Nine Heavens

Chapter 2340 Flying Universe Sweet Dream

"Hey! Xiao Zhouchu, why did you kill our two brothers and then forcefully marry my daughter? Then you gave birth to this little white dragon!"

After the red demon lion king and the dazzling black lion king were happy for a while, the red demon lion king remembered that he was killed by Liu Qianlang, and asked angrily.


Liu Qianlang was speechless, and looked at Qing Lei for help.

Hearing this, Qing Lei blushed for a while, and then said:

"Father, uncle, it was a misunderstanding that my husband killed you. Before my husband killed you, we actually... actually fell in love with each other. It's just that my husband didn't know that you are Qing'er's relatives, so..."

"Wow, that's what happened. Pitifully, our two sovereign princes died without a name. They were all powerful in Zhoulu, but they were killed by a fairy son as soon as they met.

Not to mention, after we died, he turned into our son-in-law, so that we didn't even have a chance to drink our own daughter's divorce wedding wine. How do you say to compensate the two of us? "

After listening to his daughter's explanation, the Scarlet Demon Lion King seemed to make sense. He looked at Xuan Hei Lion King, pondered for a while, and then asked Qing Lei and Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, after our Mengxian Feizhou and Qingguo and other fairylands unite, the younger generation must dress up in the Immortal Soul Temple, marry Qing'er again, and pay homage to the two father-in-laws. How about making an apology first, and then toasting?"

Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"Hmm! It seems like this is fine, who made our baby Qing'er like you, a fairy boy?"

However, you must let Xiao Bailong be our apprentice, he is our savior, we must treat him well. "

The Red Demon Lion King rolled his eyes a few times, and then said.

"Okay, okay! Qing'er just promises to you. But, Long'er's cultivation level is much higher than yours, so it's fine to play with you. As for cultivation..."

Qing Lei was a little embarrassed to continue talking.

"Huh? Qing'er, what are you talking about, girl? What's wrong with his high cultivation level? Who stipulated that the master must teach the apprentice, instead of the apprentice teaching the father!

Grandson Xiaobailong, do you think your grandfather is right? "

Xuan Hei Shi Wang immediately became unhappy when he heard Qing Lei's words, and then argued.

"Haha... what the two grandpas said is too philosophical, who said that the master must teach the disciples, not the disciples teaching the father.

Mother, father, all sisters, Xiao Bailong is very willing to be the apprentice of the two grandfathers, please ask father and mother to help. "

Xiao Bailong laughed when he heard the two grandfathers' interesting words.

"Hehe, of course that's fine, your two devil grandpas have ruled the world for trillions of years, not only are they amazingly skilled, they are invincible in magic wisdom, and they are also highly respected.

It is your honor to be able to worship the two grandpas as teachers. In the future, you must learn from the two grandpas, be humble and upward, and strive to reach the top position in the Demon Thunder Immortal Territory. "

"Yes! Father, mother. Thank you, thank you sisters."

Xiao Bailong was very happy to get Liu Qianlang's permission, so he smiled.

"Oh, little white dragon! This is a matter between us, why ask them. Let's go, let's find a place to occupy the top of the mountain, first build a magic palace, and then practice magic skills!

Oh ha ha... Let you kill us, and we will pester him every day to teach us how to practice, so that he has no time to talk to you! "

The Red Demon Lion King and the Xuan Hei Lion King thought together for a while, and then said.

Shaking to Xiaobailong's side, one left and one right, he carried Xiaobailong and flew away.


The actions of the lion and demon kings made Liu Qianlang, Qinglei, and Tianling sisters burst into laughter.

"Husband, do you see?"

Qing Lei was very relieved to see that the two elders had changed from their former vicious nature.

But when he saw that they were like old urchins now, he looked at her husband with a helpless expression.

"Haha...Qing'er don't care about them, as long as they are happy, we should also set off!"

Because Liu Qianlang was forgiven by his beloved wife Qing Lei, seeing such an ending, Liu Qianlang was very happy and laughed loudly.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang's soul thought moved, and the soul thought transmitted sound to Ganoderma lucidum, Princess Yingyao, four star commanders, seven leopards and eight wolves, the demon thunder tree demon electric scorpion demon king and other generals who dreamed of flying in the universe.

"Well, I'll just listen to my husband, Qing'er is really happy, I never thought that after my life and death, such a happy event would come.

First I saw the resurrection of my father and uncle, and then I saw Tianling sisters. Now we are about to reunite with Qingguo Xianyu, and our sisters will also be reunited! "

Qing Lei nodded slightly, excitedly sighing.

"Qing'er, after the union of our immortal domains, the power of the immortal gods in the Immortal Demon Universe will become the most powerful force in the Immortal Demon Universe.

The battle between us gods, gods, and demons has finally reached the stage of a big counterattack. There will be more exciting things to happen in the future, Qing'er just needs to wait for the good news with her sisters. "

Liu Qianlang guessed in his heart that at this moment, most of Tianyang, Langlongdu, and Qimeng Xianyu should be around Qingguo Xianyu.

So, unable to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, he said.

"Hey, Daddy, don't be too happy, the nine mothers have already said that they want you to give them a wedding ceremony of the Immortal Demon God, and marry their wives, so they hand over the Qingguoxianyu to Daddy !"

After looking at Shuierniang who is now Qinglei for a long time, Tianling said to his father Liu Qianlang.

"Ha ha……"

"It should be, no matter what kind of request they have, my father will agree. They managed the Qingguo Immortal Realm so powerfully, and then handed it over to daddy. Such immortal skills are unprecedented. Daddy should have already given such a small request to them." Yes!"

Liu Qianlang remembered that when you didn't know that Qingguo was your beloved wife and son, and you drove her out of Qingguo City, you felt guilty, so he said so.

"Oh! If that's the case, Qing'er will support you sisters. Your husband should also give Qing'er a fairy wedding that makes Qing'er willing to marry you."

Qinglei smiled after hearing Liu Qianlang's words.

"Well, this is exactly what my husband intends. I hope that in the near future, we will no longer feel ashamed of each other, and we will live together and prosper together. For the sake of a more magnificent career, we will encourage each other, encourage each other, and move forward forever."

Liu Qianlang's three words are inseparable from the great cause of Xiancheng.

"Qing'er doesn't care about great careers, as long as she can reunite with her husband, sisters, and children, and live a comfortable life together."

Princess Qinglei looked at Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er and Lan'er, and said tenderly.

"Yes, my husband understands Qing'er's intentions. Yes, such a day is about to arrive. Our Dream Fairy Feizhou will arrive at Qingguo Xianyu in five days, and then..."


"Then it will be the day when Daddy will marry your mothers, isn't it, mother?"


Tianling took half of what his father Liu Qianlang said, and changed the meaning of the words.

It caused the other sisters to smile happily.

"Hehe, you girls have evolved into Zhouxian, and you are still so naughty, making fun of daddy."

Liu Qianlang laughed when he heard this.

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