Nine Heavens

Chapter 2332 Masked Sending Beads

"Thank you Liu Guang, Chi Lei, Lightning, and Mo Feng for coming to help me!

How powerful is this little Zhou chick that popped up all of a sudden, it burned all the black wood insect dragons in my body to death! There are four old Panlongs helping me kill him! "

Hearing that a helper was coming, the black wood demon dragon was shocked for a moment, because he was exhausted from the long battle, he jumped out of the circle and said with a heavy breath.

"Brother, let's rest for the time being, and wait for the four of us to kill him."

At the same time that the black wood demon dragon retreated thousands of miles away, the four tall monsters that were shot had already roared and surrounded Liu Qianlang. out guys.

"Hey, don't worry! It's okay to fight with some rules. Your elder brother was killed by me right away. This is because you came. He had a chance to hide, otherwise he would be dead.

I'm letting your eldest brother die. Now that he is resting, shouldn't Emperor Ben Zhou be resting? "

Liu Qianlang saw that one black wood demon dragon was enough to deal with it, and now there are four more, isn't this a big loss, so he pretended.


The four dragons suddenly heard the words, braked suddenly, looked around at each other, and they all nodded.

"Hey, what he said makes sense. We have to be grateful that he didn't kill Big Brother just now. Then we..."

The crimson demon dragon rolled his eyes, pondered for a while, and said.

So the four dragons muttered for a while, and finally shouted in unison:

"Okay! Then let you rest for a while, this is the head office!"

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you to the four guardians of the Panlong of the Demon Thunder Palace!"

Liu Qianlang secretly laughed, and then said.

"You're welcome, our Panlong Five Envoys have principles in carrying out the god-killing order, and we try our best to meet the demands of dying people, not to mention you are kind to our boss.

Don't talk nonsense, let us know when you have rested, if you keep silent, after an hour, it means that you have rested by default, and then we will attack you immediately. "

The crimson demon dragon said in a wild voice, and then the four demon dragons really did not attack, surrounded by all sides, standing still facing Liu Qianlang.

However, although their bodies didn't move, the color of their bodies was getting thicker and thicker. The bodies that were originally in red, gold, silver and yellow tones became extremely rich after a quarter of an hour.

At the same time, bursts of howling hurricanes leaked out of their bodies, and the powerful hurricanes tore apart the red rainbow, golden rainbow, silver rainbow, and orange rainbow that flashed around them into clouds that filled the sky, and began to spread towards the willows layer by layer. Surrounded by waves.


The hurricane roared like a beast.

The rosy clouds in the sky seem to be beautiful, each piece is like a sharp knife cutting the sky, and each blossom is like a huge mountain.

Before the other party made a move, Liu Qianlang was firmly controlled by such powerful magic energy.

"Take this!"

Demonically, a ghostly golden figure wearing a blue moon mask rowed to Liu Qianlang's side.

Handed Liu Qianlang a black kit, and said in a delicate voice.

"Who are you?"

Liu Qianlang felt that the other party's voice was deliberately concealing his identity, so he asked while resisting the dense magic energy around him.

"Hmph! It's important to escape, why ask more questions!"

The visitor replied coldly.

"What's here?"

Liu Qianlang asked.

"You don't care what it is, just use your soul thoughts to mobilize it. It can devour the opponent's magic energy for you. Without it, you will definitely die! You can do it yourself, I'm leaving!"

The other party said coldly again, and then the ghostly golden figure began to shoot out of the circle surrounded by the four coiling dragons.



However, just when she was about to shoot out four dragons to surround her, she was suddenly discovered by Chi Lei. Chi Lei opened his mouth and spat out a Red Explosion Demon Thunder at her.

As the magic thunder exploded, the golden figure was blown back immediately.

Her body twitched for a while, and it happened to reflect towards Liu Qianlang, and Liu Qianlang stretched out his hand to catch her amidst her screams.

The blue moon mask on his face has come off, and a strand of golden hair is hanging down.

"Phoenix Emperor Qingguo, my son!"

Seeing each other clearly, Liu Qianlang yelled.

"There are magic dragon balls inside, help me protect the Qingguoxianyu, ahem..."

Emperor Qingguo Feng looked at Liu Qianlang strenuously, and after he finished speaking this sentence, he tilted his head and passed out.


Seeing this, Liu Qianlang roared up to the sky, and with a twitch of his soul, he called Qingguo Fengdi into the universe of his mind, and the next second he flashed the ink dragon ball and rushed towards the four surrounding dragon demons.

"Dragon God Orb!"

"Oh ha ha..."

"This is really a place that can't be found across the universe, and it doesn't take much effort to get it! I didn't expect that we Wupanlong would have the chance to see one of the ninety-nine eighty-one immortal god beads that were transformed into demons today. Everyone was stunned." What are you doing, grab it!"

The four Coiling Dragon Demons surrounding Liu Qianlang and the black wood demon dragon resting on the side saw a bright blue orb suddenly appearing in Liu Qianlang's hand. looking at.

Chi Lei was the first to recall, shouting excitedly.

"Haha... grab it!"

"With the magic dragon ball, we don't have to worry about the loss of the magic body and energy, haha..."

The five Panmolongs laughed wildly and rushed towards Liu Qianlang at the same time.

Liu Qianlang was extremely angry because his beloved wife was injured, and suddenly raised all the abilities of immortals and demons to the limit. several months.

A few months ago.

When Liu Qianlang had already started a battle with the five Coiling Dragon Demons outside the Immortal Realm of the Outward-Qing Kingdom, Wanxian was still floating between Wu Xiannan and Cheng Shifeng's celebration banquet in the Immortal Territory.

Everyone activated their celestial eyes and divine consciousness, closely watching the situation of the great battle, only Qing Guo on the throne of Emperor Feng was mechanically drinking.


Suddenly, Wan Xian heard that Qing Guofeng Emperor suddenly opened his mouth and spurted out a column of blood, and then threw himself on the fairy table, and his body flew away.

"Sister Juan, this is not Emperor Feng, it's her phantom body, she went to help her husband by herself!"

Miao Yan was sitting next to Qingguo Fengdi, because she paid too much attention to Zhouwai's situation, she didn't realize that Fengdi left behind her phantom body, she didn't realize it until now, and she cried out in tears.

"I see, the golden figure we saw just now, the person wearing the blue moon mask is our Phoenix Emperor Qing Guo.

After all, she still can't let go of your husband, she was seriously injured, I don't know if she can escape this catastrophe! well! "

Liu Juan sighed upon hearing this.

"Then we now?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen still wants to go out to help his third brother.

"No! We will guard the universe and stay out. This is the order of Emperor Qingguo Feng. No matter what happens in the future, we will strictly abide by her emperor's order this time. She will protect everyone with her own life. No matter what, we can't let her down!"

Liu Juan said without a doubt.


All immortals agree.

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