Nine Heavens

Chapter 2328

But in a short while, under the divine light of the eight eyes, Wu Xiannan and Cheng Shifeng recovered the memory of Qianyuan Zhou.

"Fairy man!"


Wuxiannan and Cheng Shifeng, who recovered the memory of Qianyuanzhou, first looked around at Liu Qianlang and others, and then shouted and hugged each other excitedly.

"It turns out that you are really a fairy man and a wind girl. Pity me for missing my loved ones every day. I didn't expect you to be by my side long ago!"

Looking at the scene of Wu Xiannan and Cheng Shifeng embracing in distress, Liu Qianlang said with emotion.

"Ha ha……"

"I said Fengmei, it's almost enough, haven't you been together all the time, but you brother Zhen, sister Juan, and brother Yuanfang are not wow, don't you..."

Song Zhen laughed out loud, teasing Cheng Shifeng.


"How can Feng'er not think about Brother Zhen, Sister Juan, and Brother Yuanfang, hehe..."

The spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng let go of her husband, Wuxiannan, and floated around in a circle, hugged the three of them happily, and finally came to Liu Qianlang with a coquettish smile:

"It turns out that my brother Mengxian belongs to my brother Qianlang, no wonder the first time I saw brother Qianlang, I felt an indescribable sense of peace.

It's great now that we can be together again, giggling..."

Cheng Shifeng is still so cheerful and loves to laugh, wrapping his arms around Qianlang's brother's neck and acting like a baby.

"Ha ha……"

"Our joy is not only that Xiannan and Fengmei have recovered their former Yuan Zhouyi. Brother Zhen, can you imagine that our seven sons of Juying are complete again.

Eldest brother Wu Yazi, second elder brother Master Zhuyuan, fifth younger brother Kong Sheng, sixth younger brother Wuhen and seventh younger sister Cailing have all been resurrected in this fairy world. among! "

While Liu Qianlang was happy, he saw Song Zhen and said with a smile.

"Oh! It's true!? Whoa whoa..."

Song Zhen was shocked when he heard the words, because he was happy, he danced, laughed and cried, crying and laughing.

Immediately, the scene of wishing to be sworn brothers outside Shuicheng that night in the past appeared in his mind.

The past passes like smoke, but the love lasts forever!

"In addition, the former eight demons and eight great gods of the heavens have also joined me at this moment.

Our immortal power in the Immortal Demon Universe is getting stronger and stronger, and our wish to completely transform into the Immortal Demon Universe is getting closer and closer! "

While Liu Qianlang was speaking, he reported another piece of good news.

"Third brother, can you take me there, I want to see them!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen asked impatiently.

"Fourth brother, the future will be long, and I'm afraid it won't be good now. I just met your Emperor Feng, and she doesn't want us to get closer.

Since she is your Phoenix Emperor, let's just know the good news, what do you think, Sister Juan? "

Liu Qianlang understood the mood of his buddy Song Zhen, but after a moment of silence, he said helplessly.

"That's right, brother Zhen. It's not good for us to come to see Qianlang without Emperor Feng behind our backs. If you leave inexplicably and meet your righteous brothers and sisters, how can everyone feel at ease.

It's best to listen to your third brother first, and then you go when the situation changes, or invite them to visit Qingguo Xianyu. "

Liu Juan nodded slightly after listening to Liu Qianlang's words.

"Yes, yes, I am so happy that I am confused, okay! Third Brother, Sister Juan, I listen to you, but after Third Brother returns, he must greet them for me."

Hearing this, Song Zhen calmed down a little and said.

"Hehe, that's natural. I came here this time, and the intention of the alliance was not fulfilled, but I accidentally learned that you all evolved into the Immortal Universe. To find out if this is the case, this is really a great joy amidst disappointment.

Sister Juan, Yuanfang, Fourth Brother, Sister Feng, and Xiannan, you should all stay in Qingguo Xianyu to assist Emperor Feng.

By helping her, you have paid for the entire great cause of Xiancheng, and you have helped me even more, because she also has the same wish.

Don't worry, fourth brother, although it's inconvenient for you to meet your righteous brothers and sisters, it's still okay for you to communicate with each other. "

Liu Qianlang laughed.


"Brother Qianlang, do you mean to let Xiannan and I stay here and not go back?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, was very happy, and asked Liu Qianlang in disbelief.

"Don't sister Feng want to be with sister Juan, brother Yuanfang, your brother Zhen, brothers and sisters-in-law, and sisters Tianling?

If you don't want to, then forget it, go back and continue to be a magical killer for me, hehe..."

"No, I want to be with all the sisters-in-law and Tianling, Yaya, how happy they are. But Brother Qianlang, you..."

"Me, then you don't have to worry. The five Juying brothers I mentioned just now, the Eight Demons of the Heaven Realm, and the countless fairy friends I am subduing in the Creation Universe Immortal Realm, as well as my old subordinates, are all my friends." Friends, I will never be alone."

"That's good, I don't quite understand, all the sisters-in-law love brother Qianlang so much, why would they not want to unite the Immortal Realm?"

Cheng Shifeng felt relieved after hearing what Liu Qianlang said.

"However, if Emperor Zhou needs help, people are close to each other. As long as Emperor Zhou's soul reads the order, Wu Xiannan will never waste a moment of effort."

Wu Xiannan, still wearing a white fairy robe, holding a flute of nature, saluted casually.

"Thank you for the righteousness of the fairy man, you can rest for a while, maybe in the near future, I will have to trouble you and Fengmei."

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and said in return.

"Emperor Zhou, you are welcome!"

Wu Xiannan said.

"I know you are all fine, take care everyone, I should go back!"

Liu Qianlang looked around at his long-lost relatives, whether he wanted to stay or not, and it was difficult to speak if he wanted to leave, but he said in pain.

Then, with a cruel heart, a sword rainbow suddenly burst under his feet, and the next moment he was already in the sky thousands of miles high.

"Brother Qianlang, don't forget to come and see us when you have time—"

Although Cheng Shifeng has regained the memory of the previous universe, but the deep affection for Liu Qianlang's old brother and new brother has already penetrated into the bone marrow, and he will never forget this brother.

Liu Qianlang was getting farther and farther away, Cheng Shifeng bent his hands into a trumpet shape, covering his mouth and shouted.

"Hehe, yes, you can give up everything, brother Qianlang, and don't want anything, but you will never abandon the lovely and respectable relationship between parents, sisters and brothers."

Liu Qianlang was flying in the distant sky, answering Cheng Shifeng's words.

"Go back, Yuanfang, Brother Zhen, Xiannan and Fengmei."

Liu Juan watched her younger brother Liu Qianlang gradually disappear into the sky, and said with tears.

"Sister Juan, Heavenly Wolf Zhou Lord, Sword Zhan Zhou Lord, we suddenly appeared like this, and suddenly went to see your sisters-in-law, how should we explain it?"

Wu Xiannan thought for a long time and asked.

"Emperor Feng is extremely smart, and it is by no means that cheating can escape her eyes. We might as well tell the truth. As for how to choose how to treat Xiannan and Fengmei, you don't have to worry about it.

Don't talk about us earlier, they are also looking forward to the autumn water, waiting for Fengmei to appear all the time. "

Liu Juan said.

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