Nine Heavens

Chapter 2269 Jin Zong wins

Three days and three nights later, on the stage of fighting magic, there are still howling wolves, lightning flashes and thunder, golden lightning and rainbows shooting indiscriminately.

At this time, Princess Molei looked a little impatient, lying on her back on the throne of starlight, playing with a black magic fan in her hand, leaning down to look at the fighting magic star, and asked herself in a drawn-out voice. The old white-headed devil next to him said:

"The White-headed Demon, do you think it's time for this fight to end—"

"Yes, yes, the old white-headed devil understands!"

Hearing the words, the old white-headed demon quickly winked at the one hundred and seven and three hundred and sixty-one demons behind him.

In an instant, this group of monsters formed a formation in advance, and at the same time performed the magic thunder magic power, lion beast, lion soul magic power and magic thunder magic power, and the golden rainbow thunderbolt lightning suddenly shot towards the area where the fighting magic star Jin Luhu appeared. .

The 108th Demon Elder and the 361st Demon Venerable possessed at least five or six ranks of magic thunder and magic skills. Although neither of them was the opponent of the Young Master of the Golden Sect or the Golden Land Tiger Demon, they They marched together, but their strength was extremely domineering. Naturally, they would pose a great threat to the Golden Land Tiger Demon.

What's more, the Jin Luhu demon was fighting anxiously with the young master of Jinzong, so the sudden threat from outside the magic star quickly put him in a dangerous situation.


"Two demon lords, it's really boring for you to fight like this. Let the veterans of Molei City add to the fun and add glory to the magic star of the fight.

Princess Molei saw that Jin Luhu Momoxing was in trouble at home and abroad, retreating steadily, and knew that it was time for her to speak.

A pitch-black magic fan was shaking slightly in his hand, and two pitch-black butterflies fluttered lightly on the magic fan.

She was still lying on her back, half leaning on the magic throne, and a green magic dress wrapped her dancing body.

Jingjue's delicate and beautiful face is like a flower, her eyes are shining with golden waves, and her blond hair is lifted slightly on her forehead. At some point, a black butterfly-shaped mark appeared on her forehead.

The butterfly print was lifelike, as if the third pitch-black butterfly had landed on her forehead.

Princess Molei always likes to sit in this position, then get close to men in the demon world, fight in front of him, kneel, prostrate...

At this moment, she will see two strong men from the demon world defeated at her feet again, her impatient mood suddenly gets better again, she looks at the demon star with beautiful eyes, and smiles coquettishly.

"You vicious witch, you are so blatantly helping the fighting party, it's really abominable!"

The golden land tiger demon was fighting more and more courageously, secretly happy in his heart, and when he was full of enthusiasm for the ultimate victory, he didn't want Princess Molei to order the group of demons under him to intervene, and directly hit him, and helped the young master Jin Zong.

How can Jin Luhu Mo not be angry at the behavior of Princess Molei who pours out the country, especially when he hears her teasing words, he is even more annoyed, and in the midst of retreating, he panted and questioned the sky.

"Hehe, the Golden Land Tiger Demon can see that you are not only weak in strength, but your ears don't seem to be very useful. Just now, the eldest princess seems to have spoken very clearly. Why do good things change in your mouth?"

Princess Molei, the Princess of the Kingdom of Molei, listened to Jin Luhu's questioning, and smiled even more coquettishly. Her body was as delicate as a snake, her hair was slender, she made charming movements, her flowers and branches trembled, and she seemed to make infinite sense of what was wrong. of.

"Hmph! Smelly Witch, you wait, the Principal Land Rover is unlucky today, so let's fulfill you, the wolf demon and lion girl, but the Principal Land Rover will come back to deal with you sooner or later!"

Jin Luhu Demon already saw it very clearly in his heart, what kind of Demon Thunder City Lord is he fighting for right now? If he continues to suffer, he will lose his life.

So after thinking about it in my heart, I had no choice but to respond to the saying in the world, "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."

Now life-saving is the most important thing. I can't be the Lord of Demon Thunder here, so I hurried back to my Nebula Continent, and sealed the cloud.

"Oh! Does the Golden Land Tiger Demon want to go back to your Nebula Continent of the Tiger Demon Sect? Look at my memory, I forgot to tell you.

Your Nebula Continent of the Tiger Demon Sect was just when you and the young master of the Jinzong broke into the Eight Sects and Nine Paths of Demon Soul Formation, the long princess Qingguo had already sent the Snow Demon Turtle of the Blood Demon Sect and the Blue Shadow Fox, the demon lord of the Earth Demon Sect, to slaughter Overwhelmed the entire Nebula Continent of the Tiger Demon Sect.

Of course, the one hundred and eight demon elders and the three hundred and sixty one demon masters behind the eldest princess also went to help.

Where is the Nebula Continent of our Magic Thunder City? How could it allow the existence of forces that committed rebellion and died without repentance?

Therefore, please forgive me, the princess, I ordered someone to flatten your home.

Don't be angry, isn't your old nest gone? It doesn't matter, because you will be killed too, and the dead don't need anything! "


Princess Molei smiled and said that two pitch-black butterflies flew behind Jin Luhu Mo at some point, took advantage of his fury and landed on his neck, then quickly flew back to the overwhelming pitch-black magic fan.

The pitch-black magic fan, the pitch-black butterflies, if the butterflies don't leave the magic fan, you can't see their existence at all, as if they don't exist.

"Qingguo! You are so vicious. You don't even let go of my Nebula Continent! Wow! Wow!"

Hearing the words, the Golden Land Tiger Demon was so angry that the tiger's hair flew around, and the tiger roared continuously. When the huge tiger head raised its head and roared, blood suddenly spurted out, and it was in chaos, internal anger and external urgency.

However, the young master of Jin Zong is definitely not a merciful person. When Jin Luhu was in a state of distress, a silver light flashed between his hands, and a long-pole thunderbolt cold light knife appeared. The giant tiger head of Land Rover.

"Pfft! Boom!"

Immediately, the body and head of the invincible Golden Land Tiger Demon exploded, forming a cloud of dirty golden light and silent energy that permeated the entire Demon Star.

This battle for the master of the tiger and wolf city ended with the young master Jin Zong winning at this moment.

"Congratulations to the young master of the Jinzong, who has gone through three stages, fought against opponents, and finally won the position of the Lord of the Demon Thunder City!"

After the Young Master Jin Zong slashed the Golden Luhu Demon to death with a single knife, the cyan demon's hair flew up, and his body was transformed into whiteness again. Holding a long knife in his hand, he floated steadily from the fighting magic star to the position where Qingguo was located high in the sky.

Two of the eight great sects of demons walked out behind Princess Mo Lei, the princess Qingguo, the blue shadow fox of the earth demon sect and the snow demon turtle, the suzerain of the snow demon sect. Both of them had azure blue bodies, a fox face and a crow *, the first to salute and bless the young master Jinzong.

"Oh, haha..."

"It turns out that the two of you have already returned to the Central Nebula Continent of Molei City. In the future, we will prosper and prosper together, travel to the vast land, and make great achievements. Thank you for your congratulations in advance!"

Although the young master of Jin Zong was exhausted in his fight for hegemony and victory, he was naturally radiant because of his excitement. Seeing the appearance of the two sect demons, he naturally knew what Qingguo had done among them, so he smiled as the new city lord.

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