Nine Heavens

Chapter 2303 Three Phase Return to Immortal

Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong had a heart-to-heart conversation, and after five days of drinking, Ouyang Langlong said goodbye and left.

Liu Qianlang looked around the Xingyun Continent of Qingguo City, his people were in full swing to control Lanlian and seal Tiangang, it would take some time, so he was not in a hurry, sat alone and continued to drink and think about the next things.

It is said that after Qingguo City Lord brought Xin Changfeng, Wenxiang Lanyinghu, Wuxiang Snow Demon Turtle and Tianxiang Qing Goshawk to leave Qingguo City, Qingguo felt ashamed to go to Demon Thunderhou after thinking about it, so while speeding, he suddenly changed In the direction, it shot towards a desolate ruined universe continent.

In the Immortal Demon Universe, all kinds of forces are also ups and downs. A certain Nebula Continent was once infinitely prosperous, but it may have declined due to various reasons.

The monsters on the ruined continent control a nebula, which is different from the fairy gods of the immortal universe. They don't need to beautify and manage the land they live in, but just consume the resources of the nebula indefinitely, destroying it as they want, the so-called meaning of destroying the universe , that's how it came about.

"City Lord! What are you?"

While galloping, Qing Goshawk, who had been spying on Molei Nation all this time, saw what Qingguo City Lord meant and asked.

"It's better to re-open the border and expand the land by yourself instead of being the devil under the feet of Leihou. Don't call me the city lord again. Qingguo City has been taken. Calling me the city lord will not be embarrassing.

Mengxian Eternal Emperor has Mengxian Feilu, and the upper rank has the ultimate Yuandong Demon Palace. This long princess also wants to create the Qingguo Palace and proclaim herself the Qingguo Immortal Emperor! "

Qingguo's expression was condensed and his attitude was firm.

"Well, I'm afraid this is wrong. First, the nebula has long been an ancient ruined continent nebula. It is riddled with holes, and there is no magic energy to continue to use. It is difficult for us to survive.

The second is that we are demons and not immortals, so why did the eldest princess establish the Emperor Immortal School? Wouldn't it mean that he was besieged by the Immortal Universe outside and suppressed by the superiors of the Destroyed Universe Continent inside? "

After hearing this, Lan Yinghu shook his head in objection. Because of his excitement, blue light flashed all over his body.

"We are the demon body and fairy heart, and the immortal emperor is our future. The monster destroys the universe, and we create the universe, protect, nourish, and develop it again. This is the sincerity of the eldest princess.

No matter how powerful Emperor Mengxian Zhou is, if the eldest princess insists on not giving up Qingguo City, he will never succeed. The eldest princess has not yet summoned the magic dragon to help.

The eldest princess intentionally gave it up to Mengxian Zhoudi Qingguocheng, and she wanted to take a road to regain immortality that was different from the demons in the ruined continent, and different from the creation of the immortal realm.

In our current situation, we can't retreat, and we can't move forward. The choice of the eldest princess is the best, and of course it is also the most difficult. "

At this moment, the Snow Demon Turtle, who had never spoken much, sighed and said in a very supportive tone.

"Demon Body Fairy Heart, Snow Demon Turtle, who are you talking about, are you crazy?"

Hearing the words of the Snow Demon Turtle, Lan Yinghu was a little dazed, looking at Qing Guo with flying blond hair and fluttering fiery red magic clothes in front of him, and asked in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, the snow tortoise hides its secrets. It turns out that you have already awakened your sense of immortality. The snow tortoise is right, we are the demon body and the fairy heart.

The eldest princess is the master of Mengxian Zhou Emperor's fairy wife, and Changfeng is the master of Wenyang Palace, the fairy wife of Zhou Emperor.

And your blue shadow fox Qianyuan Zhou is the demon body born of the four beloved wives of Lord Sirius Zhou, our sister-in-law Siying Meihu and soul Zhou. Qing Goshawk is Qiqi, and the Snow Demon Turtle is the Green Demon Turtle. "

Qingguo Feng looked back, glanced at the simple and honest snow turtle, nodded approvingly, and said quietly.

"Hey, no way! Not to mention anything else, just the concept of time doesn't make sense. According to the eldest princess, our frontier universe should be the universe in the body of Emperor Mengxian Zhou.

That is to say, the initiation of our body universe should be thereafter. But the fact is just the opposite. We have already existed in the Continent of Destroyed Universe long ago, but Mengxian Zhoudi saw that it was the newly sprouted Cosmic Cub in the Created Universe Immortal Territory. "

Lan Yinghu didn't recover the slightest sense of immortality. He looked inside his mind and questioned Mo Xin, but he couldn't sense any sense of immortality in him. After a little thought, he found an obvious reason to refute it.

"It seems that Lan Xing has not yet realized the concept of time in the body of the immortal universe. This immortal universe is different from our frontier universe, and all things and spirits share the time flow.

In the Immortal Demon Universe, although there are general public hours for our reference, we also talk about night and day. However, this is not the time axis of our own cosmic body.

We are different from Mengxian Zhoudi, he did not reincarnate into a demon body, but transformed himself into a universe. With us and the former frontier universe, that is, all the elements in Mengxian Zhoudi's body were combined and transformed into a universe. body.

We are not as strong as him. It is because when he first entered the Immortal Demon Universe, when the immortal energy leaked out and the demonic energy was not strong, those of us wandering in the immortal sect were obsessed with the meaning of gathering together, and took the opportunity to abandon our bodies and escape our souls.

Leaving the body universe of Mengxian Zhoudi, and then entering the universe of ruining the continent to reincarnate in the realm of the universe, and the soul is in the realm of the universe, so it is a matter of course that it exists in the realm of the devil.

As for what we feel, we are the ruined continent that has existed for tens of millions of years, or even longer, that is after we have the demon body, the time coordinates of the demon world passed down by our parents in the demon world surrounded by fairy hearts and immortal souls are at work, so that We just feel that way. "

At this moment, Qingguo didn't want to hide the fact that everyone was a demon body and immortal heart, so he said it to those present who had the same question.

"Oh! So that's the case! However, princess, our immortal consciousness has not yet awakened, and the magic consciousness is still controlling us. How can we convince ourselves of what you said? Frankly speaking, if we can't convince ourselves that we are the front How could the Immortal of Zhou be willing to do something that betrayed and ruined the evil heart of Zhou Continent?

For example, when the eldest princess ordered us to slaughter all the monsters in Qingguo City, although we were forced to do it, we may have no objection except for the awakening of the snow turtle. But Lan Xinghu and I are really tormented! "

Although Qing Cangying was loyal to Qingguo, he was straightforward and said it without any taboo.

"This, of course, Qingguo knows. The eldest princess has always thought that after you generally wake up naturally, there may be an appropriate time to help you recover the frontier universe consciousness.

I don't want you to have a lot of doubts about this, but since we mentioned it, I will use this magic dragon ball to awaken the frontier universe consciousness for you. "

Qingguo stopped at the speeding movement, turned around, and slowly raised the dragon bead cover that shot out the blue dragon bead light waves to Sanxiang who also stopped.

But an hour later, the three-phase demon body disappeared and recovered in Liu Qianlang's body, which is what they called the fairy appearance in the frontier universe.

Especially the blue shadow fox's avatar, a demon body has become four fairy bodies and four shadow meihus.

"Here, giggling..."

"We really succeeded! We can see our husband again!"

The Four Shadow Phantom Foxes looked around at each other for a long time, and they all sighed happily.

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