Nine Heavens

Chapter 2342 Immortal Universe Floating Corpse

Liu Qianlang's body no longer has any celestial energy, and his mana cultivation is almost exhausted. He has no consciousness, and he is in the whirl of the cosmic hurricane.

After Liu Qianlang's tragic end, Ouyang Lang laughed wildly, and suddenly changed his mind about crushing Liu Qianlang's corpse into powder.

He felt that watching Liu Qianlang's corpse floating around when he was free would be more relieved.

So Ouyang Langlong, after laughing wildly, did not blow out the magic rainbow that finally destroyed Liu Qianlang's corpse, but turned around, accompanied by Liu Qianlang's relatives, wife and children, and went back to Qingguo Fengdi Palace with infinite ease.

Hundreds of millions of years later, both the Demon Thunder Palace and the Abyss Cave Demon Palace have been destroyed or annexed by the immortal world merged by Ouyang Langlong. Ouyang Langlong personally killed the Immortal Emperor, and also slaughtered the Devil Emperor.

Ouyang Langlong changed the name of the ruined continent to Hongyue Shenzhou, and claimed to be the blood sword fairy emperor.

For hundreds of millions of years, Liu Qianlang's remnant body has not collapsed in the universe of the Red Moon God, and is floating everywhere with only a trace of nostalgia for the true feelings of the past.

However, in the universe of Liu Qianlang's sea of ​​souls, the immortal soul is absent, the demon soul is chaotic, and still unconscious.

"Well, old monster, look, this young corpse of the universe is so stubborn. People have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, but the hurricane can't blow it away, and the thunder and lightning of the fairy universe can't be extinguished! It's not as good as us..."

"Cut! My god emperor's son-in-law, forget it, you couldn't beat me back then, and became my door-to-door son-in-law.

Then I was killed by the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor, and even my old monster's life was lost because of your resistance.

Now that our scattered space souls have managed to gather together in one place, just after a few days of happy days with the body of the virtual soul, you are looking for trouble again. "

"What, are you willing to be slaughtered by the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor and die!

And your daughter Yaoniang, my beloved lady, your granddaughter and my daughter Qingguo, will always be deceived by that hypocrite Blood Sword Immortal Emperor!? "

"What's wrong with that, if they are happy, why not be bullied forever!"

"Hmph! Old monster, you are really confused. The Blood Sword Immortal Emperor obviously married a lot of wives, including my daughter and your granddaughter Qinglei, to take revenge on the Dream Immortal Eternal Emperor.

He did it all for hatred and revenge, could he be nice to them?

Do you feel at ease watching them being bullied? "

"Stop talking nonsense, which eye of yours has seen them being bullied. Hundreds of millions of years ago, I think the fake Dream Immortal Emperor Zhou treated them well!

Rather than letting them know the truth and suffering, it is better for us to pretend that nothing happened, we are not their relatives, and they have nothing to do with us.

Let's die and be reborn, let's take it easy, maybe this is what they want. Everything they wish you well, why should we provoke them again. "

"Huh! Old monster, get out. From now on, you go your way, I go mine, and we don't agree with each other!"

"Hmph! Fuck God Emperor, you said this, we have nothing to do with it.

I'm not your father-in-law, and you're not my son-in-law, let's have one palm and one sole, so don't be at the same height forever!

You take care of yourself, my old monster went off on his own! "

Right next to Liu Qianlang's corpse, suddenly an illusory fairy table floated from the depths of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, and two pale blue phantom bodies sat on opposite sides of the fairy table.

Looking at their appearance, they look like middle-aged men in their thirties and forties, with a fairy-like demeanor.

The other is about sixty or seventy years old, with various weird halos flickering slightly around his body.

They started to play fairy chess quietly. But when they saw Liu Qianlang's remnant body, the eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly lit up, and he wanted to rescue Liu Qianlang, and use Liu Qianlang to avenge his murder.

However, the old man opposite him was very opposed, the two had a few words, and the old man swung away.

And the middle-aged man carried Liu Qianlang's dead body, which weighed as much as a thousand jun, and floated in another direction...

"The Soul Emperor is back, the Soul Emperor is back! Huh? Soul Emperor, what are you doing holding a Blood Moon Immortal Zhou Floating Corpse?

He seems to have lost his soul a long time ago, and he is not the same as us! "

In the past, the soul body of the Immortal Demon Eternal Chuang Eternal Immortal Realm God Emperor hugged Liu Qianlang's corpse, galloped in bursts, and finally entered one of the countless dense energy abysses in the heart of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, the abyss with the most powerful magic energy. bingo.

In the area of ​​the Abyss of Demon Energy Abyss, it is the best refuge for the souls of immortals and demons wandering around in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

This is the dilapidated place that used to be the Abyssal Demon Palace. The magic power is infinitely powerful. It is an excellent place for evil spirits to cultivate, but it is not a paradise that any fairy god likes.

Therefore, in this area, countless dead souls of immortals and demons gathered here, and more and more gathered, forming tribes of abyssal demon souls.

These abyssal demon soul tribes use abysses containing infinite mana as their magic palaces to survive and practice here.

The main reason why these dead souls of immortals and demons can gather here is because they have lost the restraint of the bodies of immortals and demons, and they are not afraid of the vast and powerful magic energy here to squeeze the bodies of immortals and demons.

That is to say, the infinitely powerful magic energy here only threatens the body of the immortal and demon, but has no such effect on the dead soul of the immortal and demon.

The dead souls of immortals and demons gathered here are not only at ease, but also can use the powerful magic energy here to continuously strengthen their own demonic soul power.

Because of the status of the God Emperor in the ancient fairy world, when he appeared here, many immortal spirits naturally supported him, so the God Emperor became the leader of a demon tribe and was called the Soul Emperor.

When the emperor suddenly returned to the cave with Liu Qianlang in his arms, many spirits of immortals and demons floating in the cave saw them, and they were all surprised.

"Hehe, don't underestimate him, he is our future!"

The Emperor of God was full of confidence in his desire to dominate the Blood Moon Immortal Universe again, and smiled as he looked at the dead souls of immortals and demons floating far and near.

"No way, what's the use of a blood moon immortal corpse? In our Yuandong tribe, he will turn into dust in a few days!"

"Yeah, Soul Emperor, you forgot that we are the dead souls of immortals and demons, we can live happily here, but the bodies of immortals and demons are not allowed.

Especially him, his body is dead and his soul is gone, what's the use of holding him back? "


Tens of thousands of immortal demons and spirits quickly surrounded the emperor, and they chirped.

"Hehe, you don't know, I have been paying attention to this corpse of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe for a long time. He has been drifting in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe for hundreds of millions of years, but even though his body died, it has not decayed at all!

In addition, although he has no immortal soul, but the demon soul in the universe of his mind is still there, but it has become chaotic.

Therefore, his obsession still exists, as long as the soul emperor works hard to concentrate demon souls for him, and rebuild the sea of ​​immortal demon souls, he will definitely be able to come back to life, and then, haha..."

The Emperor of God was incapable, his black hair was flying, and his white fairy robes were dangling around him, and he laughed loudly.

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