Nine Heavens

Chapter 2329 Phoenix Emperor's Palace

"In this way, we have no choice but to confess the matter of coming to see Qianlang. Since we can't bear to hide it from us, we might as well face it calmly."

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang said.

"That's right, Emperor Feng will know sooner or later. This incident shows that it's better than planting the seeds of evil. Let's go back."

Liu Juan nodded slightly, stepped on the pure white Xianpa, her green hair fluttering, and moved first.

The people behind followed silently.

"Sister Juan, you are back. For some reason, Emperor Feng..."

Liu Juan returned to her Qixiang Tower, and as soon as she entered the door, Miaoyan, Yun Qianmeng, Pa'er, Palace Master Qinghua, Princess Jinling, Flame Poison Witch, Emperor Shuangtian and Dongluo greeted her, Miaoyan was anxious asked.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, it's because she saw your husband leading the waves."

Liu Juan said bluntly.

"What, my husband has come to Qingguo Xianyu!?"

Liu Juan's answer surprised the eight sisters, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Yes, came and went, we just saw him too."

Liu Juan added.

"Sister Juan, how could you do this? You have all met your husband, why didn't you tell us, we also think about it."

When Princess Jinling heard what Liu Juan said behind her, she immediately became angry and said unhappily.

"Ling'er, don't be angry. Sister Juan certainly knows that you and Qianlang share life and death with each other, but things are not that simple. We went behind Fengdi's back, because we... reluctantly left."

Liu Juan explained.

"So that's the case. Sister Juan said that Sister Feng is back. Where is she?"

Princess Jinling was very angry, and also very happy. When she heard that Wu Xiannan and Cheng Shifeng had also come to Qingguoxianyu, she was very happy again, and she stretched her head to look out the window.

"Look at you girl, it's like this in the human world, and it's like this in the world of the frontier Eternal Immortal. Now it's a wind and rain to be an Eternal Immortal. Of course she went to Emperor Feng.

If you are in a hurry to see her, then go to Fengdi Palace, I was planning to go too, I guessed that you must come here when I came back. "

Liu Juan slenderly pointed at Princess Jinling's delicate nose and smiled.

"Oh! Okay, let's go together. Sister Juan can't touch my nose all the time in the future. Only my husband can touch my nose."

Princess Jinling hugged Liu Juan's arm and said.

"Heck...that's right!"

As soon as Princess Jinling said these words, Miao Yan and other sisters all laughed coquettishly, and stepped forward to scrape Princess Jinling's nose one by one.

"Hmph! Sister Juan, look at them bullying me! Ignore you, I'll go to Emperor Feng for comment."

"Will! Will!"

Of course, Princess Jinling couldn't stop the seven sisters' "siege", pouted her mouth, and called out the goose emperor with a white body, golden mouth, golden eyes, and golden feet, and flew away on top of it.

In the back, Miao Yan sits on the ice-scarred silver phoenix, Yun Qianmeng stands on the golden fire phoenix, Princess Qinghua controls the blue peacock, the flame poisonous witch steps on the red magic carpet, the flowers stand on the clouds of pure white pear flowers, and the Emperor Frost Sky picks nine-color lotus petals , Dongluo fluttered among a lavender fallen petals.

Liu Juan was still stepping on the pure white ancient handkerchief made of incense, and holding the bright red Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal in her hand, and the group of fairy shadows soared into the sky.

"Fengmei! Fengmei——"

Princess Jinling yelled loudly while she was still high in the sky, and sat on the goose emperor to the sky above Fengdi Palace, and swooped down.


"Listen, Ling'erniang is very well informed. Aunt Feng knew the good news as soon as she entered Fengdi Palace! It's her hot temper..."

"Huh? Which little girl is talking bad about our Goose Emperor? The Goose Emperor scares them. As elders, we must have the majesty of being elders."

Princess Jinling leaned over and saw a large group of junior figures in the courtyard of Fengdi Palace, and when Xianer heard it, most of them were laughing at herself, and immediately shouted down.

"Hehe, master, they are right, you are always in a hurry, it is our pride."

Goose Emperor said in a low voice.

"Ah, you have changed your body when you arrived in the Immortal Demon Universe, and you hang out with them all day long, and you have been spoiled by them. I won't care about you for now. When will I be unhappy..."

"Quack... When you are unhappy, you don't want me, go ride my girl's son, you just think about it.

They are different from me, they still have old friends complex to some extent, I don't care about your face, I still miss your parents, so don't worry, no matter what you do to me, I am willing to be your mount forever.

However, they are a new generation of young geese with lofty aspirations, and their first oath in life is to never be someone else's fairy rider for life.

They would rather sacrifice their lives than give in! Those guys who are not afraid of death, what can you do to them? "

Goose Emperor laughed loudly after hearing Princess Jinling's words.


"Miss Ling'er, why are you arguing with the Goose Emperor again? Come in quickly and tell Yaya, Tianling and other sisters that they are waiting for her to come out."

When the Goose Emperor fell, sisters Yaya and Tianling, as well as Hongxian, Sanse Huowa, Xiaomei, Xiaolin, etc., all gathered around.

Yaya asked with a smile.

"Why are you arguing? It's not him anymore. He is old and disrespectful. He doesn't teach his children and grandchildren to obey the four virtues all day long. He teaches his children and grandchildren how to entrust the fate of being a fairy rider every day.

Now it's all right, all the descendants of immortal cavalry don't keep their ancestral inheritance, and they think about some crooked ways all day long, you say, this is true! "

Princess Jinling said helplessly.


"I thought it was something. Mrs. Ling'er, you don't have to worry. Didn't Mrs. Fengdi say that we will be able to fly without certificates soon. At that time, even a fairy cavalry will be unnecessary."

Yaya laughed coquettishly when she heard the words.

"It's okay, that is to say, it's also possible. Whoever releases the spirit cavalry can fly by itself. No matter what others do, I, Jin Lingniang, can't do without the immortal cavalry."

Princess Jinling floated down from Goose Emperor's body, and said while holding Goose Emperor's golden mouth.

"Hey, master, now the master is only different in status and division of labor, and there is no distinction between high and low. This red fairy clan advises you to follow the trend and keep up with the fairy reality."

Goose Emperor's mouth was held tightly by Princess Jinling, and he spoke with great difficulty.

"Fuck off, master, it's your turn to teach me a lesson, be careful, I'll stew you and yours into braise, cut!"

Princess Jinling kicked Goose Emperor's ass and said angrily.

"Hehe, you two are really interested in arguing in front of so many children again. Shut up, let's go, let's go in."

At this time, Liu Juan and her group from behind arrived, and Liu Juan smiled.

"Okay, Sister Juan. Emperor Goose, go and teach those grandchildren well first. If you can't teach them well, you don't need to call me master anymore! Let's go in first."

Princess Jinling nodded in agreement.

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