Nine Heavens

Chapter 2301 The Second Round of Negotiations

"However, how could he summon the magic dragon ball? It's unbelievable. He is not the body of a dragon soul, but his main body is the wave of the edge of the Tianling River. The flying demon is neither a demon nor a spirit. No matter how you say it, he should not have this kind of power. Ability is right!"

After Princess Qingguo sighed, Xin Changfeng squinted at His Highness Lan Yinghu, and said as if asking and talking to herself.

"It's probably because he has the ability to summon ninety-nine eighty-one frontier universe dragon balls, or maybe he has created some extraterrestrial magic. In short, he himself is a miracle, and we can't analyze everything about him at all."

The city lord of Qingguo lost the magic dragon ball, his biggest trump card was gone, and his tone of speech was obviously not as optimistic as before.

"Hey! That bitch is subdued, hey, Emperor Zhou is more powerful, let alone, how did Emperor Zhou summon her magic dragon ball?"

Over the palace of Qingguo City, Liu Qianlang and the four star commanders had already arrived. This time, Liu Qianlang used the power of the dragon soul to design an invisibility technique, and the lord of Qingguo City could not sense it.

The five of them floated more than a thousand feet above the palace, condescending, looking at everything in the palace while talking.

The above words were asked by Shuai Lan Xingxing.

"Haha, what a coincidence, it turned out that the magic dragon ball they mentioned was not a monster, but a fairy dragon ball that was transformed into a universe in front of us.

In other words, the ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon balls controlled by the emperor of this universe have begun to complete their transformation into the universe one after another, and have gradually entered this fairy and demon universe.

The magic dragon ball controlled by the city lord of Qingguo below is exactly one of the ninety-nine and eighty-one pieces of my front-end Zhoulangyuan Xianmen. So this Zhou Emperor naturally sensed its existence easily. This is called returning things to their original owners, haha..."

Liu Qianlang, with fluttering white hair, shining silver robes, vast starry eyes, stepping on the bright red sword of killing demons, and holding the blue dragon ball in his hand, is proud of the spring breeze and laughs freely.

"My food! It turns out that they are playing big games with our baby. I really don't feel ashamed.

What shall we do next, do we kill them in seconds, or Emperor Zhou accepts them? "

Because Liu Qianlang had said before that he wanted to marry the city lord and Sa Changfeng, so Marshal Blue Star asked this question.

"Hehe, it's meaningless to bully two little witches. Instead of bullying them, it's better to use them. Now that we have this dragon ball in our hands, I have a way to control them."

Liu Qianlang was as comfortable as a spring breeze, and smiled.

"Reporting to the city lord, as the city lord said just now, after Mengxian Eternal Emperor stole the magic dragon ball, he also rescued the fake Mengxian Eternal Emperor and other stars!"

When Liu Qianlang was talking to the four star commanders, he heard His Highness Qing Goshawk go back and forth, and came back and said.

"What should we do? Without the Magic Dragon Ball, we just want to gather the Golden Lotus Dragon Soul and seal Tiangang!"

Hearing Dianqing Goshawk's return, Xin Changfeng's face became scorched, and he asked Qingguo City Lord.


After a burst of astonishment, City Lord Qingguo gradually calmed down, and answered Xin Changfeng with one word.

"Wait? He stole the magic dragon ball. If he didn't destroy the golden lotus dragon soul and seal it, Tiangang led the Mengxian army into Qingguo City. Would he come to me to return the magic dragon ball?"

Xin Changfeng didn't believe Liu Qianlang would be so stupid, and sighed suspiciously.

"Right! Wait! Because compared to using us and abusing us, we are of great value to him. As I said earlier, his ambition doesn't bother to capture our Qingguo City, but the entire Demon Universe Realm.

So they will definitely come to negotiate with us, maybe they are already in this palace. "

As his mood calmed down, City Lord Qingguo returned to his previous calm and rational state.

"Well, as expected of a city lord, even if the treasure at the bottom of the press box is lost, he can still judge the problem so calmly.

However, Emperor Ben Zhou didn't seem to understand the use value you mentioned just now. If City Lord Qingguo is willing, you might as well talk about it. Maybe Emperor Ben Zhou thinks it's okay and really returns the magic dragon ball to you. "

Liu Qianlang heard that the city lord Qingguo had already guessed that he and the four star commanders were in the palace, so naturally there was no need to continue to hide, so he suddenly released the concealment spell.

The five of them floated down hand in hand, and then, still stepping on the demon-slaying holy sword, they stopped at a position parallel to the altar, facing Qingguo city lord, Xin Changfeng, but standing steadily at a distance of several feet.

"This city lord doesn't have the time to show you the value of not being killed and abused by you. Since I lost to you because of a careless move, it's up to you to choose.

It's a war to accompany you; it's peace, as long as the conditions are satisfactory to the city owner, the city owner won't have to suffer, so just say it, what should we do? "

What the Lord Qingguo said just now was just a test, but Liu Qianlang moved so fast that he had already hidden in the palace of Qingguo City.

Therefore, the words were cold, without the slightest sign of weakness.

"What a sharp tooth, that's good, Emperor Benzhou is magnanimous, and I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you two little witches. Be my fairy army, undercover in the Demon Thunder Kingdom, and then Emperor Benzhou will return the magic dragon ball to you, how about it!"

Liu Qianlang had already thought about how to do it in his heart, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Why do you think we will accept your conditions? Do you think we will betray our own Demon Universe Realm?"

Qingguo asked coldly.

"Of course, the demon gods who can control the fairy dragon ball will fight against the demon sooner or later. Since this day will come sooner or later, we have the same goal, why can't we cooperate with each other.

No matter which frontier Universe Universe you are, cooperating with each other will benefit not only our Dream Immortal Continent, but you as well. "

Liu Qianlang is amazing. After contacting many things before and after, he deduced that Qing Guo and Xin Changfeng turned out to be demon bodies and immortal hearts, so he said it with certainty.


Hearing this, the city lord Qingguo and Xin Changfeng were secretly happy, they didn't expect her husband to sense the fairy heart in her demon body so quickly, and they all sighed in unison.

"What's the matter, even if we are all immortals, it's just you walking your Yangguan way, and I crossing my single-plank bridge, why should we listen to you!"

I am happy in my heart, but in my mouth, the city lord of Qingguo is still not to be outdone.

"Haha... ten thousand rivers are separated, there is no majestic confluence; one star shines alone, there is no vast sea of ​​stars. We cooperate and complement each other, and I will honor you, wouldn't it be the best."

Liu Qianlang raised his head and smiled brightly, talking about pros and cons.

"Then, when you are done, you will dominate the universe of immortals and demons, and if we are not killed by you, we will become wandering immortals in the future, won't we?"

The city lord of Qingguo asked closely, and even asked the question of the final ending.

"If you don't want to be constrained in any way and let yourself be free, how can the Emperor of this Zhou force him; but if you wish to be not included in the god class, the Emperor of this Zhou will madly get his wish in the future, and he will naturally designate you as the orthodox God of Zhou. The Emperor of this Zhou Is it okay to make such a promise first?"

Liu Qianlang heard that the other party had started to give in, so he made his attitude clear.

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