Nine Heavens

Chapter 2322 Abyssal Cave Demon Palace

"Okay! This matter is on my Ziran. If Emperor Mengxian Zhou does not give up, he can be wronged in our Ziran fairyland for a while, and send me to go for a walk one by one, and it will be successful!"

Ziran was ashamed of Liu Qianlang before, and was worried about the opportunity to repay him, so as soon as Liu Qianlang said, he agreed.

"Thank you, Senior Zibeard, but the senior is just like this, and they have never had any contact with the junior, so how can they accept it.

If the younger generation gave each of them a gift, they might accept the senior's proposal. As for the result, seniors don't need to be in a hurry, it is a great success for all of us to get to know each other this time.

And the seniors must have made it clear that the juniors are only seeking alliances but not mergers.

What the younger generation wants is for all the fairy realms to grow, first to destroy demons and demons together, to transform into immortals and demons, and then to make immortals bloom everywhere. There is absolutely no desire to dominate the fairyland! "

Liu Qianlang was very happy when he heard this. Then with a slight smile, Yujian shot the sky.

"Good! Good! Mengxian Zhoudi, who is this?"

The people below suddenly saw Liu Qianlang smiling in the sky, they were all very surprised, the purple bearded fairy responded, and then raised his head and asked.

"Hehe, Didn't the Emperor Mengxian Zhou just say that he would give you a gift for each of the ninety-nine and eighty-one creation universe fairylands? Naturally, he will also give a gift to the purple bearded fairyland!"

Liu Qianlang leaned over and smiled mysteriously, raised his right hand, suddenly there was a white cloud lingering above it, and in the red sun cloud, a towering and verdant little mountain.

Just when he was afraid that he would be joking, the emerald green celestial glow of the Little God Mountain, the bright red sun, and the white clouds fluttered continuously from the Little God Mountain to all directions of the Purple Beard Immortal Realm.

In less than half an hour, the entire Purple Bearded Immortal Realm turned into a real wonderland of immortals and gods.

The green mountains are majestic, the Linghai fairy river is everywhere, the sky is full of auspicious clouds, auspicious birds, and the earth is full of auspicious beasts. The aura of immortals and gods in the air is full of waves, and the eyes are full of pearls...

Then Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering and silver clothes dangling, floated back among the white clouds since the red sun and warm sky.

"Ha ha……"

"This is the Immortal Mountain of Creation Realm. Now the emperor of this universe is handing it over to senior Ziran. Everywhere he goes, he will restore the spiritual life of the fairyland as a gift, and then talk about the hearts of the younger generation, okay?"

After Liu Qianlang completed his mission to the Purple-bearded Immortal Territory in just half an hour, he fell down and asked the Purple-bearded Immortal with a smile.

"Thank you Mengxian Zhoudi, all immortal friends, please hurry up and be kind! Mengxian Zhoudi, you are the return of the spring of life!"

The purple-bearded fairy looked up at the sky and descended like a god-like Liu Qianlang, and turned around expecting. Seeing the resurrection of the old fairyland, he was so excited that tears filled his eyes, knelt down and opened his arms and shouted.

"Mengxian Eternal Emperor Hong En is comparable to the fountain of life for immortals!"

Dozens of immortals in the purple beard fairyland also nodded and shook their heads. It was hard to believe what they saw, but they couldn't believe it. They took a deep breath of the long-lost strong fairy spirit, knelt in front of the willows and waved, and shouted loudly.

"Seniors, you can't do it, you can't do it! Please get up quickly! We are chasing immortals and chasing fate in order to enjoy ourselves and liberate the common people of the universe!

I don't want to go all the way, it's a lot of misery, the seniors deeply feel it, and so do we. Everything the juniors do is our common pursuit, so there is no need for you to do so! "

Liu Qianlang quickly helped the purple bearded fairy and said.

The Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm and the Five Sons of Juying were not small numbers of people either. Seeing their brother's supernatural powers, they all smiled. For a long time, they didn't care about the past, and stepped forward to help the immortals of the Purple Bearded Immortal Realm.

Liu Qianlang helped the purple-bearded fairy up, and gently put the fairy mountain of immortality that he had refined by condensing his body full of fairy spirit into the hands of the purple-bearded fairy who raised his hands high, and said with a smile:

"For the future of our immortal Yongle, all the happiness of the universe and all spirits, there is old Zibeard senior. We are waiting for your good news!"

Liu Qianlang said from the heart.

"Emperor Mengxian, don't worry, Ziran is going to be broken into pieces, and he has to fulfill the entrustment of Emperor Mengxian. Please wait for a few years, time is precious, and Ziran can't bear to continue to suffer. Beard is going now."

Once the road of light is opened, the ancient immortal of the purple bearded god can recover, and the spirit of the immortal body around him is also full of heroism. Looking around at the immortal friends present, they nodded in tacit understanding with each other, and left with a simple heart.

Liu Qianlang in the back led all the immortals present to build a new fairy palace for Ziran, and then practiced day and night, and when Ziran returned...

It is said that the Abyss Cave Demon Palace is the heart of the Demon Realm in the Destroying Eternal Continent.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Outside a magical cave with billions of layers of seals, the emperor of the Demon God of the Eternal Destroyer Continent, Slaughter Sha, with a black and purple magic robe all over his body drumming without wind, looked up at the infinitely dark universe of the Immortal Demon Universe, and laughed wildly .

There is also a person in the magic cave, a fairy with white body and flying white hair is also laughing wildly.

"Hmph! What's so ridiculous about your god emperor? Are you satisfied to see your Creation Universe Immortal Realm being swallowed up by my Destroying Universe Continent day by day?"

"Bah! I just laugh when I'm happy, don't mind your business!"

After the god emperor in the cave stopped cursing, he continued to laugh wildly.

"You came here on your own initiative, and you have been imprisoned by the Immortal Demon Palace for hundreds of billions of years, so you still refuse to hand over your Immortal God's Life Spring!?

Back then, I agreed to both of your conditions. If you are willing to hand them over, the Demon Emperor can not only let your disciples who are about to perish, but also allow you to reunite with Yaoniang immediately! "

The demon brother Tu Shasha stopped laughing and asked the Immortal Emperor in the cave.

"You idiot, how many times have I told you that the God Emperor lied to you back then, in order to save Manzhou Xianpeng and have a relationship with his beloved Yaoniang, the Immortal God's Life Spring has long been lost I don't know where to go.

If you have the ability, kill me as soon as possible, I hate to see you disgusting devil again! "

There was a distant and empty icy echo in the cave.

"Hmph! I'll give you three more years at the end. You'd better think about it carefully. If you don't hand over the Immortal God's Life Spring, this Demon Emperor will destroy all the remaining stars in the Immortal Realm of Creation Eternity and kill Yao Niang himself!"

The Devil Emperor outside the cave snorted coldly.

" have no chance, my disciples are saved, for Yaoniang, you have already married her to the Emperor of the Demon Thunder Palace, whether you kill her or keep her, what does it have to do with me!"

"But do you know that even though Yaoniang was forced by me to marry Emperor Molei Palace, she is loyal to you, and she and Molei Palace are in name only. She and you only have one daughter named Qingguo. Don't you have the heart to let me Did you kill your only flesh and blood?"

There was a moment of silence in the cave, and then another voice said:

"Yaoniang is your daughter, and Qingguo is also your only granddaughter, don't tell me you're willing to let the monsters in the demon world really be ruthless?

No, except for Yaoniang, she not only invited, but also intended. My Immortal God Emperor has no regrets for their death.

To tell you frankly, I have already thrown my ninety-nine or eighty-one fairy dragon balls into Qianyuanzhou before I came here, and enlightened Nuwa Empress to help them find my destined person.

Now I clearly feel that they have evolved into the Immortal Universe. The country you mentioned is my daughter.

She also controls one, and she can summon my nine-nine-eighty-one dragon to help her, haha..."

There was wild laughter in the cave, and the sound shook the entire Abyss Cave Demon Palace.

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