow, my eye shadow, brighter one day.

You work hard, but you still need my evil foil, but, one day, just don't despise me..."

After watching Ouyang Lang go away, Liu Qianlang also said with wet eyes, na na. Then he suddenly withdrew his thoughts, and said to Princess Chengxiang in his mind:

"Xiang'er, concentrate all your obsessive thoughts until you are solid, and when your soul, sea and heart are all in harmony, otherwise don't wander away from any thoughts. Brother Mengxian will start to refine the soul core of the soul for you, the heart of the sea of ​​hearts and the heart of the sea of ​​hearts. Fairy body.

By the way, let me tell you that I have prepared a copy for my brother and for the young master of the Jinzong, maybe I will use it one day, so keep it in your mind and remember not to distract yourself! Remember! "

"Sister Xiang'er understands, thank you Brother Mengxian!"

Princess Chengxiang had already been sitting cross-legged in Liu Qianlang's head above the sea of ​​flowers in Zhou Moyuan, and she replied gratefully after hearing Liu Qian's exhortation, especially after she had also given her husband a gift.

Liu Qianlang didn't say any more, his soul thoughts and thoughts moved together, and suddenly there were hundreds of millions of cultivating mad dragons around him, roaring continuously, and at the same time, the hundreds of millions of mad dragons all opened their bloody mouths, spewing out vast whirlpools of soul thoughts and immortal power Hao, rushing to the surrounding Jiuding for refining souls, as well as the Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace above and the Yinyang Sports Arena below.


First, the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining suddenly flourished, trembling non-stop, screaming and muttering, then the Yuanshen Sun and Moon Furnace on the head also began to flash the rainbow, and then the Yin-Yang gymnasium below became extremely blue, and the surging blue fairy spirit The state of majestic transpiration.



Hundreds of millions of cultivating dragons, urging the nine cauldrons of soul refining, the Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and the Yin-Yang gymnasium, suddenly automatically divided into several dragon formations, roaring around the soul refining artifacts in charge of each, and the dragon's mouth sprayed fire, shot ice, and spit electricity ... All kinds of refining images are interacting and circulating regularly.

But Liu Qianlang has always had a calm face, clear eyes, white hair flying wildly, doing some infinite magical formulas with both hands, controlling the entire formation of immortal essence, immortal heart and immortal body.

His body technique has reached the point where Wuxian can understand it. It seems that between raising his hand slowly, in fact, it has changed a lot. Incomparably complex interactions together.

Don't say how good the power of the immortals and demons inside the formation is, just the slightest trace of the power of the immortals and demons leaking outside the formation is enough to destroy everything close to him.


In the palace of Molei City, the seven sect demons, the young master of Jinzong, and Moleihou have survived for three consecutive days. At this moment, none of them fell down the stepping stone of life and death.

However, their respective looks are completely different. Moleihou has passed the test a long time ago, so for him, he has passed the test for the second time and is currently in the third stage, without any discomfort or pressure.

I saw his golden eyes sweeping, looking at the "sitting friends" on the left and right, suddenly laughed wildly, and said according to the previous instructions from Princess Molei:

"Looking at the virtues of each of you, you are about to fall, why bother to hold on, if you don't have the strength to be a city lord, just get out.

Like the blood demon sect bastard, in order to avoid embarrassment in the end, he might just die! "


The performance of the young master of the Jinzong has always been stable, with a calm expression on his face, but except for the golden land tiger demon, the whole body of the other suzerains is already steaming and sweating profusely.

Judging from their expressions, one is more painful than the other, especially the two suzerains, the Cuihong Diaomo and the Binghan Otter. After three days, their bodies are shaking and their faces are distorted. It is already very difficult to survive the fourth day.

But they didn't want to be ridiculed by the demons, and they were still struggling. According to them, if you insist on getting through the fifth day, you will be considered a pass.

At that time, it would be shameful to choose to fly down the stone of life and death, and then it will be up to the Golden Land Rover.

However, they were really unlucky. When they were struggling to mobilize all the magic power of the body to resist the two huge opposing magic powers of the life and death stone, they suddenly heard the ridicule of the magic thunder.

How could they not be angry when they heard that, except for the golden land tiger demon and the blue shadow fox, who were cunning and cunning, they had already shut their ears to the outside world.

But the five suzerains of the Emerald Rainbow Otter Demon, the Frozen Sable Demon, the Fire Eagle Demon, the Hurricane Leopard Demon, and the Thunderbolt Python Demon were not there. When they were suffering, they suddenly heard Mo Leihou's laughter, and they were instantly enraged Shouting strangely, every figure shakes enormously.

The Emerald Rainbow Otter and the Frozen Sable immediately spewed out a river of blood, and then fell down directly.

Then there were two dull bangs from under the life and death stone thousands of miles high, and the two bodies of the universe exploded. The beginning of the universe.

Seeing this, the other three were horrified, and immediately closed their ears, held their breath, and tried their best to stabilize their minds. When they could not hear Mo Leihou's deliberate insults, their figures gradually stabilized.

Then Lan Yinghu thought about it, took the initiative to float away, and landed the Life and Death Stone safely.

Then, on the fifth day and the sixth day, the Fire Eagle Demon and Thunderbolt Python Demon also chose to quit successively.

In the end, only the young master of Jinzong, Mo Leihou, Jin Luhumo and Hurricane Leopard were left to compete on the stone of life and death.

Mo Leihou yelled for a while, watching the two Sovereigns jumping up from under the life and death stone and the things of Zhouyun Zhouxing rising from the exploding cosmic body, he was very satisfied with the results of his "wickedness".

But when he glanced at the young master Jinzong, there was still a little bit of surprise and surprise in his heart.

Of course, Mo Leihou knew that his elder sister, the eldest princess, had given him the lion demon soul. The young master of the Jinzong had also practiced some magic skills above the two standard magic formula scrolls, so naturally his strength would not be weak.

But Mo Leihou really didn't expect the submissive young master of the Jinzong to hide so deeply on weekdays. It was already the eighth day of the life and death oath, and he was still motionless and calm.

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