Nine Heavens

Chapter 2339 Resurrection of Qing Lei

"Haha, let's leave you alone, take Ben the Scarlet Demon Lion King to see my daughter!"

The Red Demon Lion King habitually stroked his long beard under his chin, but he didn't stroke anything, and laughed awkwardly.

"Not yet, my mother is sleeping, I have to ask my father to wake her up, so you can bother her."

Little White Dragon said.

"Well, Xuan Hei, when did your niece get married? I'm her father, why don't I know, you know!?"

When the Red Devil Lion King heard the handsome young fairy in front of him, he called himself and his younger brother one by one as grandpa, and even called his beloved daughter Qing Lei his mother.

What's even more strange is that what he said seemed to be true, and there was even a father. The red demon lion king asked the black lion king next to him with a blank face.

"No, our Qing'er didn't even have a marriage contract. Could it be that she eloped with some immortal? With her personality, it really doesn't make sense!"

Hyun Hei Lion King frowned and thought for a long time before saying this.

"Fuck you, what can you say about your niece? Qing'er is an obedient child. Her mother left early and loved me very much. How can she let me leave the Demon Thunder Sect with others?"

The thought of the Red Demon Lion King is still in the Demon Thunder Sect.

"Grandpas, it is now the era of the New Immortal Demon Universe, and the Demon Thunder Sect you are talking about has a history tens of thousands of years ago.

You are now in Daddy's Dream Fairy, and it was my little white dragon who brought you back to life. But now you are immortals and not demons, and you also belong to the fairy gods of Mengxian Feiyu. "

Xiao Bailong laughed.

"Hiss! That's right, didn't we die before, we were killed by a fairy chick from the Creation Universe Immortal Realm.

I said, little white dragon, why do you want to resurrect us, are you not trying to recognize us as masters? "

The Red Demon Lion King and the Xuan Black Lion King thought how powerful their magic skills were, so they questioned the little white dragon.

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Bailong listened to the music.

"No, no, it's for my mother..."

Xiao Bailong was out of breath from laughing, and told the "love" story of his parents.

"This is really bloody, to kill our enemy, and in turn save us, to become our obedient husband!

Tell me, talk about it, how can we kill him for revenge! "

After listening to Xiao Bailong's words, Hyun Hei Lion King shook his hands and said.

"Hey! Aren't we alive again? This means that kid didn't kill us. Since he didn't kill us, what kind of grudge does the poster have?

I heard that it is good to be a fairy, so let's just be a fairy, that little Bailong, please tell your father to wake up our Qing'er, your mother, we two old guys want to see our daughter. "

The Red Devil Lion King patted the Black Lion King on the head and shouted.

"Hehe, see the two father-in-laws!"

"Daddy, Uncle Xuan Hei!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang and Qing Lei had already appeared in front of the lion and demon kings, Liu Qianlang bowed to salute, Qing Lei looked at Liu Qianlang affectionately, with eyes full of gratitude, and called out.

"Qing'er, haha... our Qing'er!"

The lion and devil twin kings suddenly saw their beloved daughter Qing'er who was full of fairy spirit, danced with joy, embraced and laughed.

"Thank you, Long Er, your father said..."

Qing Lei was also very happy to see his father and uncle happy, and then looked at Aizi Xiaobailong.

Seeing the hopeful scene in front of him, Xiao Bailong felt no more pain in his heart, and happily accepted his mother's words:

"If you're thankful, mother should stop talking about it. It's good to be a couple with daddy in the future. Watching you chatting and laughing is the happiest thing for Longer."

"Well, mother knows, our Long'er has grown up. By the way, Long'er, do you like being Long'er, or do you like being a little Lian'er?"

Princess Qinglei asked Xiao Bailong with a smile.

"So mother, do you like to be Aunt Shui'er or Qinglei's mother?"

Xiao Bailong didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Hehe, to mother, it doesn't matter who you are, what is important is that mother can be with your father and your two grandfathers day and night in the future."

Qing Lei smiled and said.

With a pair of blue eyes and sparkling eyes, Wang Ran looked at her husband Liu Qianlang and the two fathers and uncles who happily hugged each other.

"Since Mother is so open-minded, why does Long'er care about who she is.

It doesn't matter who you are, what's important is that no matter who Long Er is, he has a beautiful fate.

Long'er remembered that in Qianyuan Zhou, when his mother was Shui'er's mother, Long'er also had a sister named Tianling. Now it seems that apart from my little sister, Little Lian'er, sister Tianling can also call me Brother Long'er, which is so interesting. "

The little Tyrannosaurus also laughed.

"Ha ha……"

"Sister Tianling you mentioned, not only her, but also your sister Xiaoying, Sister Danrou, Sister Liusha, Sister Die'er, and Sister Lan'er have all come to see your mother and you.

Tianling, Xiaoying... don't you want to see your mother, come out. "

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly and called out the six Tianling sisters.


As soon as Tian Ling appeared, he threw himself into Qing Lei's arms and shouted excitedly.

"My Ling'er, Xiaoying..."

"You have all come to the Immortal Demon Universe, and your cultivation base is so strong, my mother is so happy to see you!"

Qing Lei hugged Sui Shui'er in his arms, then called Xiao Yingfeng to come to his side, combed their hair one by one, and said with tears in his eyes.

"Mother, not only us, but the other nine mothers are all in the Immortal Demon Universe, and..."

"Hehe... well, mother has heard what your father said."

"Don't move, let mother take a good look at you, and see that each of you is more beautiful than the other, and you are all like fairy flowers..."

Princess Qinglei, watching with tears in her eyes, was full of praise at the same time.

"Little Bailong, little Lian'er has met all the sisters!"

Xiao Bailong saw the six familiar sisters appearing, the past was vivid in his memory, he was so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time, afraid that the sisters would not recognize him, his body would turn into little Lian'er, and then into little Bailong Like that, Shi Li shouted.

"Hehe...Little Lian'er! It's you, you're really here with Daddy. What are you doing, changing around."

Lan'er, the blue dragonfly, saw that little white dragon had turned into little Lian'er, and was about to step forward to hug her, but little Lian'er suddenly turned into little white dragon again, Lan'er stopped awkwardly, and asked in surprise.

"Hehe, Sister Lan'er doesn't know something. Now I've been reincarnated in the Demon Realm and turned into a little white dragon. I'm afraid you won't recognize my appearance, that's why I show you the changes."

Xiao Bailong explained with a smile.


"Then little Lian'er, are you our brother or sister?"

Lan'er asked with a smile.

"Of course it's all possible. Who gave me the memory of two universes? Maybe in the future, after we become higher immortals, we will have more universes."

Xiao Bailong seems to be asking questions, facing the sisters, every time he speaks, he has to salute.


This behavior of Xiao Bailong is very different from the little Lian'er in Qianyuan Zhoushi, which made all the sisters giggle.

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