Nine Heavens

Chapter 2302

"Empty words have no evidence, so what is the proof?"

Qingguo City Lord asked again.

"There is no ruthlessness and no certificate, it is all determined by the rationality of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The emperor of this universe is going to order the Nebula Continent of the Qingguo City, regardless of whether you accept the conditions of the emperor of the universe.

Promise to Emperor Ben Zhou, Emperor Ben Zhou will return the Dragon Ball to you immediately. It’s too late if you don’t agree, to tell you the truth about Qingguo City Lord, the emperor of this universe has released the golden lotus dragon soul to seal Tiangang, but after a few hours, Qingguo City’s Nebula Continent has become the central star center of my dream fairy Feilu .

And you, the emperor of this universe will not keep you, you either bring your subordinates to fight to the death with us, or bring a few capable subordinates to go back to the Demon Thunder Country with you! "

Liu Qianlang no longer plays tricks with his words, and speaks directly to the other party's lair of thought.

"You are so ruthless, you drove us away just after taking our Nebula Continent!?"

When Qingguocheng heard that Liu Qianlang had come here, he had already ordered Mengxian Continent to engulf his One Nebula Continent.

The action is so fast that I can't accept it. The most important thing is that the Qingguo City, which I have ruled for more than a hundred years, must hand over to my husband, and Xin Changfeng and Sanxiang pat their butts and leave!

Although City Lord Qingguo originally wanted to help her husband in this way, but as a human being, he has his own little self-esteem and temper, and suddenly felt greatly wronged, and said angrily.

"Yes, this is good for you and me! For you, after fleeing to the Demon Thunder Country, you can be said to be defeated by my Mengxian Continent, show weakness to the Demon Thunder Lord and return to the country, and secretly hold your ground.

For me, it prevents my subordinates from talking about me and damaging my appearance! "

Liu Qianlang spoke bluntly.

"Hmph! You actually only care about your own face, not yourself..."

"Changfeng! Shut up! Good! The Lord of the city accepts your conditions, you can give me the magic dragon ball, and we will leave.

By the way, besides my city lord, Xin Changfeng and the three phases that I took away together, there is no longer a single monster on the Nebula Continent in Qingguo City. "

When Xin Changfeng heard that Liu Qian was so ruthless, he merged with the Nebula Continent so quickly, and drove away his sister and himself, he was angry for a moment, and opened his mouth to tell the true fairy body of himself and Qingguo City Lord.

However, it was immediately interrupted by the stern voice of Qingguo City Lord.


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang sighed. He really didn't expect the other party to move so fast, and even slaughtered the star demon himself.

Liu Qianlang didn't say anything more, turned his wrist and pushed, and returned the magic dragon ball in his palm to the other party.

"let's go!"

Raising his hand to receive the magic dragon ball with a beautiful solitary rainbow, the city lord of Qingguo suddenly turned around, turned his back to Liu Qianlang, and shouted firmly, in the next second, her beautiful figure was gone.


Xin Changfeng and Sanxiang let out a cold snort one after another, and fled away in place.


Just when Xin Changfeng's figure disappeared, the emerald green glaze in her hand inadvertently returned to the appearance of a star-cracking fan. Although it was only a flash for a moment, Liu Qianlang sensed it.

Liu Qianlang cried out in shock.

"What a ruthless Mengxian Zhoudi! You can hang out with your three spirits and demon girls in the Nebula Continent of Qingguo City!"

After Liu Qianlang's exclamation, the disappearing Xin Changfeng was silent for a while, then replied coldly, and then fell silent again.

"What did Emperor Zhou call out just now, what does it mean?"

After Qingguo City Lord and his party disappeared, Marshal Lanxing asked Liu Qianlang in surprise when he saw Liu Qianlang's sudden disorientation.

"No, nothing."

Because Liu Qianlang didn't get a response from Pa'er, she suspected that she was missing his wife so much, she was dazzled, so she quickly calmed down her flustered mood and said.

"That's good, Emperor Zhou rests in the palace for the time being. Let's go to help the immortal army from all walks of life to unite Mengxian Continent and Qingguo Nebula Continent. The task can be completed in about three days, and the blue lotus can seal Tiangang in five days."

The four star commanders have been imprisoned for a long time and have no combat achievements. Seeing that there is nothing wrong with them, they saluted in unison.

"Thank you, four star commanders, please!"

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly and said. Then he saw the four star commanders flying away on the stars.

"Emperor Mengxian Zhou, the immortal instrument of the all-powerful fairy and demon universe, is not less than the frontier universe, and it is even more formidable!"

Liu Qianlang had just sat on the throne of Qingguo City Lord, when a man with flying white hair, dangling silver clothes, and a blood rainbow magic sword appeared in front of him.

This person smiled and chanted, elegant and coquettish, and smiled freely.

"Ha ha……"

"It turns out that Langlong is here, please sit down. I made Langlong laugh, and almost became the son-in-law of Qingguo City Lord"

Liu Qianlang motioned for someone to take a seat, and laughed at himself. Then he waved his sleeves and covered the table in front of the palace with delicious wine and fairy vegetables.

Then the two didn't exchange much greetings, just drank the wine and chatted while drinking.

The two people look exactly the same, and their movements and demeanor are like copies.

Only the color of the eyes is different, Ouyang Langlong has bright red blood eyes, and Liu Qianlang has bright white eyes.

"It's really admirable that Qianlang has ruled the small three-spirit monster clan star field for more than a hundred years.

Now that the city lord of Qingguo is forced away and the Nebula Continent of Qingguo City is captured, the Nebula Continent of Mengxian Continent will be expanded by a thousand times. The future momentum is really limitless! "

Ouyang Lang's dragon wine cup toasts willows and leads the waves.

"Langlong's Langlong City also frightened the cities of the Demon Thunder Kingdom. I heard that Qianlang has already wiped out the five cities in the north, south, northwest, southwest and west. If Qianlang doesn't capture one city, it's nothing to worry about."

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"On the surface, this is indeed the case, but attacking, killing and destroying is not as peaceful as outsmarting! The way of being a fairy is not destroying, but turning into a fairy, saving demons, demons and spirits!

Outside Qianlang, there are three spirits and demon clans who have transformed into immortals, and inside there is Chengxiang returning to immortality. Such merits and virtues are beyond the reach of Langlong! In the future, I have to learn from Qianlang. "

After abandoning demons and returning to immortality, Ouyang Langlong became an out-and-out orthodox immortal god. His understanding of immortality deepened, and his analysis of problems became more thorough. He was full of praise for Liu Qianlang's essence of immortality.

"Hehe, Langlong just saw the result, and never saw the ugly side of Qianlang. If you saw Qianlang's forced marriage with Qinglei, etc., you wouldn't say that."

Liu Qianlang didn't want himself to have a positive image in front of Ouyang Langlong, so he deliberately smeared himself.

"The filth on the surface can't cover up the holiness in the bones, on the contrary, the filth in the bones, no matter how brilliant the surface is, it is also filthy.

Langlong understands this deeply. Qianlang's turbidity today is not as turbid as I was in the past. You are pretending to be filthy, but I am really turbid. The natural result is the opposite. If it weren't for the great heart of Immortal Qianlang, my Langlong would have been wiped out long ago.

Haha... Don't slander yourself Qianlang, I know you are doing it for the balance of my fairy heart.

The past is already in the past, and Langlong can have the opportunity to form the body of the immortal. I hope that my immortal virtue will be eternal, and I hope that the heart of the immortal will be happy forever!

If Qianlang is obsessed with healing the wounds of Langlong in the past and destroying his reputation, wouldn't it be another sin in this new universe!

So today Langlong came here, one is to bid farewell to Qianlang, and Langlong City is going to the star field of Molei Kingdom. The second is to open up his fairy heart, and also open up Qianlang's only entanglement.

How about we immortals and demons walking together to encourage each other, tacitly understanding each other, being holy and one soul, and going forward bravely? "

Ouyang Langlong's words were sincere and generous, and Liu Qianlang's heart was wide open, and he nodded deeply, very grateful.

Then the two of them had a good time and continued to talk frankly over wine.

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