Nine Heavens

Chapter 2268 cooperation between tiger and wolf

The Eight Sects and Nine Dao Demon Soul Arrays are majestic and frightening, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and lightning. The Giant Blade Butcher Knife... The evil image that can kill people in countless moments in the formation of all phenomena is like darkness swallowing day, everywhere.

This is the situation that Young Master Jinzong and Jin Luhumo faced.

They have tried to enter the formation thousands of times in different areas around the Vientiane Formation. Their bodies turned into bodies, their bodies into human bodies, howling like tigers and wolves. , let alone enter the battle.

After trying for a long time, the two beast monsters were almost insane, one with green hair spinning wildly, one with blond hair flying around, one wolf howling, and one tiger pawing the ground.

After charging again and again, and failing again and again, the two beast monsters finally realized that this was futile, and silently stood on the edge of the Vientiane formation one after another, starting crazy temporary training.

More than ten days later, they roared again and rushed to the Vientiane Formation where Vientiane was intertwined with terror, trying to break through the last hurdle with new strength, but they were disappointed again.

So they continued to practice, and then broke through again. They repeated this countless times. In the blink of an eye, a year has passed, and the young master of Jinzong no longer looks handsome, and he is a big blue wolf.

And the Golden Land Tiger Demon also recovered its body, the Golden Demon Tiger, because of its huge mana power.

"Young Master Jinzong, why don't we cooperate, otherwise, no matter who you or I are, you will be trapped here for the rest of your life.

You should be able to see that there is another person behind us who most wants to be the Lord of Molei, and that is Princess Molei, Princess Qingguo!

I, Jin Luhu, are not stupid. I have long seen that she is showing favoritism to you, and even gave you some benefits. However, with your wisdom, you will definitely not become her stepping stone! "

After another failure, the Golden Land Tiger Demon gave up his plan to practice again and charge into the formation again. With his hair flying, he raised his head and looked hundreds of millions of miles away. Hurricane, thunder, and electric fire stood in the Vientiane formation. Demonic wolf body of the young master of Jinzong in the area, Mo Nian Yaoyin said.

"That's right, we can only go out together if we cooperate. Even if you and I have a tie in this competition, who will win, we still have a third round!

But anything about the young master of the Jinzong has nothing to do with you, Jin Luhumo, so please don't speculate on it! "

Young Master Jin Zong is not an idiot either, he is naturally aware of the problems Jin Luhumo sees. If you don't go out, even if you don't die, you will never have a chance to be the Lord of Molei City. Maybe that bitch has already started planning to take the position.

So I wasted here, of course, it is better to temporarily cooperate with the opponent, go out first, as long as I go out, alive is the opportunity.

The young master of Jin Zong looked up at the sky and was thinking about how to say cooperation to Jin Luhumo. He didn't want the other party to speak first, so he naturally agreed, but there was no hint of such a choice of expectation in his tone.

"Okay! We've been here for more than a year, and we can't spend any more time. Don't talk nonsense with the principal Land Rover. How about your young master Jinzong? That's your ability.

We immediately joined forces and rushed to the formation, using your standard earth magic formula, the metallic lion soul formula you practiced in Molei City, plus some of the two major standard magic formula scroll magic skills of the lion demon clan that you should practice, and mine The metal-based tiger demon magic power, the magic power of various demon attributes that have been studied in recent years, our magic power can be used to line up and shrink like a formation, I think there must be no problem.

But it's not that the principal Land Rover talks too much. When we work together to create a formation, we must not have any crooked thoughts, otherwise, I will die and you will die too! "

Hearing that the other party agreed, Jin Luhumo finally reminded.

"Don't worry about this. Although the young master of the Jinzong wants you to die, he will never make fun of his own life. Stop talking nonsense. I hope that we can appear in the main hall of the Demon Thunder City Palace again in a few days!"

Young Master Jinzong replied coldly.

Naturally, they each tried their best to start a tiger-wolf cooperation...

Half a month later, above the magic thunder city palace, it was above the fighting magic star.

Young Master Jin Zong and Jin Luhu Mo just worked together to break through the eight sects and nine demon soul formations. At this moment, a wolf and a tiger confronted each other again. I heard that the Princess of the Demon Thunder Kingdom, who was sitting on the star seat of the magic sky, was overwhelmed. The magic order is ready for the final battle for the wheel of the master of the magic thunder.


"Congratulations to the two Beast Demon Supremes. For hundreds of billions of years, only two Demon Lords of the Demon Thunder City have successfully broken through the eight sects and nine demon soul formations.

We said before that the third round of the wheel fighting technique was fought by all the demons one after another. I don't want their magic fortune to be too shallow, and they all retreated back to the Daoyuan universe.

It couldn't be simpler now, there is no need for wheel fighting, you two, the first round of magic skills disappeared inexplicably, the second round was a draw, and now the third round of fighting is the ultimate competition, whoever wins will be the winner of the magic thunder city Santo.

Princess Qingguo is very anxious about the new city lord of Molei City. She has already arranged everything for you and is waiting for the final competition.

No matter which one of you wins, the eldest princess will personally wear crowns and robes for you as the Demon Lord of the Demon Thunder Kingdom! Then, the city lord took the high seat, and the city was set off from the side. "

Behind Princess Molei, one hundred and eight demon elders and three hundred and sixty-one demon venerables lined up for honor guards. In addition, the demons flew in the air, and the demon soldiers below fluttered. The momentum was huge and majestic, as if looking at her was trusting the Lord of Demon Thunder generally.

Princess Molei, the head of the Molei Kingdom, smiled like a flower, and made herself the new Queen of Molei City while speaking.

"Ha ha……"

"Just look at the beauty, Jin Luhumo is not a beauty for Jiangshan, he will also win against the young master of the Jinzong!"

Hearing the words, the Golden Land Tiger Demon raised its huge golden tiger head, and the rainbow of golden eyes shot into the sky, and laughed maniacally.


"Golden Land Tiger Demon is so confident. To tell you the truth, I really want to see your Golden Land Tiger Demon's ability with my own eyes. Let's start. The princess Qingguo is a beautiful flower. Let's see if you can pick it up!"

Qingguo couldn't help but smile more charmingly after listening to the golden land tiger demon's words. He raised his hand and fiddled with the golden demon's hair, deliberately revealing his infinitely seductive delicate skin and beautiful neck, coquettishly urging the two monsters.

At the same time, the rainbow beamed, looking at the young master of the Jin Zong with infinite pulse, and the meaning in the eyes was only tacitly understood between them.

The young master of Jin Zong scolded the bitch in his heart, but at the same time, his wolf heart was still itchy to be seduced by Princess Molei, and secretly said:

"My beauty, no matter how beautiful you are, you are just a stunner of my young master Jinzong. If it weren't for your status as the princess of Molei, it would be useful to keep you. After the young master of the Jinzong came to power, he would be the first to kill you. It's you, the bitch who tricked me into killing my wife!"


The young master of Jin Zong was secretly scolding the Princess Molei for the country, but when he was bewildered by her beauty, he suddenly heard a roar of a tiger in the sky above the fighting magic star, and the golden land tiger demon had already jumped towards him from the sky .

Immediately, there was also a howling of wolves, and the electric shot flew into the air to meet him.


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