Nine Heavens

Chapter 2308 Qing Lei Sleeping Farewell

"Thank you Qing'er! Back then, the emperor of this universe first entered the fairy universe, and his mind was pure, thinking that the devil world was evil.

Therefore, recklessly killing your father, king, and uncle, marrying you rudely, and causing you to suffer a lot of grievances, let the ninety-ninth knife kill your soul today, and end the hatred in your heart!

Qing'er, let's do it, I am very happy for my husband, I finally have a clear conscience! "

Liu Qianlang kept his eyes open, and urged Qing Lei for the second time.

"You really think so!"

Qing Lei burst into tears and asked.

"Why lie to the one I love!"

Before dying, Liu Qianlang expressed his true feelings towards Qinglei now.

"I am a witch, you will fall in love with me!?"

In the tears of Qing Lei's tears, there was a look of surprise.

"I didn't love it before, but I couldn't help it later. Qing'er, you are really worthy of love. Although you were born as a demon, you have the heart of a fairy just like Cheng Xiang.

If it wasn't for my husband's fault first, I really want to accompany you forever. "

What Liu Qianlang said was from the heart.

"Are you ready, Qing'er is going to make a move!"

It was the first time that Qinglei called himself a nickname in front of Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, Qing'er, please."

Liu Qianlang was very relieved to hear that Qing Lei had accepted him even before his death, and said with a smile.

"Poof! Poof!"

After two muffled sounds, Liu Qianlang felt a chill down his back, knowing that Qing Lei had begun to devour his soul, so he kept his body still and let Qing Lei do what he did.

However, after the first muffled sound, Liu Qianlang heard the second muffled sound, and immediately felt that the soul power in his mind was not greatly reduced, but increased sharply.


Liu Qianlang immediately realized something, forced the Soul Eater blade out of his back in an instant, and turned to look at Qinglei.

Liu Qianlang suddenly discovered that this time, Qing Lei used the Reversing Soul Losing Knife instead of the Soul Devouring Knife, and the other end of the Reversing Soul Losing Knife pierced deeply into Qing Lei's chest.

The soul-devouring knife kills the opponent's soul and mutilates the opponent's veins. The reverse soul-infusion knife is a thing that the demon world can quickly infuse the opponent's soul and send it to heal the wound.

If the controller wants to, he can transfer nearly all of his divine energy and soul energy to the opponent in an instant.

Qing'er took the fastest speed to transfer all her soul energy and divine energy to Liu Qianlang, with blood bubbling on her chest.


Liu Qianlang yelled in pain, and immediately used his magical skills to heal Qinglei's wound, and covered Qinglei's Tianling acupoint with his palm, injecting divine energy into him.

Then he hugged Qing Lei tightly in his arms, warming her cold body.


"My husband's arms are so warm, so warm!"

Qing Lei's face was pale, but she was smiling with tears in her eyes, looking very content.

"Qing'er, why are you doing this, it's me who deserves to be damned!"

Liu Qianlang stopped moving, because Qinglei had already destroyed the Tianling acupoint, and it was useless to enter but not concentrate.

"My husband can't die, Mengxian Feizhou can't live without you, but it doesn't matter if you have Qing'er or not!"

With trembling hands, Qing Lei lifted up to caress Liu Qianlang's handsome cheek, and said.

"No, no, Husband needs you, and Long'er can't live without you. You are the empress of this Zhou Emperor!"

When Liu Qianlang came to Immortal Demon Universe, she shed tears for the first time.

"Ahem... cough... Do you know, Husband, Qing'er fell in love with you the first time I saw you, that's why that night happened, and then we had Long'er...

But, but, ahem...why is it that Qing'er was born in the Demon Realm, and her husband is from the Immortal Realm of Creation Universe!

It would be great if we were all immortals, or demons, we could be together forever, and Longer. "

Qing Lei's body was trembling, getting colder and colder, his bright red hair began to freeze, and he coughed and said.

"This is not only our pain, everything I do for my husband is to change these things, but my husband has to drink deeply of this pain and use the pain to get rid of the pain.

Maybe we can't die well in exchange for everything we want.

Qing'er has love, so he must keep his obsession, and he will succeed in the future, fulfill his wish of becoming a fairy, and he will chase you and be cute again for his husband! "

Liu Qianlang could no longer keep Qing Lei alive, so he could only do his best to protect her flesh and blood body, and said.

"Okay! In the future, Qing'er will sleep peacefully forever, and will never come here to kill her husband again.

Qing'er likes her water flower spirit domain, can my husband take Qing'er there, where does Qing'er want to sleep. "

Qing Lei's voice became softer and his body began to freeze.

"Okay, my husband is afraid that you will be unhappy, and I haven't been to your Water Flower Spiritual Realm yet, so my husband will accompany you to enjoy Water Flower!"

Liu Qianlang, with a thought in his soul, the next moment, he had already appeared in the field of water and flowers with his beloved wife Qing Lei in his arms.

"Shui'er, Qing'er, you were reborn in the Demon Realm for your husband Qian Yuanzhou's beloved wife, Shui'er!"

Liu Qianlang fell into Qinglei's Shui Linghua'er domain, and saw that the ice had completely frozen outside of Shui'er, and turned into the appearance of Shui'er, the wife of Qianyuan Zhou.

Shouted in surprise, but at this time Qing Lei was already unconscious and couldn't hear anything.

"Qing'er, Shui'er!"

Between the gains and losses of old love and new ideas, Liu Qianlang was in unspeakable pain. She called out several times, but her beloved wife never responded.

So Liu Qianlang hugged Qinglei and walked slowly among the water spirit flowers, as if he was taking a walk with his wife.

In this way, Liu Qianlang walked away for a long, long time with his beloved wife Qing Lei, also known as Shui'er, who was warm again but closed her eyes and slept forever.

Then, Liu Qianlang transformed Shui'er's favorite hillside greenhouse, hillside, and small river into the field of water spirit flowers in the frontier universe, letting it float among countless water flowers.

Liu Qianlang gently carried Qing Lei into the conservatory, let her lie down quietly, found the lover's ring and lover bracelet from the two of them in the body, put on the lover's ring, and put Qing Lei on Lover bracelet.

After finishing these, Liu Qianlang watched quietly for a while, then floated away.


After Liu Qianlang left, Xiao Bailong quietly appeared outside the greenhouse, standing at a slightly lower position on the sloping hillside, looking at his peacefully sleeping mother with tears.

He heard all the conversations between his father and mother, including the apologetic star he finally found. He witnessed the painful scene of his father and mother, and also saw the helpless ending.

He neither hated his father nor his mother. On the contrary, he understood them very well, lamented the twists and turns of their love, and felt sincere admiration for their persistent yearning.

Little Bailong softly called his mother, got up, and floated up.

He picked water flowers one after another in the water in the sky, there were fog flowers, warm snow flowers, and dewdrops...

Then, Xiao Bailong carefully put all kinds of water flowers in the right position in front of the greenhouse, so that mother can see them, and at the same time, it will not affect mother watching the river that father imagined for her.

The small river is beautiful with sparkling stars; the sparkling water is very mysterious.

"Mother, don't worry, Long'er understands Mother's heart, and will definitely learn from Daddy about magic and immortal techniques, and will not let you down.

I heard from Uncle Lingzhi that Daddy was able to resurrect many souls who had lost tens of millions of years in Qianyuanzhou. And daddy has been strengthening this magical skill in Xianmozhou.

Long'er believed that father would not let mother sleep forever, and sooner or later father would bring mother back to life again.

Long Er also worked hard with all his heart to learn the miraculous skills of Daddy, Daddy resurrected Mother, and Long Er revived the two grandfathers, so that the knot of heartache between Mother and Daddy was unraveled..."

Little Bailong was busy making flowers for his mother while talking in a warm voice.

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