Nine Heavens

Chapter 2315 Black Wood Demon Dragon

One day later, the Qingguo Xianyu took over the Demon Thunder Hou Country without any effort, and directly merged the Nebula Continent of the Magic Thunder Hou Country and the Qingguo Xianyu.

A few days later, the immortals of Qingguo Xianyu showed their magical powers again, eliminating evil and turbidity, spreading fairy seeds, and donating fairy mist... Turning the dark, cold and filthy Demon Thunderhou Kingdom into a mysterious realm of fairy gods.

At this point, Emperor Qingguo Feng did as the name suggests, and really overthrew the Demon Thunder Kingdom, and then she began to think, plan, and plan to destroy the Demon Thunder Palace, the outer palace of the Yuandong Dragon Clan, the ultimate force in the center of the Eternal Continent.

After a few days of celebrating the victory of the Immortal Transformation Demon Thunder Hou Country Nebula Continent, on this day, Jiufeng came to the court and summoned Wanxian to start studying the future.

Suddenly, a black thunderbolt was shot from outside the fairy hall, and after exploding in the middle of the hall, it formed a huge rickety monster of a black smoke monster.

"Oh ha ha... the black dragon of the magic tree is here! Haha..."

This monster has a dark body, a strange figure, and countless legs. It is like a thousand-year-old tree with intertwined roots. The head is fluffy and smoky, and the horns are like tens of thousands of pythons. The head stretches and retracts, and the face is ferocious and indescribable.

The monster ignored all the immortals in the Immortal Palace, raised its head and swayed around, laughing wildly.

"Where did the monster come from, it's running wild here! Kill me!"

Seeing the monster so arrogantly, the Emperor Feng, who was in the palace, let out a loud shout, and he took the lead in raising his palm and shooting at him with a golden thunderbolt from the lion's soul.

"Wow, um, this Lion Soul Thunder tastes good!"


Unexpectedly, the other party opened his mouth wide, and happily chewed it in his mouth. The lion soul, golden light and thunderbolt exploded in his mouth, making a trembling roar, but he smiled and didn't care, and kept yelling that it was delicious.

"The black wood demon dragon, one of the five thunder-swallowing demons in your Demon Thunder Palace!"

Seeing this, Emperor Qingguo Feng couldn't help but his expression changed drastically, and he asked in astonishment.

"Oh? Do you recognize the Special Envoy of the Demon Dragon?"

The black wood demon dragon was shaking the crown of the ten thousand pythons and its countless roots, savoring the smell of the lion soul thunder, and was taken aback when he heard the Phoenix Emperor Qingguo calling out his name, and then stared at his fist-sized green eyes asked.


"The special envoy of the Five Dragon Guardians on the head of the Emperor of the Demon Thunder Palace, I have never seen the Emperor Feng as the princess of the Demon Thunder Kingdom, how could I not have heard of it.

The special envoy of the Black Wood Demon Dragon is not in the Demon Thunder Palace, so I don't know why he came to my little fairyland? "

Emperor Qingguo Feng's face changed drastically, and it was only for a moment. After thinking for a while, he returned to normal and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Beautiful girl, I can't see that you are still impatient. Well, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you dolls.

The appearance of this monster dragon here is naturally dispatched by the palace emperor. One is to thank you for finally destroying the messy and inferior forces around the Demon Thunder Palace.

The second is that the Demon Thunder Emperor is very optimistic about you, and wants to take you into the Demon Thunder Palace, ennoble you, and become a real palace demon that destroys the universe, honors the demon world, and shakes the immortal realm.

If you don't know what to do, just talk if you can, and talk if you can't, don't hesitate! "

Although the black wood demon dragon looks messy, it speaks neatly, simply and directly, explaining its purpose.

"Oh! Really, I didn't expect that I, Qingguo Xianyu, would be so valued by Emperor Molei Palace.

But I'm very sorry, I, Qingguo Fengdi, have never been in the habit of accepting rewards from others, and create everything by myself.

This is the number one reason why Emperor Feng cannot join the Demon Thunder Palace. Second, Emperor Feng has already abandoned the demons and returned to the immortals. If the demons do not enter their dens, they will slaughter them when they see them. We are incompatible.

Thirdly, you Black Wood Demon Dragon can take a look at the entire continent of ruining the universe. Now that the old and new fairy realms are flourishing, and the demon world is in decline, why do I let the light go to the immortal realm and go to the magic thunder that will surely perish in your future? Where is the palace? "

Qingguo Fengdi spoke coldly and refused with reason.

"Ha ha……"

"Little girl, your mouth is pretty good at talking, but it's all about leaves! Do you think that you are tossing around in the center of the universe in the ruined continent, and you dare to fight against the magic thunder palace and Yuanyuan after collecting some border areas? The cave magic palace.

You are too overestimated, do you think you are very powerful, if we want, we can eliminate you at any time before.

The reason why you are allowed to act arbitrarily at the edge of the Demon Thunder Palace is also the meaning of the Emperor Demon Thunder Palace. He wants to destroy the inferior nebula forces on the edge, and he is too lazy to do it. He just saw that some of you are very active, so Just let him go, and leave this job to you.

Then, after all the garbage is gone, it is enough to accept you as a big beauty. Girl, think clearly about what you say, if you don't eat the toast, you will die in turn!

To tell you the truth, Emperor Molei Palace also thought that you might refuse, so I also have the order to kill the gods!

Once I cast the order to kill the gods, you will never have such a chance even if you want to defect to the Demon Thunder Palace. I will give you a quarter of an hour to think about it before answering me! "

The black wood demon dragon laughed maniacally, threatening and seductive, with the pitch-black tree claws in his right hand entwined in front of his body, and suddenly imagined what he called the demon-killing order-a pitch-black demon flag the size of more than a foot.

"Huh! Giggle..."

"No need to think about it, Emperor Feng hates others to threaten me the most. There is a saying that the two armies do not cut off their envoys when they are fighting. If Emperor Feng is in a good mood, get out of here quickly!

Tell your Demon Thunder Palace Emperor to take a bath and change clothes, and wait for this Emperor Feng to go and cut off his head soon! "

Emperor Qingguo Feng also sneered, and said a little bluntly.

"Hmph! Damn girl, you don't have the Immortal God's Life Spring in your hands, and you don't have the monsters in the Eternal Continent. No matter how hard you try, you will end up in destruction. Why bother to be obsessed with it!"

Hearing the words, the Black Wood Demon Dragon became furious from embarrassment, slammed the Demon Execution Token to His Highness with a snap, turned around and wanted to leave, and said with a sneer.

"This Emperor Feng naturally knows that he has already acted to explore thousands of years ago, so I don't need you to worry about it.

So, if what Emperor Feng said is correct, even the Abyss Cave Demon Art doesn't have any monsters. The monsters have been lost in front of trillions.

Emperor Feng needs it, and you are also anxiously looking for it! You are not so kind, you did not suppress the massacre against us, it is really because you dare not leave the monster life of the Abyssal Demon Art!

What Ben Fengdi said is right, even your black wood demon dragon is reluctant to attack us with the powerful demon energy in your body, otherwise you will have no source to make up for it, and your powerful demon energy will continue to disappear and become weaker and weaker up! "

Emperor Qingguo Feng had only heard the legend of the seed of the demon's vitality before, but now he heard the words of the black wood demon dragon, and he was convinced that this was true, so he asked this question.

"You, how do you know this?"

The black wood monster dragon stretched out its boa constrictor hair arrogantly and disheveled its lower body, and suddenly retracted it, asking in surprise.


"I might as well tell you that Emperor Feng possesses the magic dragon orb and is deeply protected by the magic dragon soul dragon. It's not a problem to know anything. Why don't you get out of here, do you want to die?"

Qingguo Fengdi grasped the opponent's weakness, sneered, and reprimanded.

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