Nine Heavens

Chapter 2266 Demon Soul Commander

"Maleihou Nine Young Masters listened to the noise, because the eight major magic cities around the Molei Kingdom have been repeatedly invaded by the forces of immortals and gods in the Creation Universe Immortal Realm in recent years, causing uneasiness everywhere in the Destroying Universe Continent.

For a long-term plan, the Demon Thunder Emperor began to recruit all the star demon soldiers and generals to form the Eight Demon Demon Dao Crazy Army! It's the hot flashes to recruit talents and good people. Emperor Molei specially recalled the nine young masters of Molei Hou, and accepted the command of the number one mad army in the Molei Kingdom. The purpose is to reach the people, and there must be no mistakes! Mo Lei is waiting for the order! "

Just as the battle for the city lord was being staged on the stone of life and death in the palace of Molei City, a noise official who was stepping on a bright orange magic star floated into the palace gate.

Its height can be nearly two hundred miles, almost half taller than the Molei City Demon. He stepped on the orange magic star, and was wearing a huge orange magic robe, and his head turned out to be a bull demon.

The bull's head is as black as ink, its eyes are as big as pools, and the eyes are full of blood. The Niutou decree officer glanced coldly at the scene in the palace of Molei City, and sneered at their competition of sitting cross-legged on the Life and Death Stone, and didn't take it seriously at all.

In the end, he waved his hand and threw the Emperor Molei's decree to Moleihou, turned around and shot in with his head up, which can be described as bullish.

"Haha...Thank you, the demon king Niuxuan, for coming to this young master, and this young master took the order! They finally thought of me. At the critical moment, that trash really can't do it, haha..."

Mo Leihou stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand to grab the flying golden light decree, and read it carefully several times. It was clearly written in black and white on gold paper. He raised his voice and thanked the bull-headed decree officer, and then he opened his arms and roared wildly.

"Bah, I won't play with you guys anymore, haha... let's go!"

All of a sudden, Mo Leihou became so delusional, he thought he was the most handsome man in the central nebula of the Mo Lei Kingdom, and his father and emperor were the only ones besides the second brother who was a waste. Where would you need an extremely vicious elder sister, the eldest princess...

Thinking of it this way, he immediately regarded the agreement between himself and his elder sister, the princess, as the object of vomiting, and then at this point, the magic dust rose under his feet, and amidst the sound of wild laughter, the clamoring monster vacated the magic thunder city palace in a blink of an eye.



Just as Mo Leihou vacated the main hall of Mo Leicheng Palace, the Hurricane Leopard suddenly let out a scream, and also fell on the Stone of Life and Death.

"Golden Land Tiger Demon, you, you..."

Hurricane Leopard screamed in shock as he fell, but before he could say anything, his body suddenly collapsed.

In the final oath of life and death, only the Young Master Jin Zong and the Demon Jin Luhu really passed.

Leaving aside the gossip, after the Young Master Jin Zong and the Demon Jin Luhu spent their life-and-death vows, they entered the eight sects and nine demon soul arrays unsealed by the princess of the Demon Kingdom in front of the Palace of Demon Thunder City as promised.

The so-called Eight Sects and Nine Paths Demon Soul Formation, everyone in the Destroyed Eternal Continent has masters of the formation.

Each formation is designed and composed of the eight border nebula mainland standard magic formulas, magic powers, and central standard magic formulas.

The formation is divided into ten levels and ten levels. Normally, such a formation is closed, and it is only opened when the corresponding master retreats to practice, but after the master enters, it is still closed by itself.

The eight sects and nine demon soul formations in the Demon Thunder City have never been opened for hundreds of billions of years. It's not that the dead Demon Thunder City Lord doesn't want to enter the practice, it's useless to enter.

Since the loss of the two standard magic formula scrolls hundreds of billions of years ago, the upper ranks have not taught any high-level magic thunder magic skills at all, so even if the magic thunder city lord enters, it will stay at the original level, and it is impossible to pass the whole level. .

So later, the Lord of the Demon Thunder City simply gave up the training course that was supposed to be a must for the Lord of the Demon Thunder City, and put the formation seals at will, treating it as a waste of the formation.

With the strength of Molei City Lord back then, he could pass seven levels at most, which is not bad. After all, even hundreds of billions of years ago, there were very few beast monsters who could pass all levels.

If the oath of life and death is a life-and-death oath, then the Eight Sects and Nine Paths Demon Soul Formation can be described as a trip of all.

However, after the Young Master Jin Zong and the Golden Luhu Demon passed the oath of life and death, they quickly joined the battle without even hesitating.

The Princess of the Kingdom of Thunder, who was outside the formation, looked at the Young Master Jin Zong and the Golden Luhu Demon shooting in, and left a sneer, then disappeared in a flash.

In the next second, her emerald shadow flashed, and she appeared in the White-headed Demon's Demon Palace.

"You old and unscrupulous, the palace is about to turn upside down, and you still have the mood to play tricks on us..."

"Hehe, beauty, what do you know, this demon is born with good fortune, don't talk about teasing you, even the queen of the city, uh..."

The old white-headed demon spoke obscenities and made indecent movements, which elicited a wave of laughter:

"You are so uncomfortable, aren't you talking nonsense, the golden branches and jade leaves behind the city, and you are the princess of the country of Molei, how can you let you take advantage of it!"

"That's right! Don't fool us!"

"Then why don't you go laughing with her, why are you calling us low-class demon flowers and willows!"


Princess Molei entered the palace of the White-headed Demon, and saw that the White-headed Demon was surrounded by a group of pretty witches smiling and running around in scantily clad clothes, and she was holding a woman in her arms.

"Long, long... long princess! Why are you coming back to Bifu, you all get out of here!"

The old white-headed demon was proudly telling the concubines about his affair with Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo. He didn't want to suddenly see Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo appearing in front of him. He was instantly frightened out of his wits. The surrounding witch scolded.


"Hey! It seems that the eldest princess came at the wrong time, so she didn't disturb the white-headed devil's elegant mood!"

Seeing the wretched appearance of the old white-headed demon, Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo, grabbed the two witches and broke their necks with a click, then Huazhi laughed tremblingly.

"Boss, what's the matter with the princess, your body is coming to the house, the old white-headed devil is too happy, why bother!"

The old white-headed demon looked at Qing Guo and twisted off his concubine's head with great distress, but he dared not speak out, and replied with a face full of horror.

The dozen or so witches who hid behind him were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They didn't even try to run away, they were still terrified, and their eyes flickered in terror.

"That's it. If the old white-headed demon is telling the truth, I will crush them all to death immediately. The princess is not happy today, and she is very annoyed when she sees them. If they don't die, I guess the princess will be upset." It's hard!"

Princess Molei's golden eyes radiated light, and she stared coldly at the old white-headed demon.


"Crack! Crack..."

The old white-headed demon was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that the other party would make such a request, but he turned around abruptly and killed more than a dozen beautiful witches with pain and cut their throats.

"Well, haha..."

"Remember, never let me see which witch you are with in front of me!"

Princess Molei, the head of the country, nodded coldly, then raised her head and laughed, her pink neck was like jade, but she exuded an infinite sinister and oppressive atmosphere of death.

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