Nine Heavens

Chapter 2295

"According to the new city regulations of our Qingguo City, any man and woman who have similar intimacy must marry a man to a woman, otherwise no matter who abandons the other party, he will be cursed by all evil!

Since you belittled the city lord first, you must marry the city lord unconditionally, otherwise, you, Mengxian Zhoudi, are unreasonable. "

Qingguo City Lord followed the routine he had planned in his heart and finally stated his purpose.

However, she was not sure that her cowardly threat would succeed, because she understood her husband's behavior and would never bow to any threat.

Therefore, when she finished speaking in this way, when the eyes of the golden pupil and Sa Changfeng met, she showed a little unconfidence.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Emperor Benzhou would be so likable. Didn't he just marry you as his wife? What's the matter? Anyway, Emperor Benzhou has countless wives. One more than you is not too many, and one less than you is quite a lot.

You don't need to threaten and curse, you are pretty good-looking, and it is not a loss for Emperor Zhou to have a demon lady like you.

However, Emperor Ben Zhou already has Empress Qing Lei Emperor, she is very virtuous, if you force Emperor Ben Zhou to marry you, it is fine, you must meet the three conditions of Emperor Ben Zhou!

First, immediately open the seal Tiangang, donate the Qingguo City, and return to my Dream Fairy Continent.

Second, with your qualifications, you can only be the concubine of the emperor of this universe, and you will never have the opportunity to be the empress of the emperor.

Third, immediately kill Xinfeng, the Witch of the Wind Demon Clan disguised as a man in front of you. "

Liu Qianlang stood proudly, his white hair flew wildly covering the sky, he raised his head and laughed wildly, and said.

"Hmph! Don't talk about your three conditions, even one of them is impossible for the city lord to accept!

Frankly speaking, my city lord also likes you a little bit, so I condescend to you just now, and want to cooperate with you, but I don't want you to be arrogant and unreasonable, talking nonsense.

Forget it, if you have the ability, you can attack my Qingguo City. If you don’t eat a toast and eat fine wine, you will seek your own death, and you will find it yourself! "

The City Lord of the Kingdom of Jin knew that his husband could not be overwhelmed by him, but he did not expect him to be so arrogant. Seeing that he could not break through his Dragon Soul Sealing Gang, he still challenged him like this.

The city lord of the Kingdom of Jin couldn't help being angry, and immediately refused coldly, and threatened again.

"Ha ha……"

"I guess this is the magic dragon ball you mentioned, and the seal formed by its dragon soul, don't worry, the emperor of this universe must have a way to destroy it.

At that time, the emperor of this universe will not only capture and merge the Nebula Continent of Qingguo City, hum! By the way, I will forcefully marry you two as concubines to show my congratulations! "

Liu Qianlang was not threatened at all, and laughed wildly.

"Ha ha……"

"Mengxian Eternal Emperor, what a big tone, if you can really destroy the dragon soul and seal the Tiangang, capture the Qingguo City Nebula Continent, Qingguo City Lord, I can't be the master of the city, but Xinfeng can be your concubine willingly , I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

Xin Changfeng heard Liu Qianlang's crazy words, shook his emerald green glazed fan slightly, and also looked up and laughed.

"Okay, that's it for today, the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty will return to the land for the time being, it is possible to find an opportunity to attack and sneak attack, you have to be careful! Haha..."

In the process of arguing with the other party, Liu Qianlang has been carefully analyzing the 100,000 huge golden lotus dragon soul seal of the other party. He is convinced that the seal of the golden lotus dragon soul cannot be broken at the moment, so after answering Xin Changfeng's words, he turned around and shrank, and turned towards himself. The Youlan Lanlian seal of the Dream Immortal Continent shot into Tiangang.

Not long after, I saw the blue lotus slowly closing, then the azure blue continued to dim, and finally went out suddenly, and I couldn't see anything about Mengxian Continent.

However, Qingguo City's Xingyun Continent is just the opposite. Because of Liu Qianlang's departure, Qingguo City Lord and Xin Changfeng thought they had won the battle of words, and continued drinking and laughing.


"Unexpectedly, the all-powerful husband will also be defeated by us. This is the first time. I am so unhappy!"

"Sister, it's too early to be happy. Listening to his tone, it seems that there is some way to break through the soul seal Tiangang."

"How is it possible, you and I both know that the only thing my husband can compete with my magic dragon ball is his ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon balls, but the eighty-one dragon balls only have the leading edge of the universe, and all of them can fight against it together." Can't get my magic dragon ball.

Taking a step back, even if the husband wins and marries us by force, we are just as happy as we want, and it’s too late to laugh secretly, so there is nothing to worry about.

This is what we are, defeat is also victory, victory is also victory, no result but no joy. My sister don't want the servant to bother me, let him go to the toilet, we can drink for fun when we have nothing to do, and then make two sets of bridal costumes by the way, ready to be a magic new bride once, it must be fun. "

Qingguo City Master said optimistically with a carefree and worried look on his face.

"Sister's thinking is really beautiful. You think that the enemy of the loser will be treated so romantically. She said that she married us for revenge. Even if she pays homage to us, she will put us in limbo. If we really lose, the days to come will be uncomfortable."

Xin Changfeng's view is different from that of Qingguo City Lord, recalling Liu Qianlang's indifferent expression when he left.

"Hey, listen to my sister. My husband's behavior has not changed. Please trust my intuition. Aren't you on good terms with Qing Lei? His relationship with Qing Lei is very bad.

After I kissed him, I explored his mind and soul. Then Qing Lei is cultivating in his Demon Soul Universe, Qing Lei is full of evil thoughts to kill her husband.

Even so, not only did the husband not kill her, but he also planted magic flowers for her cultivation realm, shooting the fragrant fragrance from the sky... What does this mean? It means that the husband is just a mouth demon, and his fairy heart has never changed.

Sister So firmly believes that even if we don't disclose our real relationship with our husband, he won't abuse us much. "

Qingguo mentioned Qinglei's matter, and pushed forward Liu Qianlang's entry into the Immortal Demon Universe.

"I know about Qinglei. I heard from my father Lightning Leopard that my husband killed her father, the Scarlet Demon Lion King, so she has always held a grudge and wanted to kill him.

However, I don't understand, since she and her husband are enemies, why did she agree to marry him? "

"It's not easy. It's for the convenience of killing your husband. If you want to kill a person, you must at least have a chance to get close to this person. Qinglei's choice is nothing more than this.

But there is a situation that I can't understand. Qing Lei is actually pregnant at this time, and she senses it from the fetal spirit, which contains a powerful fairy breath. It should be the child of her husband.

You said that Qing Lei hates her husband so much, and her husband is definitely not a strong person. How could they have such an intimate affair and have a secret marriage? "

"The relationship between them seems to be very complicated. Let's not talk about that, let's talk about our Qingguocheng first. Right now, our identities can no longer hide all the monsters in the Qingguocheng Nebula Continent for a long time. What should we do?"

"It's simple. Of these monsters, only the three-phase blue shadow fox, the snow demon turtle and Qing Goshawk can speak fairy tales, and all the others should be exterminated. Including the new one hundred and eight demons and the three hundred and sixty-one demons respect.

However, we don't need to do anything, I have already arranged, they are suspicious of each other, intriguing, killing each other, and soon, let the three phases end. "


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