Nine Heavens

Chapter 2319 Demon Breeding

At the same time, Liu Qianlang used the technique of moving energy to instantly absorb all the energy of Xingyun immortals within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and then injected them into the bodies of the Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm.

As a result, the Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm not only recovered the front edge fairy body, but also increased their strength to a level equivalent to the strength of the city in the Demon Realm in the blink of an eye, which was comparable to the opponent.

"Eight devil brothers, don't be polite, kill!"

Liu Qianlang saw the opponent's arrogance, and he couldn't do without suppressing it. He also shouted to the Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm behind him who had regained their immortal body.

At the same time, with a movement of the soul, the demon-slaying holy sword under his feet roared demonically, and shot out more than a hundred bright red dragons, facing the dozens of ghosts of the opponent who rushed towards him.

However, during the hasty escape, although the eight demons of the heavenly world looked at each other and found that they had recovered their frontal immortal bodies, and the powerful and terrifying divine energy surged in their bodies, their psychological fear had not yet been eliminated, so they did not dare to attack when they saw the opponent's attacking formation. After making a move, he stared blankly at Liu Qianlang fighting with the opponent.

Liu Qianlang had no intention of killing the opponent, so after releasing more than a hundred demon-slaying holy swords and dragons, he just manipulated them to meet the immortals of the Creation Universe Immortal Realm who surrounded dozens of men and women.

The group of dragons roared and roared, circling and moving, forming a powerful encirclement circle of wild dragons around dozens of opponents.

Regardless of the number of people on the other side, it is okay to bully the newly born Zhou Chu, but it is simply impossible to deal with Liu Qianlang.

I saw that Liu Qianlang surrounded the opponent tightly with only a hundred roaring sword dragons, and even the hundred roaring sword dragons couldn't deal with the one who shot the rainbow like crazy, let alone Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang looked at the dozens of immortals from the Creation Realm who were busy in the dragon group for a few minutes, and then turned back to the Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm behind him and said:

"Qianlang has seen Tianmo Hongxie, Blood Demon Emperor, Huoyun Demon God, Four-Star Demon Emperor, Calamity Star Demon God, Inexhaustible Demon Emperor, Xuanyang Demon Emperor, and Reverse Elephant Demon Emperor!"

"Thank you, Emperor Langyuan Zhou, for saving the complex body and empowering him!"

The eight celestial demons were still in shock. They were still running for their lives just now, but in a blink of an eye they realized that they were powerful and frightening. They were all grateful and said in unison.

"You don't need to be polite, you eight demon brothers. You were wronged by evil demons in the frontier universe. You were obviously the first batch of innocent people created by Nuwa Empress, but you were labeled as evil demons.

Now that we were born in the Immortal Demon Universe, and we are destined to meet again, you Tianmo brothers can finally be at ease and boldly be yourself. Brother Tianmo Hongxie and I used to be sworn brothers in ninety-nine and eighty-one, it is still fresh in my memory.

Brother Hongxie, look, Duanhong is split into two, this is half of what I have always cherished! "

Liu Qianlang spoke sincerely, calling out a half-curved rainbow from the universe of the soul sea, holding it in the palm of his hand and saying.

"That's right, a relationship between brothers and sisters, a relationship between brothers and sisters, let's go back to Xiancheng again!

This is our vow of sworn brotherhood. At that time, we were the gods of Eternal Heaven, and you were a hero in the world, so I call you my brother, and you call me brother god.

Now that the time and space of the immortal journey have changed, the younger brother has come from behind, and he has taken the lead in successfully cultivating the immortal and demon universe body. The younger brother should be the god of the universe, and we are the younger brothers of the universe! Congratulations to God of Curses! "

Tianmo Hongxie, wearing a rainbow crown and a rainbow robe, is handsome and immortal. While speaking generously, he also holds the half-curved rainbow treasured in the body sea in his hand.

Liu Qianlang and Tianmo Hongxie looked at each other for a long time, and slowly put the two rainbows together.

After the two segments of the rainbow were perfectly combined, seven more dazzling colors flashed, and the seven colors continued to expand, covering tens of thousands of miles in the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

Mysterious, mysterious and beautiful.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang, the Eight Demon Eyes of the Heavenly Realm looked at such a beautiful scene that the Immortal Demon Universe had never seen before, all of them looked happy and laughed happily.

Even more than a hundred demon-slaying holy sword sword dragons and dozens of immortals in the creation universe fairyland surrounded by them stopped fighting, looking at Liu Qianlang and Tianmo Hongxie who were supporting the colorful rainbow.

"Demon Seed! That is Demon Seed! Unexpectedly, the Demon Seed that God Emperor spent so much time looking for is in your hands!"

Liu Qianlang and the Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm were laughing happily when they suddenly heard the purple-robed immortal in the center of the group of dragons suddenly shout.

"Huh? What kind of monster breeds, can Xiang Jia enlighten me!"

Liu Qianlang had never heard of the concept of monster breeding, so she asked in surprise.

"Hmph! Zhou Chu is Zhou Chu, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a chick. It doesn't know anything. It doesn't even know about the two great gods of Immortal Demon Zhou's Immortal God Life Spring and Demon Seed.

It's nothing to tell you, it's not a secret, it's known to all the gods and monsters in the Immortal Demon Universe.

In our Immortal Demon Universe, there is a holy spring for the birth of immortal gods, called Immortal God Life Spring. All the ancient immortal gods of the Immortal Demon Universe were born from the Immortal God Fate Spring.

There is another magical thing, which is the monster seed in your hands. It has seven colors, infinite changes, endless fantasy, gorgeous and bewitching. In the fairy and demon universe, ancient monsters are all sprouted from it.

Therefore, they are collectively called the Immortal Spring Demon Seed of the Immortal Demon Universe. However, they all disappeared inexplicably at the same time hundreds of billions of years ago in the Immortal Demon Universe.

That is to say, since then, the universe of immortals and demons has also begun to undergo changes. Battles between immortals and demons have occurred frequently, demons have become more demons, but immortals have ceased to be immortals.

The entire Eternal Immortal Demon should have turned into the Eternal Eternal Demon, and we, the remaining immortals of the ancient Creation Eternal Immortal Realm, are lingering on their last legs.

There are more than a thousand people in the big ones, and dozens of people in the small ones, sealing a nebula, hiding and stealing their lives, wandering around in the fairy universe. It has long since lost its former style.

In order to survive and obtain the supplies of fairy spirits, we had to embark on the path of being close to demons and even attacking our fellow Taoists. This is why we chased and killed fairy chicks.

The God Emperor I told you before, he saw that the Chuangyu Immortal Territory had become so weak because of the loss of the Immortal God’s Fate Spring, and he even gave up on himself. The Princess of the Demon Palace is his wife, and she completely abandoned us..."

"Oh! That means that this monster seed has been exiled to the frontier universe! This is really unbelievable.

According to what you said, it seems that the reason why there are humans, demons, ghosts, elves and other life forms in the frontier universe is not accidental, but all because of the immortal life spring and its existence.

In other words, the ancient frontier universe should be barren, without spiritual life. This is a bit unbelievable, who in this fairy and demon universe brought the two major sources of life to the ancient and barren frontier universe? "

Hearing the words of the Zipao Immortal, Liu Qianlang seemed to understand many things in an instant, guessing.

"Huh! Don't talk about these useless things. We can't beat you. We're out of luck. Let's talk about how to deal with us first. If you want to kill us, give us a good word!"

The Zipao Immortal and his companions struggled for a long time, even the hundred or so dragons with the Sacred Sword of Demon Slaying had never fought before, and they didn't want to resist anymore, so he said angrily.

"Ha ha……"

"You don't have enough fairy energy here. I don't know if there is a good place, and there is still a place that respects you. Would you like to go?"

Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

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