Nine Heavens

Chapter 2346 Immortal soul

"This is the most important reason why all of us were deceived back then. Your elder brother Qianlang must have been poisoned by him in advance.

Then in front of us, he took action to activate the demonic poison in your elder brother Qianlang's body, and snatched all the immortal energy, immortal soul and all elements of love from your elder brother Qianlang.

Over the past billion years, he has dealt with us by using the element of love that you inhaled into him.

But as time goes by, the elements of Brother Qianlang in him are gradually disappearing, while his own elements are gradually becoming more prominent..."

"That's the fundamental reason why he alienated us later, isn't it?"

When Liu Juan mentioned the most critical point, Cheng Shifeng continued with tears streaming down his face.

"Yeah, we are so sorry for Qianlang, he was killed by that hypocrite we helped!

Poor Qianlang faced the slaughter of our countless relatives and friends, suffered to death in pain, but didn't want to fight back..."



Liu Juan seemed to have never cried bitterly before, but at this moment, she couldn't control herself anymore, stood up, hugged Cheng Shifeng, and the two cried bitterly...

In the depths of Blood Moon Immortal Palace, in a secret cave of prisoner demons.

Snapped! Snapped……

Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao both had disheveled hair, and they were tied to the stump of the Demon Slayer Tree by countless cold chains.

They were already ripped apart, but at this moment, the cold and cruel barbed whips were still mercilessly lashing at them.

"Say it! How did the damned Liu Qianlang teach you how to cultivate love souls!"

Those who were beaten were Ganoderma Lucidum and Princess Yingyao, who were not more than ten feet away, and the person who was beaten was Ouyang Langlong, who was wearing a blood-red magic robe with red eyes and red eyes.

"Ha ha……"

"My Immortal Emperor, do you want to know, then come closer, and the Ganoderma lucidum will tell you!"

Ganoderma lucidum seeds were disheveled, cold and angry eyes, through the strands of hair scattered on the face, stared at the blood sword fairy emperor Ouyang Langlong who was shaking the whip, and laughed miserably.

"Okay, okay! I'll go over, you finally figured it out!"

Ouyang Langlong, with a pale face and distorted five senses, was overjoyed when he heard the words, and appeared in front of Ganoderma lucidum in an instant, showing infinitely friendly eyes, and said.

"Oh bah!"

Ganoderma lucidum was dripping with blood from the corners of his mouth, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and his face was bloody. At the moment when the other party was not stable, he pecked a mouthful of blood and sprayed it all on Ouyang Langlong's face.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the equally miserable Princess Yingyao next to her, she raised her head and laughed wildly.


"Bang! Bang!"

After being teased, Ouyang Langlong became angry from embarrassment, wiped the blood on his face, roared endlessly, slapped his hands together, kicked his feet together, and abused the ganoderma lucidum seeds in the most primitive way of venting.

"Ha ha……"

However, Ganoderma lucidum, despite Ouyang Langlong's wild kicks, just kept laughing wildly.

"You two damned stinky monsters, you dare to oppose this Immortal Emperor, I'm so mad!"

Both Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao were laughing in vicissitudes of life, while Ouyang Langlong was crazy, kicking one and slapping the other.

"Say, how to use the soul-refining nine cauldrons to refine the soul of love?"

In the frenzied torture, Ouyang Lang's dragon blood technique whirled wildly, staring and roaring.

"Ha ha……"

"Immortal magic can shape the body, and the elixir can make people live longer. Although the soul-refining cauldron is mysterious, it can't help but have no emotion!"

Ganoderma lucidum deeply missed the white-haired true lover, and sighed generously.

"Hmm! What are you talking about, you mean that the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining can't refine the soul of love at all!?"

Ouyang Langlong, who was kicking wildly and whipping wildly, suddenly stopped, stared at the ganoderma lucidum, and asked.

"How can you, an unscrupulous shadow monster, understand the soul of a real fairy.

Ganoderma lucidum only recently realized what is a fairy heart and what is a soul of love.

The body can be cultivated, the mind can be passed on, but the soul of love cannot be refined. The evil ends in the devil, the devil ends in the evil, so what if there is a fairy heart!

The appearance can be changed, the hair can be illusory, what is the poor fairy heart! Immortal transformed into a demon, immortal in a demon state, drifting into the universe and disappearing now! "

Ganoderma lucidum mourned Liu Qianlang, heartbroken, and praised Liu Qianlang from the bottom of his heart.

"Ha ha……"

"You pedantic stinky immortals, it's no wonder that you all end up prostrate at the feet of me, Ouyang Langlong, look at you two, you are about to die, what are you talking about!

Pooh! Now the entire Blood Moon Immortal Universe belongs to me, Ouyang Langlong, what am I doing, why do I have to cultivate a love soul.

Then you have to work hard to inject it into your soul sea and body, to deceive the favor of those stinky women and all the courtiers!

I, Ouyang Langlong, am Ouyang Langlong, why do I have to wear the human skin of that bastard Liu Qianlang!

Haha... yes! From today onwards, I want to be myself again. I, Ouyang Langlong, am Ouyang Langlong. I am the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor. Who am I afraid of? Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong suddenly threw his whip, opened his arms and raised his head, laughing and shouting wildly.

"Hmph! Haha..."

"Who are you afraid of? Are you afraid of all Blood Moon Immortal Universe, no! It should be called everyone in Mengxian Immortal Universe. Because they only have Mengxian Eternal Emperor in their hearts.

The reason why you can exist for a billion years is because you are deceiving them, including us, with everything about Mengxian Zhoudi!

Face all the immortals and gods of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe with your original face, do you dare?

You don't dare, otherwise, how could you be in front of me and Princess Yingyao? As soon as the seven leopards and eight wolves discovered your true face, you immediately killed me.

First, he found a reason to kill the seven leopards and eight wolves, the Demon King of Thunder and Lightning Scorpion, and then imprisoned us immediately! "

Ganoderma lucidum shot a look of contempt in its eyes, and said with a mocking smile.

"Whatever you say, you may be right, but that was before now.

From now on, I, Ouyang Langlong, will let you have a taste of the true colors of this Immortal Emperor.

I heard that you Ganoderma lucidum is very fond of Princess Yingyao, right? Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong walked up to Princess Yingyao, supported Princess Yingyao's chin with his hands, and stared obscenely at Princess Yingyao's beautiful face, which was still bloodstained, and laughed wildly.

"You, you, what are you going to do?"

Princess Yingyao looked at Ouyang Langlong's evil smile, knowing in her heart what the devil was going to do next, her face was pale, and she asked in fear.

"Ha ha……"

"What are you doing? What do you think a man wants to do with a woman in his arms? You are still an unblooming flower. It's a pity that the Immortal Emperor killed you like this. Let me...haha..."

Ouyang Langlong laughed ferociously, raised his hand a few times and pulled the dress of Princess Yingyao...

"No! You beast! Devil!"

A few feet away, Ling Zhizi saw his beloved Princess Yingyao being bullied, crying and roaring, but he couldn't move at all, because when Ouyang Langlong wanted to do evil, he had already frozen his body and Princess Yingyao's body.

Lingzhizi couldn't move his whole body, but he could see with his own eyes what was happening in his sight.

Hate! pain! torment!

The British demon princess was bullied wantonly by the devil.

Feel ashamed, ashamed! helpless! anger!


However, in such a day, Ouyang Langlong made them suffer for several months before killing them.

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