Nine Heavens

Chapter 2296 Emperor Zhou Shame Hall

"Sanxiang is willing to do this?"

Xin Changfeng asked in surprise.

"Yes, because the three of them are also the same sect of the frontier of our Langyuan Xianmen, Zhou Xian, who reincarnated in the Destroyed Universe Continent.

The front edge of the blue shadow fox is the four fox wives of Brother Yuanfang. In order to pursue Brother Yuanfang who entered the Immortal Demon Universe first, they merged and germinated in the Snow Demon Land Demon Fox Beast Clan.

The snow demon tortoise is the little demon tortoise, and the Qing goshawk is Qiqi. Although they don't know it yet, they have a celestial heart instinct, and they have hatred and suspicion towards the demon race by nature. Bewitch them, and they will be of use to us. "

"Oh! My sister won't be manipulating the phantom to do those intrigues again, right?"

"In the past, I couldn't leave the inner space of the Dragon Ball because of my practice of the Demon Dragon Divine Art, so I did that kind of thing, and now I don't need that kind of thing.

It's enough for Qiqi to have little red dots. Doesn't Little Demon Turtle listen to Xiaomei and Xiaolin very much? As for Lan Yinghu, seeing her husband Yuan Fang was even more carried away.

Just trouble my sister to play the above roles. "

"Oh! When I first came, they dragged me into the water. Not only did they want to play tricks, but they also wanted to do tricks with men. Isn't there any other way?"

"Of course there is, but this is the simplest, most useful, and most efficient method. We people in the Waves and Immortals Sect are not hard-pressed, and you are right to listen to my sister.

If you don't have any better ideas, you can act now. First, change into Siying Meihu and all the sisters-in-law. First, regain the memory of the old blue shadow fox and let him regain his immortal consciousness. Go. As for my sister, there are bigger things to do. "

The city lord of Qingguo talked so far, and secretly said in his heart:

"Husband, husband, I don't believe that the wisdom of the two of us sisters can't beat you once, hum!"

Then, Chaoxin Changfeng smiled, sealed the inside of Tiangang with the dragon soul of Jin Laolian, and waved her fan Pingting to float away.


"This demon world is really weird. Even the cold and proud elder sister Zhi'er has changed like this. Fortunately, Mr. Wen Yang recovered the fairy memory in time, otherwise I don't know how many ridiculous things I would have done."

Xin Changfeng also laughed at himself, and the emerald green glazed fan returned to the appearance of the star-cracking cloud fan, and then he also sealed the inside of the Tiangang with the back of his hand, and floated away on the pear blossom cloud.

In Mengxian Continent, there is a Fairy Club.

For the first time, Liu Qianlang faced His Highness's demons with some embarrassment, and looked around at the demon masters sitting in the meeting room with a very uncomfortable expression.

"Ah, cough cough, you have all seen the scene where the emperor of this universe went to the Nebula Continent, the leader of Qingguo, their dragon soul golden lotus seal is too powerful, even the emperor of this universe can't think of a countermeasure for a while. , so the meeting will be held, and I hope that everyone will work together to discuss the big plan."

Liu Qianlang looked at the weird eyes of the group of monsters below, and he didn't speak. It seemed that no one spoke, so he coughed twice and said.

"Hee hee...hehe..."

"Ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, Marshal Lan Xing shook his body and burst out laughing, instantly detonating all the monsters in the hall, all the monsters were laughing. Even Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao were laughing, but their movements were not so exaggerated.

"Hey, Big Brother Zhou Emperor, as long as you are willing to marry City Lord Qingguo, everything will be solved, eh? Hee hee..."

Amidst the group of monsters laughing, Marshal Lan Xing didn't care about Liu Qianlang's temper, relying on his deep friendship with each other, he made a joke with the voice of Qingguo.


After the Marshal Blue Star finished speaking, the blue fairy robe on his body shone, and his purple eyes burst out. He looked at the group of monsters who had just stopped laughing with deliberately humorous eyes, which made the group of monsters laugh again.

"Blue Star bastard, don't make fun of the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. It's not like what she said, I'm following her way."

Listening to the laugh, Liu Qianlang blushed and explained in embarrassment.

However, Marshal Blue Star didn't care at all about the funny names of the Blue Star boys. Instead, he felt very nostalgic and became more presumptuous. He continued to imitate the sweet voice of Qingguo:

"Oh! Is there such a wise person? He took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, but to be honest, that sister-in-law of Qingguo Zhou really looks good for Emperor Zhou.

Instead of us working so hard with them, why not just sell Hue once, get Xingyun and beauty, why not do it! sneeze..."

After Marshal Blue Star finished speaking, he smirked again.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, Liu Qianlang burst into laughter after listening to it. The words behind Marshal Blue Star made him suddenly enlightened. He suddenly had a strategy to deal with Qingguocheng in his anxiety, so he laughed.


With his smile, His Royal Highness and the group of monsters were stunned, the laughter stopped abruptly, and they all stared at Liu Qianlang in a daze.

Especially Marshal Blue Star thought he could feast his eyes this time. Seeing his buddies embarrassed, he didn't expect him to laugh so happily himself, so he was instantly dumbfounded, and froze while maintaining a smile with his mouth open and eyes squinting.

"The Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty listened to Marshal Blue Star and accepted the conditions of the city lord of Qingguo, but I don't think I need to go there in person. Marshal Blue Star looks suave and suave. Wouldn't it be enough to change into my appearance? What we call Count on it!"

It's enough for Qianlang to laugh, and he leaned over to look at the frozen Marshal Lan Xing and said.

"High! High!"

"Wonderful! This plan"

As soon as the group of monsters heard this, they immediately gloated, turned their eyes to Marshal Blue Star, and shouted with a smile.

"Emperor Zhou, this, this..."

When Marshal Blue Star heard this, he immediately regretted his unwise behavior of teasing his boss, his blue face was swollen and purple, and it was hard to argue.

"Ha ha……"

"Marshal Blue Star is the most suitable. In terms of the ability of immortals and demons, he is not inferior to me. In terms of immortal appearance, he is even more suave and suave. He can't change things into me. The most wonderful thing is to go to Qingguo City. That's it.

Let's all congratulate Marshal Lanxing on marrying the Lord of Qingguo City to be the husband of the village, haha..."

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang took the lead in laughing, and so did the group of monsters.

"Well, speaking of it, Marshal Blue Star and Emperor Zhou have a free and easy personality, and there are seven points alike, Emperor Zhou is wise, this plan is very clever!

It's just that in the future, I don't know if we should call him the husband of Qingcheng Yazhai, or Marshal of Blue Star? "

Ganoderma lucidum got up and saluted Liu Qianlang and Marshal Lan Xing successively, holding back a smile and saluting.

"The alluring husband!"

To say that the gloating nature of these demon masters still needs to be immortalized, seeing that Marshal Lan Xing was about to cry, he still had fun and shouted in unison.

"Ben Shuai objects!"

When Marshal Blue Star fully understood his embarrassing situation, he shouted loudly.

"Huh? How dare you disobey the decree of the emperor of the universe! All venerables, what do you think should be done?"

Liu Qianlang asked sternly on purpose.

"Destroy the contract for hundreds of millions of years, demolish the house and destroy the palace!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's question, His Royal Highness and the demons shouted in unison.

Here I want to say that because the four-star marshal was playful and unwilling to accept land affairs, Liu Qianlang designed them and issued a military order called "Hundred Years of Compliance".

In 100 million years, as long as the emperor of Zhou sends orders, the four star commanders must carry out them unconditionally, otherwise they will demolish their old nest Four Star Palace and destroy all their recreational facilities.

Therefore, the group of monsters just shouted like that.

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