Nine Heavens

Chapter 2320 Brotherhood Again

"Haha... Don't be ridiculous, in today's Immortal Demon Universe, there is no place where the aura of the Immortal God is pure. If there is, we, the Origin Immortals of the Creation Universe Immortal Realm, will know first. Is it possible that there is some mysterious Immortal God Realm? You were the first to discover it?"

Immortal Zipao let out a sneer, looked at the left and right fellow Taoists, and the left and right fellows also laughed.


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang sighed.

"What do you mean, regretting your ignorance?"

"Ha ha……"

The purple-robed immortal asked in amazement, making the people around him even more delighted.

"The emperor of this universe lamented that you are the immortals of the creation universe fairyland, and you actually hide in the sealed fairyland all day long, not knowing that the world outside is changing.

You are too outdated, and the new creation force of the immortal demon universe represented by the emperor of this universe is constantly springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain in the frontier universe.

It's just that the Emperor of this Zhou knows about the existence of Langlongdu, Qingguo Xianyu, Qimeng Xianyu, and the Emperor of this Zhou's Mengxian Feizhou.

Just our Sifang Immortal Territory, any territory is more than ten thousand billion times stronger than your Seal Nebula!

Moreover, the infinitely pure spirit of the gods and gods is abundant and rich, and all the friends of the gods are refreshed and energetic, so it's not like you are as skinny and pitiful as a stick! "

Liu Qianlang has fluttering white hair, and the aura of immortals and gods around her is mighty. In order to convince the other party, she only shows a little bit.


Immortal Zipao and his fellow Taoists heard the words, looked around at each other, and saw the strong immortal aura on Liu Qianlang's body. These immortal aura alone surpassed all the immortal aura in his Seal Nebula, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Not long after, clattering, they all threw away the imbecile artifacts in their hands that even the gods of the frontier universe wanted to use, knelt down together, and shouted:

"I implore Mengxian Zhoudi to guide the maze!"

"Ha ha……"

"Seniors, please hurry up. We are both immortal friends. Although we come from different universes, our ultimate aspirations are the same. The emperor of this universe can see that you have not lost your immortal heart. You are so shapeless. Everything is forced by hardships.

Frankly speaking, the emperor of this universe has traveled all the way to the fairyland, has experienced countless times, and has been evil once, and I deeply feel your helplessness. Knowing each other is fate, and we are bound to have good luck.

If you seniors don't dislike it, after you have seen our fairyland, how about whether to go or stay, and then make a choice.

No matter how you choose, the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty has made friends with you seniors. As long as you need it, I, Mengxian Flying Universe, have the spirit of a fairy god at your disposal! "

Liu Qianlang smiled generously, waved his hands, and motioned to dozens of old immortals from the Chuang Zhou Immortal Territory to get up, and at the same time, with a thought of his soul, he put away the Stegosaurus.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Mengxian Zhou is such a magnanimous person, I am ashamed of my ignorance and disrespect just now. Emperor Mengxian Zhou has talked about this, why are we hypocritical.

The current appearance of our Sealed Nebula is appalling. It is not as desolate as the human world in the frontier universe. The reason why we cannot seal it is that we are not strong enough and are afraid of being slaughtered by monsters at any time, and the second is mainly because we are afraid of losing face! "

The purple-robed immortal was no longer arrogant and sighed.

"Let me introduce to you seniors, these are the brothers of the Emperor Zhou in the Frontier Universe, and they are all the gods of the Frontier Universe Realm.

In the future, everyone will be friends of the Immortal Demon Universe, and they will take care of each other. "

Liu Qianlang turned sideways and saluted the two parties with a smile.

"Ashamed! Ashamed! Just now, I wanted you to go back and absorb the breath of immortals and gods in your body before your frontal body and fairy body recovered, so as to survive!

Unexpectedly, you and Mengxian Zhoudi still have such a connection, this is your luck, and it is also the good fortune of us being immortal again! "

The purple-robed immortal sighed sincerely, and bowed to the demon Hongxie and others to make amends.

"That's all! That's all! Haha... As the saying goes, we don't know each other without fighting, and it's our luck to meet a brother by chance. The past follows the wind, let the past go, we are all straightforward people, we only look at the future, and don't ask about the past twists and turns.

It seems that there are still a few Zhou Xiao like us just now in the seal nebula, since you all decide to follow the younger brother, can you? "

Tianmo Hongxie returned to the free and heroic attitude of Frontier Zhou, and asked with a smile.

"That's right, because there are still five young children in our sealed nebula, and we caught them not long ago. They are sworn brothers and sisters. One is named Wu Yazi, one is called Huang Qi, one is called Kong Sheng, and The bit is Wuhen..."

"There is also Cai Ling, a woman with a water chestnut basket in her hand!"

Liu Qianlang was very excited when he heard the words, and before the other party finished speaking, he took it and said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh? How could Emperor Mengxian know that!"

The purple-robed immortal asked in bewilderment.

"Hurry up! Senior will lead the way, I'm going to meet them, they are all my sworn brothers and sisters in the five mortal worlds of the chaotic universe in the frontier universe! They have come back to life in the fairy and demon universe! Haha..."

Regardless of the strangeness, Liu Qianlang was so excited that he was at a loss, with tears streaming down his face, crying and laughing at the same time.


Immortal Zipao thought that dozens of people had absorbed the godly spirit of these five people recently, blushed for a while, and said for a while:

"Alright then! Mengxian Zhou Emperor please."

Yu Qi, the purple-robed immortal, hurriedly signaled the people beside him to go back to the seal nebula to prepare, but he meant to accompany Liu Qianlang to fly slowly behind.

Dozens of people under him understood, and immediately jumped up and flew away.

Liu Qianlang misses his brother and seventh sister eagerly, so why would he drift slowly behind, seeing dozens of Immortal Realm Immortals in front of him flying away first.

Leave a sentence:

"Brothers of heavenly demons, go slowly, I will go first!"

Let then activate the Instant Escape Immortal Technique, and in the next second he has caught up with the person in front, and a quarter of an hour later, Liu Qianlang is already standing in front of Zhou Chu, who is more than five feet tall.

The five little cosmic chicks were all tightly tied to a fairy pillar, and because they had been sucked away from their bodies for many days, they became very sluggish, with their eyes half-closed and drowsy.

"Brother Qianlang, is it you? Cailing is going to die. Although I didn't see you when I came here, Cailing is content to dream of you before she dies!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly appeared with white hair flying wildly, in the chaos, Cailing saw it, how could she believe it was real, she thought it was her hallucination before death, so she said weakly.

"Third brother! It's you, it's really you, brother finally saw you!"

Wu Yazi's life is also hanging by a thread. Hearing the words of his beloved wife Cai Ling, he sensed a powerful fairy aura appearing in front of him at the same time. When he looked up and saw the white-haired man flying wildly, he shouted excitedly.

"Big Brother! Second Brother! Fifth Brother! Sixth Brother! Seventh Sister! It's me, Liu Qianlang. I came late and made you suffer!"

Hearing Wu Yazi and Cailing's words, Liu Qianlang burst into tears instantly, knelt down, used his divine power, and instantly restored their frontal immortal bodies, and then waved half of the divine energy in their bodies into five divine rainbows and injected them into the inside them.

"Third Brother——"

Cai Ling stared blankly at the sudden change in her body, burst into tears, threw herself at Liu Qianlang, and wailed loudly.

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