Nine Heavens

Chapter 2344 Blood Moon Immortal Dynasty


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen feels that his current third brother may be because he has become the only one in the universe, he is too majestic, and his eyes are always a bit eerie, which makes people feel chills in the neck.

Although Song Zhen still called the third brother Liu Qianlang, there was already a gap in his heart. If he hadn't gone to court, he would hardly go to the third brother's harem anymore.

Song Zhen wanted to further explain the status of the newborn universe core, but he was hesitant to speak because he was worried that the third brother, who was high and high, would be angry.

"Ha ha……"

"Fourth brother, just talk if you have something to say, why are you so hesitant, this is not like you before!"

Ouyang Langlong laughed dryly for a while, and then said.

In Ouyang Langlong's heart, there are two people he hates the most, one is Liu Qianlang and the other is Song Zhen.

For nearly a billion years, Ouyang Langlong has been thinking of ways all the time, trying to get rid of this thorn in his side and flesh.

However, there are two reasons why he has been unable to start.

The first point is that Song Zhen is proficient in cosmic magic, so he dare not make a move easily, and even deliberately keeps a distance from him, lest he find out that he is not the real Liu Qianlang.

In addition, Song Zhen still has his own powerful Xingchen Dao, and the power of the Seven Governments occupies almost the entire Blood Moon Immortal Universe, which makes him very afraid.

The second point is that Song Zhen and the other Zhou Jun were too close, they went to court almost at the same time and went down at the same time

Moreover, they almost always gather in one place, which made Ouyang Langlong unable to find a suitable opportunity to attack.

"Third brother, the newborn cosmic core is definitely not an ordinary soulless desolate universe, it seems to have cosmic organs beating inside it, and it shows extremely powerful dual soul power of immortal soul!

Based on hundreds of millions of years of observation and deduction, the Master of the Universe and Qizhengzhanwang can preliminarily determine its future development direction, and it is likely to evolve into a more advanced cosmic god.

Once it is unfortunate enough for us, once it completes such an evolution, all the ordinary immortals in our Blood Moon Immortal Universe will become his control elements, and have been prostrate at his feet ever since. "

Although Song Zhen didn't want to say such a thing in his heart, after some hesitation, he finally said it.

"Ha ha……"

"Fourth brother, are you overly sensitive? It's not like you don't know the area of ​​the ancient abyssal cave magic palace.

If you say that there are several Huizhou sprouts in other places, maybe I will still believe it. But the Abyssal Demon Palace? Haha... absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!

The magic energy there is super strong, and any body of immortals, gods and monsters cannot exist in one cover, and all the gathered souls of immortals and gods from the ancient and modern universe are just.

And no matter how those immortal souls evolve, they will always be just soul energy. It is impossible to evolve out of the body. There is an empty and matterless domain, so don't waste energy to care about it! "

After Song Zhen plucked up great courage to tell his deduction, he didn't want Immortal Emperor Xuejian to not believe it at all, and even laughed out loud.

Song Zhen felt embarrassed for a while, so he had to say:

"Immortal Emperor Shengming, the fourth brother really didn't think well enough, so just ignore it in the future."

"Well, that's good. I asked you Xing Chendao to pursue the dream fairy demon corpse back then. Is there any new news?"

After hearing Song Zhen's statement, Ouyang Langlong was very satisfied, then glanced at the crowd of immortals and asked.

"Still not, since that dream fairy demon corpse disappeared hundreds of millions of years ago, it has never appeared in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe again, and it disappeared inexplicably.

No matter how the fourth brother and Qi Zhengzhan Wang deduced it, they could not find any information about it. So there are only two explanations.

One is that it broke out of the blood moon fairy universe and went to another parallel universe or the sky of the upper universe.

Another explanation is that it broke into the area of ​​the ancient abyssal cave magic palace.

But both explanations are equally absurd. The condition for the former to be established must be something that can only happen if a powerful Zhou Xian or Zhou Mo ascends.

The Mengxian Corpse is just an incorruptible cosmic skeleton, without any immortal gods to breathe. If there are no immortals and demons to hold it back, it is impossible to create a different universe except for drifting randomly in our Blood Moon Immortal Universe space. of.

But this is obviously difficult to establish. We all know that in the entire Blood Moon Immortal Universe, except for our Blood Moon Immortal Palace, there is no immortal god in any other area.

And the second possibility is even more absurd. As far as the Supreme Immortal God of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe is concerned, we are unable to enter the area of ​​the Abyssal Demon Palace with him. "

Song Zhen had no choice but to put forward two hypotheses, which he himself denied.

"This is really a great anecdote in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, something that existed in our universe disappeared inexplicably, and we couldn't find out where it went!

The Immortal Emperor thought that there might be a third possibility, that is, it could no longer withstand the tearing and turning of the hurricane wind in the sky of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, and turned into powder. "

Ouyang Langlong frowned and thought for a moment, then explained to himself.

"It's just a dream fairy demon corpse. I don't know why the emperor cares about it so much?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan was in the seat on the left of His Highness, got up, and greeted with a flute in his hand.

"Oh! It's not that serious, it's just that when the Immortal Emperor was tired before, he was used to stepping on the Observation Platform and saw it floating around.

Whenever the Immortal Emperor sees it, his heart will surge, thinking of the fairy and demon universe where the immortals and demons coexisted in the past, and the process of us defeating the fairy and demon universe step by step.

He probably counts as the witness that our fairy world has completely defeated the demon world. Therefore, this Immortal Emperor pays more attention to it. "

When Ouyang Langlong heard Ouyang Langlong's sudden question, his heart skipped a beat, his face changed slightly, he quickly sighed, and explained.

"So that's the case, the fairy man thought that the fairy emperor found something abnormal!"

Wu Xiannan was still dressed in a white fairy robe, his gestures were chic and smooth, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile.

"I don't know all the immortal friends, there is still something to play in the immortal dynasty today, let's talk about something, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

For Wu Xiannan, Ouyang Langlong is very wary of him.

Ouyang Langlong always felt that there was something hidden deep in Wuxiannan's naturally smiling and deep eyes, which made him unable to see through and gain insight into his inner world.

"Qianlang, why do you always see Miaoyan and the others approaching court recently?"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan saw that the surrounding immortals had nothing to ask, she wondered why her ten younger brothers and sisters hadn't come to her Qixiang Palace for many years, and they hadn't seen them go to court, so she asked.

"She, they, oh! Sister Juan doesn't know something. Over the years, they have become increasingly tired of all kinds of fairy affairs. So they all proposed to me the idea of ​​no longer going to court, and only enjoying themselves in the harem.

I know very well that they used to share weal and woe with me, and they didn't want to get involved in the world, so I agreed. Now they live in seclusion and spend most of their time relaxing and having fun, which is really nice. "

Hearing Liu Juan's question about Miao Yan and Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives, Ouyang Langlong's expression changed instantly, and he felt a little flustered, but he quickly recovered his expression and said in a squeak.

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