Nine Heavens

Chapter 2343 The New Core of the Universe

The ancient Remnant Demon Palace, a cave.

In the depths of the abyss, the center where the vast magic energy gathers.

The emperor bent Liu Qianlang's corpse into a cross-legged posture, and put it into the resurrection array he had arranged, while he was busy outside the resurrection array.

He tried various methods, trying to gather all the scattered demon souls in Liu Qianlang's mind.

He has refined countless furnace magic elixir, injected tens of millions of cave magic energy into it, and passed most of his soul energy to Liu Qianlang, but what he got in exchange was Liu Qianlang's mad dragon body that was gradually recovering. As for him Consciousness has no effect at all.

And this process took hundreds of millions of years in the blink of an eye.

Countless times, countless years of attempts, and countless failures have made the emperor's soul body and soul power huge and haggard.

However, the Emperor of God still kept trying.

At this moment, after hundreds of millions of years of trying and thinking, he decided to make the last attempt.

The resurrection array, with a stem of about several hundred miles, is in the shape of a huge silkworm chrysalis, and it contains infinitely powerful magic energy.

If Liu Qianlang can rebuild the soul door in his mind, move his body, break out of the cocoon, and be reborn naturally.

Yet hundreds of millions of years of hard work...

The emperor's soul demon looked dignified, staring for a long time at the resurrection array suspended above the abyssal cave.

"You ruined yourself like this, you want to reconcile, when we were killed by the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor, because we were unwilling and obsessed, we still have the opportunity to gather souls and regenerate this soul body.

But this time is different, you took the initiative to enshrine your soul, and you died willingly. No matter how the former Immortal Demon Universe, this Blood Moon Immortal Universe, or how this universe will evolve in the future, it will have nothing to do with you.

And I, the old monster, would like to remind you that even if you do this, he may not be able to revive his soul successfully. The result is that you ruined your future in vain! "

Behind the God Emperor, the figure of the Devil Emperor suddenly appeared.

"The Emperor of God naturally knows this, the Emperor of God has made up his mind, success or failure depends on God's will.

The Emperor of God has already felt sorry for the former Creation Universe Immortal Territory once, and he does not want to lose the opportunity to correct the Blood Moon Immortal Universe again.

You and I know very well in our hearts that the current Blood Moon Immortal Universe is called Immortal Universe, but it is actually a demon. That Blood Sword Immortal Emperor perverted, hypocrisy is extreme, the world is unkind and treats everything as a straw dog! The immortal life of the grass... Alas! "

Speaking of this, the Emperor of God let out a long sigh, and then continued:

"Why are you here? Are you here to say goodbye to me? For nearly a billion years, you must have lived a very happy life, right?"

"Ha ha……"

"That's right, I'm here to watch you die, we've fought countless years in the Immortal Demon Universe, I've won over Zhou Jiang, and you've won over emotion.

If seeing you die, my daughter Yaoniang will recognize me as a father, then I won all! "

The scarlet demon robe outside the Demon Emperor's body was bulging, and he raised the head of the Yin Hong Demon Dragon, laughing loudly.

"To tell the truth, I really hope so, I hate our Yaoniang, if I can really see you reborn, I will accept you, the devil emperor's father.

The Emperor of God will die with absolute peace of mind, we are all sorry for Yaoniang.

If one day you see Yaoniang, don't mention that I have appeared again, and make her hate me even more angry! "

The God Emperor's hands have already started to move, and the infinite immortal energy in his body roars and gallops.

Unlimited immortal energy poured towards his body and limbs like overwhelming rivers and seas.

"Ha ha……"

"I didn't expect you to talk like this. Well, I, the old devil, will also say something from my heart. Although I, the old devil, have been fighting with you endlessly, but for you, the son-in-law, I have acquiesced in my heart!"

The Devil Emperor was obviously taken aback when he heard the words of the God Emperor, and then laughed.

"Haha... Thank you, old monster, you can go! Although I am a soul body, the immortal soul and divine power are still extremely terrifying. If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will be buried!"

The God Emperor laughed out loud, and at the same time, his soul suddenly shattered. The infinite and huge divine power in his body roared and enveloped Liu Qianlang's resurrection array in an instant.

The scarlet demon robe whirled wildly around the devil emperor's body, seeing Liu Qianlang's soul revival array continuously devouring the vast divine power of the god emperor, and his red hair flew wildly, he even laughed out loud and shattered his own soul body.

Then he gave Liu Qianlang all his demon soul and divine energy.

"Ha ha……"

"God Emperor, God Emperor! You are dead, what's the point of my old monster being alive!

The reason why my old monster feels that resurrection is a little bit interesting is because there is still an opponent like you, you live and I live, you die and I am obliterated! Ha ha……"

The Devil Emperor died generously amidst loud laughter.


Because the soul power of the God Emperor and Demon Emperor was too great, the abyss where Liu Qianlang's Soul Resurrection Formation was located could no longer hold it, and the hole exploded.

In this way, once this abyss cave explodes, all the abysses in the former Abyssal Demon Palace will explode violently...

Looking from a distance, in the area of ​​the ancient Abyssal Cave and Demon Palace, all kinds of blazing rainbows of gods, gods and demons shoot out randomly, waves of celestial fire roll all over the sky, star land bounces and crashes, and the galaxy whirls around. The scene is terrifying and violent.

Because of this change, the dead souls of immortals and demons in countless abysses had nowhere to escape, and their souls exploded. Their souls could rush to Liu Qianlang's resurrection array without exception.

Because only by rushing there, their remnant souls will not be completely destroyed.

Countless abysses are still bursting violently, and countless souls, immortals, gods, and demons can shoot at Liu Qianlang's resurrection array like arrows all over the universe.

However, Liu Qianlang's resurrection array was not damaged at all.

The original rich and dark colors have become crystal clear at this moment, floating steadily in the center of the explosion of countless holes in the Abyssal Demon Palace, frantically devouring the countless immortal and demon soul energy shot from around, as well as the bursts of laughter released by countless abysses. Mana.

This process, violent and long, has lasted for billions of years.

Blood Moon Immortal Universe, Blood Moon Immortal Palace.

Ouyang Langlong, the immortal emperor of the blood sword, bears the background of a huge blood moon—Zhou Mountain and Zhou River.

His infinitely deep eyes stared coldly at the group of immortals under the Blood Moon Immortal Palace, his forehead was as red as blood, his eyes glistening, and he was dressed in a blood-red immortal robe, sparkling with light, showing the infinite power of immortal gods.

"Third Brother, in the area of ​​the ancient Abyssal Cave Demon Palace, those abysses that exploded inexplicably in the past have now bred a cosmic core with infinite supernatural power. Its radiance bursts out, and after billions of years, it has become stronger and stronger!"

Sword Zhanzhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was conferred the title of Zhanzhou Immortal Master of Blood Moon Immortal Universe by Blood Sword Immortal Emperor.

There are only four people who can be compared with him in the status of the current Blood Moon Immortal Zhou's Fore Palace.

One is Tianlang Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, one is Tianjun Wuxiannan, one is Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, and the other is spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

"Hehe, brother Zhen is worrying too much, it's just a newborn cosmic core, it's not like it didn't exist before, it's nothing.

Let it develop, and when there is development value, send some immortals to develop it. "

Immortal Emperor Xuejian didn't take it seriously, and shot cold eyes at Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, and said with a smile.

His smile was stiff and forced.

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