Nine Heavens

Chapter 2316 Immortal and Demon Generation Energy

"Whoa, whoa—"

The black wood monster dragon was screaming in anger, just like Emperor Qingguo Feng said, in order to maintain his strength and status in the Demon Thunder Palace, he did not dare to lose his strength easily. whizzing away:

"You will regret this--"

After the black wood demon dragon flew away, it roared far outside the fairy palace.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan and Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang each shot a fairy rainbow, blasting him away completely.

"Fengdi, what are you talking about about the Immortal Realm Immortal Deity Mingquan Brother Demon Realm Demon Breeding?"

The three blasted away the black wood demon dragon, and Lord Qixiang Zhou held the pitch-black god-killing token in his hand. He saw that it was just a flag of ordinary magic power, which did not conform to the power of the superior token, so he asked differently.

"That's right, Sister Juan. I also heard what my mother said when I was a child, that the appearance of immortals, demons, gods and monsters is because each has a treasure of birth.

The spring of fairy gods sprouts fairy gods and feeds the fairy chicks evolved from the universe; the monsters breed and sprouts demons, and the inner magic can feed the demon chicks evolved from the universe.

They are the cornerstone and source for the existence of the fairy world, the fairy world and the demon world.

However, hundreds of billions of years ago, there was a great battle that lasted for hundreds of millions of years between the world of immortals, demons, immortals and demons.

In the end, both sides suffered losses. Although the demon world finally defeated the immortal world and dominated the immortal universe, the remaining immortal forces could only cover the guardian star and hide in it all day long.

And since then, the monsters from the demon world have disappeared, and the life spring of the fairy gods from the fairy god world is said to have been taken away by a mysterious fairy god organization.

Since then, the world of immortals and gods and demons, because they have no source of life to supply them, no longer dare to fight each other too much.

They both know each other's existence, and their desire to destroy each other is still there, but they both lack confidence. During such a long confrontation, their main focus is not fighting, but trying to find their own source of life. The immortal gods of the fairy world Spring of Life, the birth of demons in the demon world. "

Qingguo Fengdi told His Highness Wanxian what he knew.

"That's right, Lord Ben Zhou has never been able to understand, why the superiors always don't exterminate the rise of our Qingguoxianyu, Mengxian Feizhou, Langlongdu, and Qimengxianyu of the dark emperor. Overburden it!

The reason is not ours, but the strange confrontation between the traditional forces of the two great immortals and demons.

If the upper ranks of the demon realm, the Demon Thunder Palace, and the Yuandong Demon Palace, the lower ranks encircle and suppress us, and their strength is depleted, it will inevitably make the power of the Chuangzhou Immortal Territory relatively stronger.

So they would rather see us keep growing, and not take action against the fringe forces that devour them. And we have done nothing to the traditional creation of the fairyland forces, and there is no need for them to interfere.

Under such a weird situation, the Immortal Demon Universe has instead become an opportunity for us foreign chicks to develop wildly.

Now that we have grown so strong that they threaten their existence, they have no choice but to take care of us again, so there is the matter of the black wood demon dragon coming to intimidate and lure us today. "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen contacted Qingguo Fengdi's words and Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan's questioning, and analyzed.

"Well, Brother Zhen is right. But what the black wood demon dragon said is also right. If we don't have the two treasures of life, we will end up in the same embarrassing situation as them.

Qi Xiang Zhou Jun Liu Juan nodded and said.

"However, the fact does not seem to be the case. Everyone should feel that we have not had the existence of the two treasures of life from the beginning to the end. Aren't they constantly growing? It seems that the young immortals that we evolved from the bottom of the universe God is different from them."

Qingguo Fengdi frowned slightly, and said that it was difficult to justify himself.

"This is really strange, we don't have two divine treasures of life, and they come from Emperor Zhou, but we are young immortals.

It stands to reason that no matter what aspect it should be weaker than the power of the immortal gods, demons, gods and monsters, but this is not the case. We will overcome the strong with the weak, and continue to develop vigorously, so that we have grown to the scale we are today. Where does our life energy come from? "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang's forehead was shining with chaotic eyes, and he said contemplatively.


"We don't have the ability to supply immortals and demons in the immortal world! But we are constantly growing stronger!"

"It doesn't make sense!"


When His Highness Wanxian heard the words, there was a commotion and discussions.

"Maybe it's because of him!"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan asked and thought about it, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said in surprise.

"Sister Juan is saying?"

Qingguo Fengdi also had a flash of spiritual thought, and he had the answer in his heart. Then he stared at Qixiang Zhoujun sitting on the right side.

"That's right, the existence of the destiny of any fairy god in the fairyland will never exist forever out of thin air. The only thing that all the fairy gods here have in common is that they all come from the cosmic body of Mengxian Eternal Emperor.

So he is the source of all life energy for our existence and continuous growth. And he is likely to be the Immortal God's Life Spring that was taken away by the mysterious Immortal God Organization in the Immortal Demon Universe.

As we all know, Mengxian Zhoudi's body is Tianling Langhuaer, and now he is still the body of Linghe water dragon even though he waves the dragon soul. Heyun Longquan is justified! "

Liu Juan explained.

"Ha ha……"

"This should be the most reasonable explanation. The third brother is the Immortal God's Fate Spring of the Immortal Demon Universe. After the ancient immortal demon war here, the third brother was brought to the Frontier Universe by the mysterious organization of the Immortal God, and then we existed... "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen likes to put gold on his third brother for all good things. Naturally, such a great thing will not be let go, and he laughed.

"Heck... Listening to Brother Zhen, we seem to be the children of Emperor Zhou. It sounds absurd."

Qingguo Fengdi also deeply agreed with Liu Juan's words, but said with a smile.

"It's not surprising that the life spring sprouts the soul of the immortal god, who can capture the essence of the universe and become the body of the immortal god. The immortal god Ming spring only produces souls, and our life body is another creation.

Immortal God Mingquan is actually called Mingnenghunquan more accurately. Just like Qianlang's love soul Jiuding can refine the first soul. "

Seeing Qingguo Fengdi laughing, Liu Juan further analyzed and explained.

"Hey! After all, we still can't do without our husband. We thought we were great, but it turned out that because he also came to these fairy universes, we were able to dominate the world and have a good time!"


Emperor Qingguo Feng heard Liu Juan's explanation, he was happy but a little bit dissatisfied, he sighed, causing the sisters on the left and right to laugh.

"It's reasonable for us to explain this way about the Immortal God's Fate Spring, but we really have no way to explain the monster's birth. We are in the fairyland, and it shouldn't be around us.

As the saying goes, the key to the war between the two sides! In order to finally achieve the goal of completely transforming the Immortal Demon Universe, we should incorporate the search for monsters into our action strategy in the future.

Since it is the source of life energy in the demon world, if we obtain and destroy it, our ultimate victory will not be far away! "

Liu Juan's emerald eyes were deep and her thoughts were far-reaching, she reminded Emperor Qingguo Fengdi and said.

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