Nine Heavens

Chapter 2309 Nine Phoenixes in Power

Qing Lei couldn't go deep at all, Xiao Bailong and Liu Qianlang were just secretly hurting their hearts, and they didn't wrong Qing Lei Mian to others, so the rest of Mengxian Feizhou didn't know about it.

Except that Xiao Bailong began to concentrate on learning the exercises from his father, and Liu Qianlang's eyes became more profound, nothing else changed.

Liu Qianlang adjusted his mood for a few days, and after meticulously instructing Xiao Bailong on some homework, he explained the affairs of Feizhou and went to Langlong City as agreed with Ouyang Langlong.

Liu Qianlang went here mainly to discuss with Ouyang Langlong how to unite with the Immortal Territory.

Because of the current situation, the three fairylands can see that it is only a matter of time to win the Demon Thunder Kingdom. Lei Gong's suppression killed.

If the three fairylands do not unite and act independently, it will obviously be very disadvantageous.

Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong have always cooperated very well, and the combination is naturally not a problem.

But Qingguo Xianyu is different. It neither cooperates with Liu Qianlang's Mengxian Feizhou, nor does it cooperate with Ouyang Langlong's current Langlong Du.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang feared that the focus of discussion between Elanglong and Ouyang Langlong was actually to study how to make Qingguo accept the joint opinion.

This is wishful thinking on the side of Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong, but not on the other side of Qingguo Xianyu.

It is said that the country is in the fairyland.

After more than a thousand years of development, with the help of the state-owned magic dragon ball, the frontier universe, that is, Liu Qianlang's body outside the universe into the fairy magic universe, has been transformed into most of the most powerful high-level immortals of the Langyuan fairy sect. He was bribed by him.

And for the sake of her husband Liu Qianlang, deliberately not awakening all their memories of the front universe, and united a group of whistling fairy gods, all-powerful, and their strength scale is slightly better than Mengxian Feizhou.

At the same time that Liu Qianlang was flying to Langlongdu, Qingguo Xianyu was holding a swearing-in meeting.

The current Qingguo Xianyu is in a situation where Jiufeng is in power, and the three gods are in charge of the dynasty, controlling the eight-way powerful Zhou army.

What is meant by Jiufeng being in power? It refers to the fact that in addition to Qingguo, that is, Princess Zhuqing, other fairy wives of Liu Qianlang also came to Qingguo Immortal Realm, forming a co-government situation led by Qingguo.

Liu Qianlang has a total of ten fairy wives, the main soul of the fairy body Dongluo, the obsessed fairy wife, the master of the palace, the divided soul fairy wife Shui'er, Yun Qianmeng, Miao Yan, Princess Qinghuaer, and the master of Wenyang Palace. Son, Princess Jinling, Flame Poison Witch and Emperor Frost Sky.

Of these ten, Shui'ermo was born as Qinglei is not here, the others are all there.

These fairy wives of Liu Qianlang are all demon-born, with great strength, and they all dominate in different positions of the magic universe, showing off their might, and they are like a country.

After Qingguo discovered them with the magic dragon ball, he induced them in every possible way, lobbied thousands of times, and finally managed to subdue them with the way of Jiufeng in power.

The three town halls refer to the heavenly wolf Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang who entered the Immortal Demon Universe, the Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, and the Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen also came here with his wife and son. Became the important minister protecting the immortals and the third commander of the Zhou Army in the Immortal Dynasty of Qingguo Immortal Realm.

As for the Eight-Road Immortal Dynasty Zhou Army, they are the ninety-nine and eighty-one generals, the Shenlong Dazhou Army, the ninety-nine and eighty-one generals, the Zhoufeng Zhou Army, the ninety-nine, eighty-one pearl generals, the Dragon Ball Cosmic Army, and the ninety-nine, eighty-one alchemy generals. Feng Dan Zhou Army, ninety-nine and eighty-one sword generals will save the Demon God Sword Zhou Army, and ninety-nine and eighty-one arrow generals will be Jin Lanxiao Arrow Army.

Headed by Yaya and Liu Yun, the Langyuan Frontier Time Cosmic Army is all young elites of the frontier universe, including Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Liu Qian, Xiaoluo, and Xiaoyu. Son……

The juvenile Xuanxia Zhou Army headed by Little Lianer, including Xiaomei, Xiaolin, Little Demon Turtle, Three-color Fire Baby, Five-color Spirit Ginseng, Red Immortal, Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu...

The next two lines of youth elite Zhou army benefited from the enlightenment of the girl Empress in Qianqianyuan Zhou, and the sisters of Tianling broke through Zhou.

The seven-colored red silk and the nine-color lotus in front of Nvwa Niangniang were given to little Lian'er, and she was granted almost all immortal abilities.

In other words, in the Langyuan Sect in Liu Qianlangzhou's body, all the supernatural forces with the power to break the universe are almost all in the Immortal Realm.

"Ten ways to conquer the country and the Immortal Territory Cosmic Army, listen! Tomorrow we will encircle the Nebula Continent of the Demon Thunder Nation and invade the Demon Thunder Palace in one fell swoop, killing the king and destroying the palace!

On the way to attack, attack the stars into the clouds, see the devil and kill the devil, and kill the devil every time, no mercy! Great and small military merits, conferring borders and conferring titles all depend on the demon-slaying pill!

We will inspect the army immediately, and the sun will set off tomorrow, and the inspection will begin! "

Qingguo wears the golden crown of Qingguo Xianchao Liuli, and wears a golden armor. He is majestic and domineering, and his voice is crisp and magnificent, resounding throughout the universe, shocking the army.

The eight fairy wives of Liu Qianlang on the left and right are also armored with the God of War armor of various colors, sparkling, each with a heroic posture, and their eyes are shining.

The three Immortal Dynasty Zhenchao Supremes, Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhenpiaoxuan, sat upright on the right side of Jiufeng Chaojun who was sitting on a straight line.

And Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, Wei Chaoji Fenglanshuang, Yexiang, and Four Shadows Phantom Fox are sitting on the left.

The three parties intertwine to form a reverse shape, the leading force of the Xian Dynasty.


A thousand miles above them, Tianxiangqing Goshawk heard the words, responded loudly, and quickly pulled out a red flag from the eight-color waving flags on his back, waved his arms, and began to control the sky. army run.

"Attack the Demon Thunder Country, go straight to the Demon Palace!"

While the sky eagle was waving the red flag, under the swearing-in star, which was tens of thousands of miles high, the eight cosmic armies above the eight nebulae shouted in unison, and the sound shook the universe and shook the sky.

Immediately, while the red flag of the goshawk was waving, the ninety-nine and eighty-one-degree demon sword generals immediately commanded their own sword forces, arrayed into the air, and set up various domineering formations to attack, continuing to shout and shout , to show divine power.

Qing Goshawk didn't stop. After summoning the Demon God Sword Zhou Army, he waved the other command banners behind him in his hands one after another, and then flew them over his head, continuing to control the Oath Master Zhou Army to show off his power.

"Well, haha..."

"Qingguo Phoenix Emperor is really miraculous, and with the help of eight Phoenix Emperors, the power of Qingguo Immortal Realm is really changing rapidly, and it is unstoppable. It seems that I have found the right people who share the same goals and work together. "

"It's really good! I, Lord Sirius Zhou, entered the Immortal Demon Universe with the Dark Wolf Fortress. I screamed alone and became crazy. The chief male formed an all-powerful trend. Today, I have the honor to join the Qingguo Immortal Realm and meet four fairy wives. It is really heroic. "

"The words of the two palace venerables Shuai Zhou are just pleasing to my heart. Ben Qixiang Zhou Jun has a faint feeling in his heart. We met by good fortune, as if we were destined for the front. , so tacit understanding!"

Seeing the Xingyun training thousands of miles down, the eight-way army of the Immortal Realm is unprecedentedly powerful, and the fairy shadow covers the universe. Exclaimed successively.

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