Nine Heavens

Chapter 2334 Dragon Ball Divine Art

"Ha ha……"

The other party's laughter was not only cold and ironic, but also full of sadness and desolation.


The other party's movements were smarter than thunderbolt lightning, and with Liu Qianlang's magical skills, he didn't even have a chance to organize, and he watched his beloved wife be taken away.

Liu Qianlang asked in astonishment.

"Her name is Yaoniang, and she is the mother of the demon who has been born in Qingguo, and she is also the daughter of the demon emperor who destroyed the Yuandong Demon Palace in the Eternal Continent!"

For Yaoniang's taking of Qingguo, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan not only did not have the slightest intention to stop her, but also had a look of joy in her eyes, and said with a worried look on her younger brother's face.


Liu Qianlang was deeply surprised, and then asked worriedly:

"Hold her?"

"Zhier is saved, Yaoniang only has her only daughter in her heart, Yaoniang will not let Zhier die!"

Liu Juan said in an excited tone.

"No! I'm worried, I'll go and have a look!"

Liu Qianlang still had no idea, after all, he knew in his heart how badly Qingguo was hurt, Qingguo was his beloved wife in need, and he was injured for himself, how could he just let it go.

Therefore, Liu led the waves and dropped these words, and has already stepped on the sword and chased Yaoniang in the direction where she left.

"Sister Juan, us?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw the situation and asked Liu Juan.

"Sooner or later, they will have to face each other. It doesn't matter if Qianlang is gone, just let him go.

Now that Qingguo is seriously injured, and our Immortal Territory cannot be without a master for a day, everyone should go to Fengdi Palace, discuss it, and elect a temporary Phoenix Emperor to continue to preside over the fairy affairs of Qingguo Immortal Territory. "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan said, all immortals responded, and immediately the shadows of the sky fluttered, and all the immortals and gods in the fairyland fell down.

Liu Qianlang galloped for a while, and at the same time released the dual consciousness of immortal and devil. It didn't take long to detect the aura of his beloved wife, and found that she was located near a waterfall.

Thus, Liu Qianlang searched for breath and continued to fly, and saw his beloved wife and her demon lady Yaoniang after Chazhan Kung Fu.

They are all floating cross-legged in the mist of the waterfall, the two of them face each other, Yaoniang is healing the wounded country.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang didn't step forward, but took the initiative to protect him.

Liu Qianlang knew that Yaoniang would definitely consume a lot of her spiritual energy after doing such a feat, so she sent the spirit of the magic dragon ball in her hand to her head.

In this way, she can continuously replenish the mental energy she consumes.

The healing process was very long, and it took several months before Liu Qianlang saw Yaoniang stop.

"Qingguo's body is fine, but she has lost all her memories, from now on she is only my Yaoniang's daughter, not a Phoenix Emperor, nor your wife.

In view of the fact that you have protected us for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and that you have swallowed the poison for the country, my Yaoniang will let you live, let's go! Never come to disturb Yaoniang again! "

Liu Qianlang stepped on the demon-slaying holy sword and looked around from afar, wanting to step forward to ask about the situation, but afraid of disturbing his wife who had just been healed, so he had to endure it, hoping that Yaoniang would speak.

After finally waiting for her to speak, it turned out to be an order to chase away guests.

"No! She is indeed your daughter, and she is my wife Liu Qianlang who shared weal and woe. We used to depend on each other in life and death, but now she has lost her memory and needs my Liu Qianlang's care. I want to take her away!"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, his heart ached suddenly, and he said without thinking.

"Take it away! Where are you going to take it, and go to die with you! With your current ability, I, Yaoniang, really don't see how confident you are to protect my daughter's safety!

The Immortal Demon Universe is not as simple as you imagined. You can't even beat the five worms on the head of the Demon Thunder Palace, and they are not even a feather compared to the power of the Abyss Cave Demon Palace. How can you defeat the Abyss Cave Demon Palace, to achieve the ultimate victory!

You'd better save yourselves, take your immortal powers, and stay as far away from the Abyss Cave Demon Palace as you can.

Before they discovered that the ninety-nine or eighty-one fairy dragon balls and the spirit of this demon dragon ball were transformed from demon seeds, it was unknown how many billions of trillion years they could live. "

Yaoniang raised her head and laughed for a while, then looked at Liu Qianlang with both eyes, and had to admit in her heart that her daughter's husband still had some affection.

First, she found out that the poison of her daughter's oath was actually on Liu Qianlang's body, and the painful memories related to her children were gone.

Second, the daughter's life or death is unknown, and the other party is willing to risk his life to follow, which shows that the other party can disregard life and death for his daughter.

Third, I heard that my daughter has lost her memory, but she still wants her, and she is sincere.

It is precisely based on the above three points that Liu Qianlang is still standing until now, otherwise he would have become Yaoniang's dead soul long ago.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang raised her head and laughed loudly.

"Why are you laughing, isn't what my Yaoniang said true?"

"That's right, what Yao Zun said is true, but the junior was once weaker than now, not only the senior junior, but the junior has still come to this day.

The reason why the younger generation has such courage and hope is that apart from the younger generation's persistence, it is because of Qingguo, his beloved wives, and other brothers and sisters who always encourage each other and never give up.

Today we are still weak, but looking back, compared with the past, we are as successful as stars. There are countless painstaking efforts of Qingguo in this, please forgive the younger generation, the senior, the younger generation must continue to follow the younger generation with Qingguo, enjoy the past, and watch the younger generation continue to journey into the future.

The junior assures the senior that even if it is really unfortunate, when the junior dies, he will definitely return to the soul of Song Qingguo, so please Yao Niang! "

Liu Qianlang knelt on his sword and made a generous statement.


Yaoniang looked at Liu Qianlang quite unexpectedly in her eyes, with some hesitation.

But after frowning and thinking for a moment, he said:

"Forget it, you take my daughter away like this, Yao Niang, I can't rest assured. I will give you nine days to practice the dragon ball magic skill that I will teach you now. If you can practice successfully, it will naturally come true as you wish. Otherwise, don’t talk about it, do you dare to give it a try?”

"Master, let's lead the wave and thank you!"

Liu Qianlang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately kowtowed to accept.

"Don't thank me, this divine skill was created by the Divine Emperor. It was taught to me in the past. I only know the mental method, and I have never practiced it successfully. As for whether you are destined to succeed in cultivation, it depends on your luck.

Soaring three trillion miles into the sky cross-legged, seeing the nebula in the universe, with no distractions but spiritual wisdom, dancing the dragon ball to create the world king! Receive the mind method—"

Yaoniang chanted a poem of Qijue in a crisp voice, pointed Liu Qianlang to fly into the sky, and then sat cross-legged, with her hands folded into a magic formula, she raised her head, looked at Shenhong, stretched out her ten fingers suddenly, and shot out with her fingertips. Ten bright rainbows, together with two pupil rainbows, shot at Liu Qianlang, which is three trillion miles high.

I saw the twelve dragon-like divine rainbows in the sky, and after a burst of strangeness and solitary flying shot at Liu Qianlang's huge body, Liu Qianlang's body suddenly ignited red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold and silver, and all kinds of things. The celestial fire of mating colors.

Liu Qianlang was in the midst of this kind of fire, sometimes hovering cross-legged, sometimes standing upright and turning his arms left and right, sometimes flying obliquely and turning upside down...beginning the process of his cultivation of the dragon ball magical skill.

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