Nine Heavens

Chapter 2321 real intention

"Looking forward to Water City, outside the city gate, we kneel and share our hearts. There are so many laughs and tears.

After leaving, I thought I would regret the future forever. Unexpectedly, we, the seven sons of Juying, still have today's renewing the frontier day! "

The past was vivid in his mind, Liu Qianlang looked at Cai Ling, who was crying into tears, and said with emotion.

"There was also brotherhood, and there was also hatred for brother, Qianlang, don't you blame us?"

Wu Yazi thought of the unrighteous things that Qian Yuanzhou himself and the four sworn brothers and sisters around him did to Liu Qianlang, and asked in shame.

"No! Everything in the past, not just you, even Qianlang is like a puppet, controlled by people. We just walked under their design, tasting the pain and suffering along the way...

Eldest brother, fifth younger brother, sixth younger brother, Cai Ling, we all know in our hearts that when we were sworn brothers, we didn't know everything behind us.

Therefore, our initial heart and friendship are absolutely intimate. Based on this alone, no matter what happens in the future, Qianlang will always treat you as brothers and sisters. Even later..."

Liu Qianlang shook his head.

"I knew that the third brother has a broad mind and clear cause and effect. He will definitely forgive us. Am I right?"

Hearing the conversation between her husband and Liu Qianlang, Cai Ling's mood gradually stabilized, she wiped away her tears, turned from sadness to joy, and said with a smile on her face.

"Hehe, why bother to fight over other people's various incidents and hurt our precious brother-sister relationship!

Third Brother, I'm greedy for Seventh Sister's water chestnut, come here, let the three take a good look at Seventh Sister, oh! Am I called Dasao in Haikou anymore? "

Liu Qianlang looked at the water chestnut, took a water chestnut from her water chestnut basket, and said with a smile.

"It's better for us to be called as we were when we were sworn brothers. At that time, we had no distractions, brotherhood was true, and brother and sister were loyal. Let us always remember the beauty of the past, and continue the true brotherhood and sisterhood here!"

Wu Yazi was still wearing a blue Confucian gown, holding a bamboo flute, giving off a chic and relaxed attitude, and said with a smile.

"This is the best, otherwise our Seventh Sister would be lost."

Kong Sheng and Wuhen saluted Liu Qianlang one after another, said something and laughed.

"Amitabha, good! Good!"

Huang Qi also said.

Among the five, Kong Sheng was the most luxuriously dressed, looking like an emperor, but he was still playing with his green bamboo pen in his hand.

Wuhen and Wu Yazi both belonged to Taoist Priest Zhou Qingxin, with blue robes on their bodies, but after Liu Qianlang bestowed divine powers on them, both of them were in a state of hardened spirit of immortal gods, and their spirits flickered.

Wuhen has nothing but his arms and dust.

Huang Qi should be called the Master of Chasing Fate at this moment, his golden wheel cassock and shawl, the Buddha's light and Taoism, he looks like a great achievement.

"The infinite years have passed. Liu Qianlang thought that there would be no more today. I don't know, brothers and sisters, how did you get together, and how did you come to this fairy universe?"

Liu Qianlang asked.

"We are all bizarre experiences, and it is difficult to explain to the third brother in a hurry. Let's talk about it slowly in the future. As for how we met, there is only one ultimate reason, and that is our unforgettable brother-sister relationship!"

Wu Yazi looked around generously, looking at the so-called Chuangyu Immortal Realm in front of him, which was desolate like a desert on earth, and sighed.

"That's the case, Qianlang didn't know that brothers and sisters have come to the Immortal Demon Universe and made you suffer."

When Liu Qianlang said these words, he looked at the purple-robed immortal and the eight heavenly demons from the eight realms who came later.

"What a sin! A sin! Emperor Mengxian, we..."

The purple-robed immortal was ashamed, sighing to himself that he had just let Liu Qianlang's Yibo brothers down, how could Zhou Chu, who had just been bullied for a few days, be his brother!

There is no way to explain it, the evil is right in front of your eyes, the purple-robed fairy is groaning, and has a fever both inside and outside.

"I haven't asked senior what the name of the fairy is. Senior, there is no need to feel guilty. No matter whether it is a god, there is no hope in the face of survival. There is no sense of immortality.

The situation where everyone met this time made Emperor Ben Zhou once again see the two aspects that we must be strong as immortals.

One is our fairyland and fairyland, we don't have a vast fairyland and inexhaustible resources for cultivating immortals, so what can we do if we don't become demons.

So whether we keep our original aspirations or correct the demons and control the demons, this is the fundamental.

Second, we still need to continue to strengthen ourselves and work hard for the first point until all the territories of the entire Immortal Demon Universe are the existence of fairyland.

Think about it, everyone has the aura of gods and gods everywhere, unlimited free cultivation resources can be taken at will, and everyone is not righteous. Who would endure hardships and become evil spirits? "

Liu Qianlang stared at the purple-robed immortal.

"Hearing Mengxian Zhoudi's words, I finally understood why Mengxian Zhoudi had such immortal deeds and supernatural powers when he was young.

We are seniors in vain, I am called Ziran, and the others are disciples and fellow Taoists among Ziran's hundreds of millions of immortal friends.

It's a pity that the life spring of the gods and gods was lost hundreds of billions of years ago. After the god emperor joined the Yuandong Demon Palace, because the fairyland was withered and resources were scarce, most of the disciples of the fairy friends... Sigh! "

Ziran wept sadly at this point.

"Senior Zibeard, you can't pursue the past, let's go when it's over, how many ancient fairylands like yours are there?"

Liu Qianlang comforted Ziran and asked again.

"There are ninety-nine and eighty-one places, including the domain of the Central Immortal Heart. However, the real strength is just an occasional appearance, a bluff. The real strength, the Central Immortal Heart is okay, and the others are just like us.

The reason why we cling to this desolate fairyland is that we still have the luck to get the spring of life of the fairy god again. We are scattered and hidden in different directions of the fairy universe.

Once the Immortal God's Fate Spring appears, it will help us quickly control it, but... Hundreds of billions of years have passed, not only have we not waited for the appearance of the Immortal God's Fate Spring, but a large number of immortals in our Immortal Demon Universe are constantly... "

What the purple-bearded fairy had experienced was obviously very painful, his words were choked up, his heart was suffering, and he shook his head in tears while talking.

"It will pass, it will pass! If the seniors can trust Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang has a request, which can quickly change the predicament of the traditional fairyland, and at the same time, the future will be even brighter.

Liu Qianlang didn't know whether the seniors and other seniors in the fairyland would agree? "

Liu Qianlang saluted Ziran and asked.

"Emperor Zhou just said it's okay, we are already in a dying state, if Emperor Zhou can point out the maze and continue our life, and Emperor Zhou is the master of the true gods, how can we still silently abide by the old rules, stand still and wait perish!"

The purple bearded Taoist bowed his head and wiped away his tears, and said.

"To be honest with seniors, Liu Qianlang came here this time to jointly create all immortal friends like seniors in the Immortal Realm of the Universe.

The great cause of immortality is by no means the karma of one immortal. It requires us to roar through the whole universe, and there will be a majestic momentum. But Qianlang knows very little about you, and lacks guides.

That's why Liu Qianlang wants Senior Zibeard to be the guide of this junior, to complete this task, I don't know..."

Liu Qianlang looked around at the people around, and said the real reason for coming this time.

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