Nine Heavens

Chapter 2293

"Emperor Zhou! Everything is ready, when the Feilu Immortal Seal will be opened, we can confront the sincerity of the whole land."

Liu Qianlang stepped on his sword and stood in the sky above his dream fairy continent. Ten days after leaving Qingguo City, he decided to start the first round of siege.

At this moment, with his white hair flying wildly, his silver clothes whirling around, his hands habitually crossed his chest, he looked up to the west, examining all kinds of dark, vast and continuous Qingguocheng castles hidden under the strong colored demon clouds, Thinking about the best time to attack.

Liu Qianlang looked into the distance for several days, but he didn't see at all what countermeasures the Qingguo City Lord took after he left. There was no seal on the city, and no demons around the city.


"What kind of tricks is she playing, won't she wait to die?"

Liu Qianlang thought to himself.

At this time, the question of Marshal Lan Xing, Marshal of the East Road Immortal Army sounded in his soul.

"The whole land is Kaifeng, and the eight drums of the four quarters are beating together!"

Liu Qianlang felt a little embarrassed to kill the host just after drinking other people's wine, so he ordered.

One is to say hello to Qingguo, the lord of Qingguo City, and tell her that Mengxian Continent is not welcome, and at the same time, he also wants to show the strength of the Eight Route Immortal Army of Mengxian Continent, knocking mountains and shaking tigers.


"Eight enfeoffed demon immortals from all directions, the guard generals of the army, listen to the order, and immediately open the immortal seals of the whole land!"

As the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Immortal Army, Marshal Blue Star received Liu Qianlang's soul transmission, and immediately sent the same soul transmission to the eight people in the entire Mengxian Nebula Continent.

In an instant, the sky above Mengxian Continent under Liu Qianlang's hundreds of millions of light miles suddenly shoots out a billowing blue rainbow from the center, like a fire erupting, but what spews out is a series of fairy rainbows, flying flames, dust and magma.

Roads of faint blue spray rainbows, quickly ascending to the sky, interweaving to form an infinitely majestic and huge net-shaped sky platform.

On it, Youlan Xianhao roared, extending in all directions to Mengxian Continent, and then at the exit of the spray rainbow in the center of Mengxian Continent, seven cracks of golden light appeared like lightning.

Immediately, along the cracks, eight hundreds of thousands of huge azure blue lotus petal-shaped mainland seals rolled up over the entire Mengxian Continent.

The sealed fairy gang slowly unfolded, like a majestic and huge blue lotus blooming.

After a few hours, the eight sealed celestial gangs are flat and at forty-five degrees from the lowest point of Mengxian Continent, and the entire Mengxian Continent is protected by the heavenly battle net and the eight-dimensional, eight-sealed celestial gang .

From a distance, the entire periphery of Mengxian Continent is just like a blue giant lotus floating in the time and space of the Eastern Demon Universe of Qingguo City. And the Dream Immortal Continent with all kinds of fairy light is like a huge platform of bright flowers, floating in the center of the huge blue lotus.

After all this was stabilized, eight people and eight pieces of seals from all directions in the Dream Immortal Continent flew above the blue lotus petals of Tiangang, and they quickly floated up to the guard of honor in the Dream Immortal Continent.

Then the immortal trumpet rang, the immortal drum shook the sky, and Mengxian Feilu was completely opened in the ink sky of Qingguo City.

Here, by the way, in the Immortal Demon Universe, the Creation Universe Immortal Realm Zhou Kong and the Demon Universe Demon Realm are distributed alternately, but the ultimate huge space outsourced by the entire Immortal Demon Universe belongs to the Demon Universe.

That is to say, all parts of the creation universe fairyland are surrounded by the magic universe, and are interlaced with the small sub-universes of each magic universe. And in the time and space of the Mozhou, the Immortal Realm of the Creation Universe is sealed by the Immortal Immortal, otherwise it will soon be swallowed up by the magic energy of the Mozhou.

Liu Qianlang merged with the Nebula Continent of the Three Spirits and Demon Clans to create the Dream Fairy Continent, and began to combine immortals and demons, focusing on the development strategy of becoming immortals. Therefore, in order to protect the Nebula Continent of the Dream Fairy Continent, the Dream Fairy Continent was also created to seal the fairy gang.

This is the reason why in the time and space of the Immortal Demon Universe, you can only see the demon realms, but not any of the Creation Universe Immortal Domain Nebula Continent.

Someone as awesome as Liu Qianlang is simply pretending to be an egg. The time when the seal of Tiangang is opened is the time when the vast immortal energy of Mengxian Continent is constantly losing.

However, Liu Qianlang has a unique way to protect the immortal energy of Mengxian Continent, that is, to save a layer of magic energy from the two major magic scrolls of the lion and demon clan on the periphery of the sealed Tiangang, so Liu Qianlang has a lot in his heart In the end, it is no problem to maintain it for thousands of years.

Liu Qianlang is still stepping on the bright red sword and Xia Ruyang's demonic holy sword, floating above the huge blue lotus in the sky for hundreds of millions of miles. He is the only one in the entire Mengxian Continent who is so different. Qingguocheng Nebula Continent's terrifying and vile mana space-time is nothing more than blue sky and white clouds to him, so he can feel at ease.

However, Liu Qianlang ordered himself to fly to Zhou Continent to make such a big movement, and for several days in a row, Qingguo City opposite still had no abnormal reaction, which surprised Liu Qianlang.

So Liu Qianlang urged himself to have adapted to the energy of the immortal demon universe, and evolved into the psychic dazzling eyes of the immortal demon universe, concentrating one hundred thousand powerful immortal demon consciousness in the rainbow of eyes, and went deep into the nebula continent of the opponent to explore and analyze.

After a long period of analysis, Liu Qianlang discovered that the opponent was exactly the same as himself, and also created a huge and incomparably huge lotus formation, enveloping the nebula.

It's just that the opponent's lotus is a more powerful color of thick golden light. What shocked Liu Qianlang even more is that the opponent is obviously a monster, but this golden light formation is a sign of the peak light in the fairyland.

Beyond the golden light and golden lotus, there is a layer of dark magic energy sealing the gang, so from the outside, the Qingguo City is no different from before.


Liu Qianlang was shocked, and thought to himself, this city lord of Qingguo is really extraordinary, he can control the golden light celestial ability, and he is very familiar with the formation routine of the fairy world.

The other party seemed to know that he had sealed Tiangang with the giant lotus land protector, so he also made such a move.

However, Liu Qianlang has no habit of admitting defeat, while the eight demon armies in the four directions of Mengxian Continent continue to drum up wildly, and at the same time summon countless Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Dragon, which should be called Demon Slayer Sacred Dragon at this moment .

Then, the giant demon-slaying holy sword, bright red in color and flashing around the rainbow, flew wildly with white hair, whirled in silver clothes, and rose to a height of more than ten thousand miles. City Nebula Continent, I want to give the other party some color.

Boom! Boom!

Liu Qianlang was not polite at all, while whizzing and flying, the holy sword of slaughtering demons had already poured down from the sky, and the blazing red sword, lightning and thunder, had already chopped down from the middle of the sky above Qingguo City.

At the same time, countless stegosauruses under Liu Qianlang's feet are all baring their teeth and claws, roaring and spraying, flying through the sky with fiery thunderballs, fireballs, electric swords and light knives... all kinds of terrifying attacking images are covering the sky above Qingguo City's nebula at the same time.



In the sky above Qingguo City, the pitch-black demonic cloud began to churn and surge in an instant, like a landslide and tsunami, exploding continuously, spraying clouds high into the sky.

The pitch-black demonic cloud was burned into various strange colors, and flew in all directions over the Qingguo City Nebula Continent. From a distance, the Qingguo City Nebula Continent seemed to be destroyed by the star collapse cloud.

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