Nine Heavens

Chapter 2333 Five Dragon Demon Poison

"However, if we don't leave the Qingguoxianyu, it doesn't mean that we can't help Mengxian Zhoudi.

Now he defeats the enemy with the fairy dragon ball, Lord of the Love Flower Palace, you are the first dragon ball god with ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon balls.

You can immediately lead the eighty Dragon Ball Gods to the Qingguoxianyu and the Eastern Starfield to help them.

But remember, you can only pour the dragon ball fairy energy for Mengxian Zhoudi in the world, and you can't go out of the fairyland! Pa'er and other sisters can also help Palace Master Love Flower from the side. "

Of course Liu Juan didn't want her younger brother to fight alone, and considering that Qingguo was seriously injured, Qingguo Xianyu couldn't be left alone for a day.

So while secretly helping his younger brother Mengxian Zhoudi, he also deliberately chose another one of Mengxian Zhoudi's eight fairy wives to act as Fengdi.


The eight fairy wives of Liu Qianlang were naturally willing to help her husband on the one hand, but also wanted to seek justice for Qingguo Xianyu, so they all responded, and a beautiful figure had already drifted towards the eastern border of Qingguo Xianyu.

It is said that Liu Qianlang was tightly surrounded by five dragons on the head of the five Demon Thunder Palace Emperors, including Blackwood Demon Dragon, Liuguang, Red Thunder, Lightning, and Demon Wind. fell into a weak position again.

"Xianzhou boy, don't resist needlessly anymore. No matter how powerful the magic dragon ball in your hand is, it is nothing but the spirit of the fairy dragon ball. You can't beat us, haha..."

Seeing that Liu Qianlang was gradually falling into a disadvantage, the five Panlong stepped up their attacking rhythm, laughing wildly and mocking Liu Qianlang.

"Ha ha……"

"For fun with you five worms, why does the Emperor Mengxian Zhou need to be so troublesome, just using this dragon ball essence is more than enough to deal with you."

Although Liu Qianlang was at a disadvantage in the fighting situation, he still responded chicly with his lips.

call out! call out……

Suddenly, the voices of the eight fairy wives broke into Liu Qianlang's soul:

"Husband, don't panic, we have manipulated ninety-nine eighty-one immortal gods to help you. Ninety-nine eighty-one fairy gods, dragon bead gods, please!"

"Emperor Mengxian Zhou continues to deal with the five old monsters, the fairy dragon ball in your hand, we have the ability to transfer the fairy gods to it!"

Headed by the Lord Qinghua, the ninety-nine and eighty-one gods and gods of the Dragon Balls all chanted their souls to Liu Qianlang in unison.

"Thank you ladies and gods, Dragon Ball God, thank you!"

After such a simple communication, ninety-nine eighty-one hidden light waves of dragon ball divine energy shot into the magic dragon ball in Liu Qianlang's palm, and at the same time more than half of the dragon ball's divine energy entered his body along his arm.

In this way, Liu Qianlang not only immediately gained the upper hand in the battle situation, but also instantly increased the power of the immortal body by tens of millions of times.

Liu Qianlang's movements suddenly became countless times more agile, and the immortals outside him were mighty.

The demon-slaying holy sword controlled by him turned into a red dragon, roaring in the sky, shaking its head and tail, and breathing thunder and fire, closely coordinating with Liu Qianlang.



Liu Qianlang's sudden change made the five Panlongs look at each other in blank dismay.

Fighting has always been done after the supernatural power, the fighting state has become more and more weak. There is no such thing as Liu Qianlang who has become more energetic as he fought more and more. Not only did he not become sluggish, but he also suddenly strengthened his immortal skills.

Black Wood Demon Dragon, Liu Guang, Red Thunder, Lightning, and Mo Feng murmured in their hearts, no matter how hard their hands were, they could no longer keep up with Liu Qianlang's attacking rhythm.

They are not like Liu Qianlang, as their divine energy is consumed, because there is no source of supply for the monster to breed, their bodies will continue to age, and even their divine energy will be exhausted and they will die.

They reluctantly supported for a while, and found that it was hopeless to seize the Dragon Ball Essence in Liu Qianlang's hand, and their bodies were gradually aging, so they didn't dare to fight any more, made a feint, and then ran away together.

Liu Qianlang naturally didn't want to chase because he was worried about the injured wife in his mind, Emperor Feng.

"My beloved wives, Emperor Feng is seriously injured, can you allow Emperor Mengxian Zhou to enter Qingguo Xianyu once?"

Liu Qianlang put back his fighting stance, his white hair flew wildly, and the sky brocade silk robe fluttered around him, holding the blue magic dragon ball in his hand, and stepping on the Yinhong demon-slaying holy sword, staring at the figure of the fairy wife in Qingguo Xianyu.

Princess Qinghua, Yun Qianmeng, Pa'er, Miaoyan, Princess Jinling, Flame Poison Witch, Emperor Shuangtian and Dong Luo burst into tears when they heard the words.

Once upon a time, my husband was so blunt when he wanted to enter the place where he was.

"Qianlang, come in. In fact, Qingguo has been expecting you to come all the time, otherwise, when you sneaked into Qingguo Immortal Realm secretly, how could she be unguarded against you with her cautious character."

Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives choked up and wept. These words were said by Qixiang Zhou Jun Liujuan.

"Thank you, sister Juan!"

Liu Qianlang got the promise, stepped on the devil-slaying holy sword, urged the instant escape movement, and his figure quickly appeared in the center of the figures of your beloved wives.

Liu Qianlang stared deeply at his beloved wives one after another. Every time he looked deeply at each one, his heart ached and his tears filled his line.

Liu Qianlang seemed to step forward and hug every fairy wife tightly, but he suppressed himself, suppressed, his eyes flowed, and he stepped on the sword and shot towards the sky above Qingguofengdi Palace.


Princess Jinling cried out.


Liu Qianlang didn't look back, but responded with all her affection and longing.


"How about Qingguo's sister-in-law?"

Liu Qianlang appeared in the sky above the Qingguo Ten Thousand Immortals, stepping steadily on his sword as it fell. Liu Juan, Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, Wuxiannan, and Cheng Shifeng had already surrounded him.

Song Zhen stared at himself with three complicated eyes and asked.

"She is deeply poisoned by the five dragons, and the five dragons have penetrated deep into the meridians. Now, only the ninety-nine and eighty-one gods and dragon beads can be nourished at the same time, and then we are looking for a way to get rid of the poison!"

Liu Qianlang's face was solemn, and with a thought, he called out his beloved wife Qingguo and placed him on a white cloud.

Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Dragon Ball God heard that the Ninety-Nine Eighty-One God Dragon Ball had already floated around Qingguo Fengdi.

"Hmph! Haha..."

"Just relying on your low-spirited abilities, you still want to destroy the Universe Continent and transform the entire Immortal Demon Universe into immortality!? Haha..."

Liu Qianlang had just settled Qingguofengdi, and was looking at Qingguofengdi's pale face and comforting smile at the corner of his mouth with distress.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blows from behind, and a middle-aged woman who is extremely beautiful but exudes coldness and murderous intent appears beside her.

She glanced at everyone present with disdain, and then stretched out her hand to hug Qing Guofeng Emperor.

"Assistant! Who are you?"

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang roared loudly.

"Who am I? Do you have the right to know? Could it be that you are the husband that Qing Guo talks about!?"

Regarding Liu Qianlang's roar, the other party's movement of extending his hand was not disturbed at all, and the next second the other party had pinched Qing Guo under his arm, and then sneered and left.

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