Nine Heavens

Chapter 2292 Changfeng Accompanying Hall

"Are you going to leave like this?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang put down the magic wine pot, Qingguo City Lord asked with a look of caring about his body and desires.

"Fangjiu is already drunk with everyone, and the guests should return to the boat after enjoying themselves! It seems that what we want to say and ask each other are gone. If we don't leave, what's the point of staying?"

"There is a way to reciprocate courtesy, so you just left without thanking the city lord for his hospitality?"

"Haha... That's true. I don't know how the city lord would like to thank Emperor Ben Zhou. It must not be for a compliment."

"Smart! My city lord asks you a question, and you must answer truthfully."

"Haha, but it's okay, the city lord can tell you everything about Mengxian Continent frankly."

"Do you think this city owner is beautiful?"


Liu Qianlang didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, sighed and said:

"It can be described as exquisite, especially the fragrance of the whole body, which is better than the fragrance of pear blossoms in the world."

"Hehe... can I be moved?"

"This? Frankly speaking, even Emperor Ben Zhou cannot deny the beauty of the city lord."

"Then kiss me, maybe this is the only time we have such a drink together, after today, either you die, or I die, leave a kiss, it's a commemoration, all you adore, just me admiration, it has nothing to do with love .”

After the city lord of Qingguo finished speaking, she looked up at Liu Qianlang in a shy and drunken state, the natural pear blossoms on her body were lightly fragrant, and she rushed towards Liu Qianlang.

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he pondered for a while, and said with a smile:

"Forget it, I, Liu Qianlang, have not been an upright person since I entered the Continent of Destroying Eternity. Since I also have a heart of admiration for the city lord, why bother to be hypocritical, kiss you goodbye, and leave perfectly."

After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he waved his big hand, wrapped Qing Guo in his arms, and bent down to kiss Qing Guo's blond hair.

The city lord of Qingguo, with a shy Huaerrong, watched Liu Qianlang bend down, and raised his head by taking advantage of the situation, Liu Qianlang kissed the king's mouth and just touched her fragrant mouth.

When Liu Qianlang was about to leave, Qingguo City Lord had already kept Liu Qianlang and kissed Liu Qianlang's king's mouth passionately.

Since that was the case, Liu Qianlang naturally stopped pretending, and simply kissed her deeply, raised her head after a long time and said:

"It would be great if you were my Zhi'er and Pa'er, you have the same fragrance of pear blossoms as them."


"It seems that you are not a gentleman. It is common to ask Hua'er to ask willows. The Zhi'er and Pa'er you mentioned must be the two flowers you hang around in the bushes, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, they are the former wives of this Zhou Emperor! Farewell!"

Liu Qianlang's kiss was full of fragrance, but his heart was washed away, his face was melancholy, he turned around, and the bright red magic sword under his feet burst into light, and in the next second he was already stepping on the magic sword, with white hair fluttering and silver clothes Lie hunting, shot out of the Qingguo City Palace.


"My silly husband, your Zhi'er is just kissing your mouth, but you are still so melancholy, don't worry, you can't beat Zhi'er, Zhi'er insists on letting you marry the city lord, heck..."

Even though she cheated her husband into a kiss in this way, Palace Master Zhiqing was still very happy, recalling her husband's warm chest just now, since she entered the Immortal Demon Universe, she finally met each other on a blind date.

"My sister is so shy that she lied to kiss her husband! Xin Changfeng wants it too."

Just when Liu Qianlang stepped on his sword and shot out of the palace gate of Qingguo City, Xin Changfeng's figure suddenly appeared on the side of Qingguo where Liu Qianlang used to be.

After Xin Changfeng and Yaoniang recognized each other, they were obviously happy after grief, and as soon as Xi Xi appeared, he hugged Qingguo City Lord and joked.

"Fuck you, don't say you're a fake man, even if it's true, I only have my husband in my heart, how can I let you take advantage of me."

The lord of Qingguo smiled coquettishly, and pushed Xin Changfeng away.

"Pa'er would like to ask, how should we face the three phases of Qingguocheng Palace and the palace full of beasts and demons in the future?"

"Uh, that's a question, why did I forget it. It seems that the city lord won't let you take advantage. Of course, I'm still the princess of the Demon Thunder Kingdom, and you are Xin Changfeng.

From now on, you and I will sit together in the same hall, and the city lord will just spoil you alone, hehe..."

The two asked and answered, and then both laughed.

"Still pouring wine for me, Xin Changfeng?"

Pa'er acted like a machismo and ordered Qingguo City Lord.

"Okay, now I will give you some face and pour it for you, but don't forget that I am the lord of the city, and you are just my male favorite. You can have character, but you can't go too far in public."

The city lord Qingguo giggled, waved his sleeves and gave Xin Changfeng a pot of magic wine. Xin Changfeng also smiled, raised his head and drank with his most unrestrained movement.

"How is Yaoniang?"

Qingguo City Lord asked.

"You said Yaoniang, of course she is very happy. She is building a bamboo house on Mocang Peak, which is on the peak opposite to those magic waterfalls. We will not be separated in the future, and we will live in the bamboo house built by Yaoniang ,whee……"

Speaking of Yaoniang, Xin Changfeng said happily with a beaming face.

"Oh! I envy you, but why don't you help Yaoniang? What are you doing here?"

Qingguo City Lord asked with some surprise.

"Yao Niang asked me to come, she said you are a good devil, let me help you well, just spend time with her.

I understand Yaoniang's heart, she feels guilty when her mother abandoned me and left, so let her build this bamboo courtyard by herself, and then she will be relieved. "

Xin Changfeng put down the wine jug that he had drunk, and held another jug ​​in his hand, and said in a very understanding tone.

"It's nice to have a mother, alas!"

Hearing the words of Qingguo, his face was full of envy, his eyes were golden, and he looked at Xin Changfeng who was intoxicated in the joy of mother and daughter knowing each other, and said very enviously.

"Sister, why are you sighing? Your mother is the empress of the Molei Kingdom. How can Yaoniang be compared to her? We are just in trouble, and we have not attracted any respect or envy."

"Simple family affection is the most precious thing. Yes, the queen mother is the queen of the Molei country, but how can I have any chance to see her in Qingguo, and she doesn't care about my daughter at all.

I still remember about a hundred billion years ago, when I went back to see her, she refused to meet me, saying that I was rebellious, killing brothers and brothers, arrogant and invisible, God knows, I did this for the sake of my husband.

I only hate our Immortal Soul Luomo family for being helplessly entangled with the hateful monsters in Mo Zhou Rui Zhou Continent! "

"That's right, it's all because my husband chose to continue his journey of immortality in the Demon Realm, Ruinzhou Continent, and we sprouted in his body universe, so we naturally existed in this Demon Realm.

My sister doesn't need to be too entangled. The human emotions in the Demon Realm and the Qianyuan Universe and the Husband Body Universe are different. It can be said that there is sex but no love.

For example, my father, Lightning Leopard, married Yaoniang forcibly, not because he loved her. After I was born, he also turned a blind eye to me. He raised me with me, but he had no fatherly heart.

Presumably your mother is also similar to my devil father, she is a witch who has only desire but no love. "

"Perhaps you are right, the reason why my sister controls many phantoms and corrupts the palace is precisely because of what you said.

In Mozhou Ruizhou Continent, what we see is almost all vicious and greedy fights, fighting each other, and fighting each other, which is understandable! "

"Stop talking about this, sister, it's time for you to think about your husband's next battle to conquer the city, how should we deal with it?"

"Yeah, it's late today, let's discuss it in the palace tomorrow."

The two sisters continued to talk about Qian Yuanzhou's old affairs for a while, and then disappeared together in place.

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