Nine Heavens

Chapter 2304 Rise of Immortal Domain

"Is Blue Star credible this time?"

Qingguo succeeded in restoring the immortal consciousness for Sanxiang, accepted the Dragon Ball Shenbo, and asked Siying Meihu with a smile.


"I believe it! Thank you, Eldest Princess."

Hearing Qingguo's question, the Four-Shadow Phantom Fox laughed heartily for a while, and then suddenly merged into a Blue Shadow Fox, saluting.

"Although we can return to the fairy state, we are in the continent of the universe, so our magic state naturally has its magical effect.

Therefore, in public, it is best to show people in a demonic state. If you are all your own, you can do whatever you want.

Now what do you think about Princess Ben's idea of ​​pioneering the frontier school? "

Seeing that everyone was happy, Qingguo looked around at Sanxiang and Xin Changfeng and asked.

"Haha... Why do you need to ask again, my celestial heart and celestial consciousness are all restored, and the immortal Mu Mei creates a secluded place, so it should be our fairy ear, and my sister will just go forward and lead the way!"

Xin Changfeng said with a pun.

"Ha ha……"


"Immortal Emperor Qingguo, please lead the way!"

The Blue Shadow Fox was further divided into the Four Shadow Phantom Fox and the Little Demon Turtle. Qiqi all laughed and said in unison.

"Well, this feeling is really good, the master of this passionate palace suddenly returned to the days when we used to gather together in the frontier universe.

After we stabilize, our mission is mainly two, one is to keep resurrecting the ancient Nebula Continent abandoned by the ancient monsters in the Destroyed Eternal Continent, one counts as one.

The second is that when we revived the ancient Nebula, we tried our best to find our brothers and sisters in the Sect of Waves, and continued to expand our Celestial Palace.

As for the matter of destroying countless monsters in the Destroyed Continent, I will leave it to Chuangzhou Immortal Territory and Mengxian Zhoudi. We will not fight and kill in the future, what do you think? "

The resurrection of the ancient Nebula is another brand new angle of the Immortal Demon Universe. For discovering this angle, Qingguo was very happy. He turned around and led the people behind him while continuing to fly, and asked happily.

"To be able to live in this 100,000 evil universe, to live up to this point, is probably something that a wise and wise sister can think of, but the fruits of our hard work must be protected, and I don't want my husband to force me again!"

While speeding, Xin Changfeng said happily and funnyly.

"Huh! I remember him. If you want to be strong, there is no way. Liu Qianlang, please remember this princess, even if one day you know that I am Zhier and want to get close to me again, unless you have the ability to pursue him I!"

The Master of the Passionate Palace obviously gave up a large amount to her husband Qingguocheng, but once he gave up, he was kicked out. The feeling in his heart is so uncomfortable, and he still broods on it to this day. So he played the temper of a little girl and said.

"Haha... What my sister said is that we can't take advantage of him, as if our sisters can't live without him!"

Xin Changfeng returned to a man's outfit in a luxurious silver robe, waved a star-cracking cloud fan in his hand, he was handsome, and he stepped on a cloud of pear blossoms, and said with a smile.

"Hehe... You guys are just nagging behind your back. You have done so much for Emperor Zhou, but you don't say it to your face, but you spit it out behind your back. Are you sour?"

"That's right, Sister Zhi'er, just talk about it, if that day comes, the two of you won't fight to get into Emperor Zhou's arms!"

"Heck... I see it right!"

"that is!"

The four sisters of Siying Meihu heard the words of Palace Master Execution, looked around each other and smiled, and said one after another.

"Hmph! I really shouldn't have awakened your immortal consciousness. You just became disobedient when you found out who it was.

Don't talk about us, the four sister-in-laws, do you know where Brother Yuanfang went? "

The Master of the Passionate Palace flew ahead, pretending to be angry, and changed the subject.

"Ah! That dead ghost, he only has Brother Qianlang in his heart. After Emperor Zhou ascended, his immortal body no longer exists in the frontier universe.

Husband, fairy man, younger brother Zhen, they, and the entire Langmen fairy sect, all seem to have lost their souls all day long, crazily practicing the magic power of breaking the universe, just for the purpose of soaring out of the universe of the emperor of the universe, and being able to fight with the emperor of the universe. Get together!

In Zhou Emperor Zhouhua, becoming me, I didn't understand until I came to Immortal Demon Universe. After Zhou Immortal, my husband has gone through hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, and he is the second to ascend after Zhou Emperor.

Then there are Sister Juan, Brother Zhen, Sister Xiannan Feng, you, Yun'er, Yaya... At the end of the high-level immortals, there are almost only our four sisters left.

Because of our longing for the distance, we entrusted all the important matters of Langyuan Xianmen to Qian'er and Xiao Yu'er. We abandoned our bodies and souls and ascended, and then became the blue shadow fox.

Where is my husband now, we have just recovered our immortal consciousness, so of course we don't know. "

The Four-Shadow Phantom Fox is still dressed in Qianyuan Zhou's velvet robes, and each figure is dancing, beautiful and beautiful, possessing the natural charm of a fox girl. When it comes to husbands and gentlemen, they all have twinkling eyes, staring at Qiushui.

The red shadow charmed the fox, a trace of melancholy flashed in her bright red eyes, she looked around at her snow-white velvet robe, and said quietly.

"Oh! That's true. Don't be anxious, the four Yuanfang sisters-in-law. My sister has the magic dragon ball in her hand. After we are safe, I believe it should not be difficult to find Brother Yuanfang!"

Liu Qianlang and Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang did not distinguish between big and small in terms of address, and they called each other by their first names. So do their wives. However, she is a little humble, calling herself a younger sister, and respecting each other as her elder.

Palace Master Zhiqing heard Siying Meihu's hard work and comforted her.

Then they fell silent, but the speed of galloping did not slow down.

Ten days later, they shot into an ancient abandoned nebula in front of them.

More than a hundred years later, that nebula, the sky is red and the sun is shining, the whole nebula has changed from the dark and dead state, countless birds of heaven fly away in the sky, and the towering Cangshan Mountain below, the sound of auspicious beasts roaring and crying can be heard from time to time.

And because of the cosmic hurricane hovering on it, it brought out all kinds of magical fragrances that are rare in the ruined continent.

This nebula is like a bright light in the infinitely dark time and space of Ruizhou Continent.

What's even more miraculous is that after such a dazzling nebula appeared, hundreds of years later, such dazzling nebulae continued to appear around it, complementing each other, just like infinitely huge bright flowers in the black dome.

The appearance of these magical nebulae is the result of Qingguo's original choice, and the demon world calls it the third fairyland.

Time flies, and these changes have occurred, and it has been thousands of years in the blink of an eye.

Qingguo City, which Liu Qianlang outsmarted at the beginning, has already been renamed as Mengxian City, and it was called the Second Immortal Realm by the Demon Realm of the Destroyed Eternal Continent.

Moreover, the territory has further annexed the southeast and northeast of the Molei Kingdom that Ouyang Lang deliberately left to Liu Qianlang, plus the Nebula territory in Qingguo City, making the territory of Mengxian Feilu reach an unprecedented scale.

At the same time, all the half-demon and half-immortal Three Spirit Monster Clans of the Three Spirit Monster Clan on the Mengxian Feizhou Continent have completed their immortalization, and the Mengxian Feizhou Continent has become an absolute fairyland.

However, there is a common saying in the world: "The tree attracts the wind, and the gun shoots the bird that stands out!"

The rise of Mengxian Feizhou Continent's Second Immortal Realm and Qingguo Immortal Realm also means that their fate has come to be tested.

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