Nine Heavens

Chapter 2341

Liu Qianlang and Qing Lei controlled Mengxian Flying Universe, and after about five days of galloping, as planned, they came to the vicinity of Qingguo Xianyu as promised.

However, what Liu Qianlang saw was different from what he had imagined.

He didn't see the scene of Qingguo Wanxian coming out to warmly welcome him, nor did he see the Langlongdu, Qimeng Xianyu, and the space bureau with extremely bright sun around Qingguo Xianyu.

"Husband, didn't you say..."

Qing Lei was so sorry for her, and her husband clearly said two major fairy domains, 99,999. The sun and the sun, the ancient universe Qi came to the sight of the golden light, the country, how to get silent outside the country. None!

So Qing Lei looked sideways at her husband and asked.

Liu Qianlang also had a dazed look on his face, an ominous cloud suddenly rose in his heart, and a very painful expression appeared on his face.

After a long time, Liu Qianlang felt that countless poisonous Gu in his body were attacking crazily, his face was pale, and he said in pain:

"It's him, so he still hates me all the time!"

Because of the countless poisonous Gu in his body, Liu Qianlang's complexion became worse and worse, from pale to orange, and then from orange to pale green...

Liu Qianlang's sudden change frightened Qing Lei.

"Husband, you..."

Qinglei instinctively jumped away from Liu Qianlang, called out his lion mount, floated on it, and looked at her husband in astonishment.

"Shui'er, Tianling... Hurry up and come here, he is the split evil god of the immortal demon Emperor Zhou, and your real husband is here!"

Just when Liu Qianlang's body was infested with countless poisonous Gu, causing hundreds of thousands of pains, a wave of figures suddenly appeared in the Tiangang sealed by the golden lotus dragon soul in the Qingguo Immortal Realm.

Headed by Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan, Ouyang Langlong is on the side, behind him is the sky wolf Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Tianjun Wuxiannan, spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, and Liu Qian Lang's nine beloved wives, the eight demons of heaven, and the five sons of Juying.

Liu Juan saw Liu Qianlang and Qinglei, as well as the Tianling Seven Sisters and Demon Lion Kings floating with them in the sky above the blue lotus in Mengxian Feizhou. Liu Juan glanced past Liu Qianlang and shouted at Qinglei.

"No! Sister Juan, you've got the wrong person, I'm your leader—"

When Liu Qianlang heard her sister yelling like this, she lost control of her emotions and roared.

"Hmph! Devil Emperor Demon Body, don't continue to turn into the appearance of the Zhou Emperor to harm others! Your real body has already been seen through by the Zhou Emperor, so hurry up and show your original shape!"

Liu Qianlang roared in pain, looking at her sister Liu Juan and all the relatives behind her with tears in her eyes, as well as Qinglei and Tianling not far away, shaking her head in pain.

At this time, Ouyang Langlong, who had turned into Liu Qianlang's body, sneered and scolded.

"Ouyang Langlong, Ouyang Langlong! Emperor Benzhou really didn't expect that your hatred for Emperor Benzhou in the frontier universe has been hidden all the time, and now you are starting to kill Emperor Benzhou again!

What exactly do you want, even the emperor of this universe can't give it to you? I just beg you, give me back all my relatives! "

Liu Qianlang cried out in pain.

"You monster, what nonsense are you talking about, don't try to sow discord! I, Ouyang Langlong, have already reconciled with Meng Xianzhou and poured out my heart!"

As soon as Liu Qianlang finished speaking, another man with flying white hair, bright red eyes, bloody moon pattern on his forehead, and a snow demon sword in his hand walked out from behind Ouyang Langlong.

This person claimed to be Ouyang Langlong, and loudly reprimanded Liu Qianlang.

"Hmph! Long Long, don't be angry. After I absorb all his immortal spirit, his demonic state will naturally appear, and his rumors and tricks will be self-defeating!"


The real Ouyang Langlong raised his hand to block the fake Ouyang Langlong behind him, and then suddenly there was a golden pagoda in his hand.

When holding the pagoda in one hand and pushing the golden pagoda with a rainbow in the other hand, tens of thousands of golden rainbows suddenly shot out from the pagoda.

All these golden rainbows shot at Liu Qianlang's body without exception.


Immediately, Liu Qianlang screamed incessantly, the universe of the immortal soul gate in his body was shattered, and the aura of immortal gods all over his body roared and blew out like a cascade of heavenly waterfalls, continuously flowing into Ouyang Langlong's receiver gold hundreds of millions of miles away inside the tower.

As the spirit of immortal gods in Liu Qianlang's body vented wildly, the mind demon Zhou Demon Soul quickly occupied and controlled Liu Qianlang's body.

Liu Qianlang's body was rapidly mutating, the white silk robes were broken, the white hair turned fiery blood red, the fair skin turned dark blue and deep, the originally beautiful face was constantly distorted, and soon turned into a ferocious evil It looks like a dragon head.


Liu Qian's throat was tight, and it was very difficult to speak, so she could only howl in pain.

"Thank you Emperor Zhou for strategizing and allowing us to watch this monster show to our heart's content. His subordinate Ganoderma Lucidum and Princess Yingyao finally fulfilled their mission and followed Emperor Zhou's careful arrangement a few months ago to see through this monster. Humph! Get out!"

At this time, Mengxian flies to the sky above the blue lotus seal of Tiangang, Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao both rise up, and pay homage to Ouyang Langdao who emerges from the golden lotus dragon soul of Qingguo Xianyu and seals Tiangang.

At the same time, the two of them waved their sleeves at the same time and shot out two fairy rainbows, unceremoniously sweeping the painful and magical Liu Qianlang away from Mengxian Feizhou.

Then the two of them controlled Mengxian Feizhou and started to shoot into a huge crack opened by the golden lotus dragon soul seal Tiangang in the Qingguoxianyu.

The facts are right in front of our eyes, whether Qinglei or the Seventh Tianling Sisters, they naturally think that the real Liu Qianlang is not the devil around him, but the white-haired gentleman.

boom! boom!

Liu Qianlang lost everything in an instant, not only all the celestial powers he had cultivated so far, not only the brothers who were united in the past, but also the relatives who had defended countless times with their lives.

Liu Qianlang has nothing left, there is not even a place for a star in the empty space, he writhes and howls in pain everywhere!

However, his wailing not only received no sympathy, but the entire Qingguo Xianyu shot out a series of fairy rainbows, fairy lightning, and thunderbolts.

These terrifying thunderbolts that killed him all came from his relatives, friends and close brothers...

Liu Qianlang's pain is not only physical, but also mental, what makes him really unbearable is emotional.

Liu Qianlang completely collapsed, Man Zhou roared and screamed.

He still has the ability to resist, but he didn't resist. Even though he has already done so, he still can't take action against his relatives, friends, brothers and sisters.

So what about a master who doesn't fight back, Liu Qianlang was smashed by countless relatives Xianhong, Xianlei, and Shendian, and the body of the newly demonized dragon demon was smashed to pieces.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

When Liu Qianlang, who gave up resisting, had no strength to roar anymore, his crippled body was drifting among the countless nebula continents in the Immortal Demon Universe, stiff.

Ouyang Langlong stood in the Tiangang sealed by the golden lotus dragon soul in the fairyland of Qingguo Xianyu, laughing wildly.

He finally won. The ideal that Qianyuan Zhou did not realize, he finally realized in Immortal Demon Universe.

Not only did he deceive all the immortals in the Realm of Creation with a dignified immortal posture, but he also successfully deceived Liu Qianlang, allowing him to find out everything about him step by step, including the most critical step, using immortal wine for him. Cast Gu, find a way to absorb all his immortal souls and thoughts.

It all worked out by itself. The next thing Ouyang Langlong has to do is to marry all of Liu Qianlang's beautiful wives, and kill his relatives step by step...

"Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong, the more he thinks about it, the more proud he is, the more proud he is, the more he laughs.

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