Nine Heavens

Chapter 2318 Eight Devils of Heaven

"Ha ha……"

"It seems that our discussion is useless. The most important thing right now is to practice magic arts with all your strength, not to mention self-improvement, so as to enhance the strength of the entire fairyland.

The second is to try their best to lament the news of the Thunder Palace and the monster's birth, and the third is to always guard against the implementation of the Demon Thunder Palace's order to kill the gods. "

All the male gods in the hall were scolded by Qingguo Xianniang by the way, and they all bowed their heads in silence, only Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen didn't care, and laughed.

"What brother Zhen said is exactly what we are going to do right now, as for the analysis of the demon breeding in the Demon Thunder Palace, there is old Qing Goshawk.

Brother Wanwang Zhen explained in detail and gave advice to cooperate with Qing Goshawk. As for the matter of strengthening cultivation, I will leave it to Emperor Feng and all the sisters, and I will be the general of the Immortal Army of the Ten Directions.

Sister Juan and Lord Sirius Zhou have an overview of the overall situation, assess the situation, and always pay attention to every step of our Qingguoxianyu. "

Emperor Qingguo Feng nodded and gave some instructions.


Dream fairy flies to the universe.

Liu Qianlang had just returned from Langlongdu for one day, and on the second day, he suddenly discovered that the sky above Moleihou Kingdom was full of golden billows, and Qingguo Xianyu had been occupied by Qingguo Xianyu without anyone knowing it.

Liu Qianlang is really hurting, although Qingguo Xianyu is also a fairyland, Molei Kingdom is occupied by it. It's not bad for the entire immortal journey, but it's an obvious loss for your own growth.

According to Liu Qianlang's plan, he is going to capture the Demon Thunder Hou Country in the near future. Once he succeeds, the territory of his Dream Fairy Flying Universe will be further expanded.

In terms of scale, it can immediately surpass Langlongdu, Qimeng Xianyu and Qingguo Xianyu. But now, Liu Qianlang's plan obviously failed.

Liu Qianlang also discussed with his fairy friends for many days, and finally thought of the traditional power of creating universe fairyland, so after Liu Qianlang returned to Xiaomengxian Feizhou, he did not stay any longer, and set foot on the search for the tradition of creating universe fairyland path of power.

As a result, Liu Qianlang had no choice but to turn blond to the area where he was born as a young child. Because he clearly remembered that the place where he was born was in the Immortal Realm of Creation Universe.

Liu Qianlang did not take the method of concealing his figure, but in order to attract the attention of the traditional immortal body, he deliberately turned into a dragon-headed demon, stepped on the demon-slaying holy sword, and shot towards the target area.

A few days later, Liu Qianlang had already appeared in this area.

The original fairyland in this area has always been there, but it is hidden layer by layer in the vast clouds and stars, and it is protected by a seal outside.

Although Liu Qianlang generally knew the location of this fairyland, he was not sure of the exact direction, so the leader stepped on the huge red sword and flew randomly over this area with his teeth and claws.

After several days of tossing around, Liu Qianlang still couldn't figure out the hidden place of this fairyland, so he planned to find another place. But just as he was about to fly away with Yu Jian, he suddenly found out.

"You eight little demon cubs, you are so courageous, you actually germinated in the Nebula of our Creation Universe Immortal Domain, aren't you born just to die?"


"Help! Help me!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly heard the sound of chasing and killing, and the silver-white-golden-horned dragon head turned suddenly, and saw that among the nebula that just flew out behind him, suddenly there was a piece of sky and clouds in the sky above the sea of ​​stars.

From there, a piece of fairy shadows floated into the sky. These fairy shadows were all holding the weapons of the immortal gods, and they were hunting and killing eight newborn devils who were less than a foot long.

The eight Mo Zhou chicks were chased until they were crying for their father and mother, jumping up and down with their heads in their arms, and ran in the direction of Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang saw that it was the cosmic demon chick born again by the frontier cosmic demon, and with a thought of his soul, the Yin Hong Sword Curtain, the demon-slaying sword under his feet, sliced ​​off the eight demon cosmic chicks in an instant.

"Brothers! Broken Rainbow and Duanhong are separated, a part of brotherhood, a part of brotherhood, and then we will go together in the fairy world!"

However, just as Liu Qianlang was about to kill the eight demon chicks who were about to rush to him with the sword curtain, he suddenly heard that the leading demon chick was about to die, shook his head, burst into tears, and groaned in pain.

"Ah! You are the god brother Tianmo Hongxie!"

How could Liu Qianlang forget that when he destroyed the omen of the Eight Firmaments by himself in the first world of the frontier universe, he worshiped the demon Hongxie who he made friends with ninety-nine and eighty-one.

Liu Qianlang screamed, and suddenly forcibly retracted the lore sword screen.

"Brother! You can still recognize me!"

The eight demon chicks who were lucky enough to survive the catastrophe shot behind Liu Qianlang for the rest of their lives. The demon chicks just now stood at Liu Qianlang's feet in great surprise and said loudly.

"Are they all the heavenly demons and eight realms of heavenly demons!?"

Liu Qianlang asked in surprise.

"Exactly, alas!"

Tianmo Hongxie turned into a rainbow-colored demon chick, shining all over her body, and sighed.

"Yeah! You are a young child who grows up fast. Seeing that your age is only ten thousand years old, you have recovered your frontal body, and you are talking about it! Stay away! Otherwise, you will be killed together!"

At this time, a sky shadow that came after flying fell on the opposite side of Liu Qianlang for more than a hundred light years. The leader, a middle-aged immortal in purple robe, looked up and down at Liu Qianlang with flying white hair and fluttering silver robe. Said.

"Huh! These Zhou chicks are the brothers of the Emperor of the Zhou. Since the Emperor of the Zhou is here, how can I let you succeed. I can see that you are also people of the immortal way. Why are you indiscriminate? Didn't you see that they are demons and immortals? Why? As a fairy, but still so vicious!?"

Liu Qianlang asked sharply.

"Oh bah! Haha..., you are such a young child. Here in the Immortal Demon Universe, there are no immortals here. The Immortal Emperor has become the door-to-door son-in-law of the Abyssal Demon Palace. We are still immortals. We are immortals They're all dead!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the purple-robed immortal burst out laughing, then said with a sarcasm with a fluttering purple beard.


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang sighed, and then said:

"Even so, how can you, as the immortals of the Creation Universe Immortal Realm, be willing to degenerate? Even if your Immortal Eternal Demon Emperor degenerates and casts a demon, he is him and you are you, how can they be confused!"

"Haha... Little Zhou bastard, who do you think you are! You still call yourself Emperor Zhou. Judging by your Zhou age, you may not even be able to get along with the hunter who destroyed the gate of the Zhou Continent. What are you pretending to be here? !

If you still want to live in this fairy universe, then hurry up and roll as far as you can. This is because you are also a fairy!

No matter what, we have also been this imposing fairy! But it's different now, if we are still pious, righteous and righteous immortals, we don't know how many times we will die. "

The purple-robed fairy raised his head and laughed wildly again, and said somewhat angrily.

"Haha... Listening to what you said, it seems that it's not because you don't want to be a free fairy, but because of helplessness!"

Liu Qianlang heard the helplessness in the other party's indignant words, and also laughed.

"What does this have to do with you, come on!"

The purple-robed immortal finally became impatient, waved his hand behind him, and roared angrily.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Behind the purple-robed fairy, there were probably dozens of men and women who were traditional immortals of the Creation Universe Immortal Territory. When they heard the order, they roared and rushed towards Liu Qianlang in an instant!

"Ha ha……"

However, Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, and Ben didn't see each other seriously, with a thought of his soul, the eight demons behind him instantly recovered their frontal immortal bodies.

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