Nine Heavens

Chapter 2347 Cosmic Nuclear Transformation

Blood Moon Immortal Universe, the ancient Abyss Cave Demon Palace area.

The newly born cosmic core continued to crazily devour the gods and demon souls gathered in the Abyssal Demon Palace.

At the same time, because of the infinitely powerful soul-swallowing ability of this newborn cosmic nucleus, the dead souls of gods and gods from any corner of the entire Blood Moon Immortal Universe gather towards it.

This includes Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao who were tortured to death by Ouyang Langlong.

In the different frontier universes of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, if there is no strong enough divine power, after the immortals, gods, demons and demons kill each other, they generally cannot kill the souls of the opposing universes.

Therefore, in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, there is the theory of the ghosts of the Immortal God of Death wandering away.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a phenomenon that when Ouyang Langlong slaughtered Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, he could have been able to destroy their souls, but he didn't.

He wanted the souls of Ganoderma lucidum seed and Yingyao princess Yuanshen to be immortal, and let them dance with countless dead souls.

He did this, of course, not out of kindness, but precisely to satisfy his perverted psychology.

He hates Liu Qianlang, so he also hates anyone who has any close relationship with Liu Qianlang.

Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao are both Liu Qianlang's sworn brothers and sisters, so Ouyang Langlong hates them 100,000.

He hoped that Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, who had been tortured by him, would suffer forever, even if they lost their bodies.

Under the influence of such a perverted psychology, Ouyang Langlong's claws began to extend to all the people who were close to Liu Qianlang in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

Among them, Liu Qianlang's ten wives are the first to bear the brunt.

In the harem of Blood Moon Immortal Emperor Zhou, Ouyang Langlong no longer cared that Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives knew his details.

So he returned to the state of a blood demon, floating across the harem, he wanted to use violence to abuse them one by one.

For nearly a billion years, Ouyang Langlong coveted Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives day and night, but he dared not get close to them.

Ouyang Langlong was guilty of being a thief and was afraid that his identity would be exposed, so even if they took the initiative to approach Ouyang Langlong without knowing it, Ouyang Langlong found various reasons to refuse.

But after killing Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, Ouyang Langlong, on the one hand, could not obtain the method of refining the love soul, and could no longer use Liu Qianlang's fake body to cover himself.

On the other hand, he was tired of pretending to be himself forever, so he just decided to expose himself and decide to do whatever he wanted.

Ouyang Langlong, the blood robe outside his body is shining with blazing rainbow lights, the dark red magic is whirling wildly, holding the blood demon sword, red eyes flashing blood, and flying in the void, first sent to Liu Qianlang's first knot fairy wife, Shui'er's The Water Flower Palace is coming.

"Ha ha……"

"Beauty, your husband is here!"

Ouyang Langlong, uttering obscenities, with an obscene and evil face, shouted and shot towards Shui'er, which is the gate of Qinglei's palace.


However, there was no one in Shuihua'er's Shuihua'er palace, only the repentant Blue Spirit Beast was lying at the gate of the palace.

Seeing Ouyang Langlong with red hair whirling wildly, pale face, and ferocious red eyes, the blue spirit beast suddenly jumped up, its body suddenly swelled hundreds of times, blocking the palace gate, staring at Ouyang Langlong, roaring endlessly.

"Bastard, what are you calling, don't you see who I am?"

Ouyang Langlong was furious, and immediately returned to Liu Qianlang's appearance, cursing.

"It turns out that the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor arrived, and the Lanling Palace Guards have no eyes, and they still look forward to the Immortal Emperor Haihan!"

Hearing the words, the blue spirit beast stared intently at Ouyang Langlong for a while, then suddenly shrunk in size and turned into a heroic fairy in a blue robe, clenching its fists and saluting.

"Hmph! Where's your master?"

Ouyang Langlong snorted coldly and asked angrily.

"Returning to the Immortal Emperor, the master went to the Qixiang Palace with the sisters from other palaces, and the master said that they will not come back in the future.

They have moved everything in the palace there. They said that the Immortal Emperor ignored them anyway, and it didn't matter whether they were here or not.

I will be off duty in 10,000 years, and I will go to the master.

oh! By the way, the master also said that after I finish the task of guarding the palace, let me go to the Immortal Dynasty to perform. They have already abandoned the title of Immortal, and they will never set foot on the Blood Moon Immortal Eternal Immortal Palace!

And tell me, let me explain, don't bother the Immortal Emperor to summon them, they will never come back to you no matter what.

Also, all the young immortals also went to Qixiang Palace, and they also supported the opinions of the ten former emperors and empresses. "

The words of the blue spirit beast were crisp and crisp, and Ouyang Langlong's head was buzzing with anger in just a few words.


boom! boom!

When Ouyang Langlong heard the words, he was furious, and instantly returned to his original body, waving his sleeves and palms, and the Gorefiend Sword slashed wildly.

In the blink of an eye, Shui'er's Shui Hua'er palace was split into mist.

Then roared and shot towards the sky, and rushed towards the other wives.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you Immortal Emperor! Now that the Water Flower Palace is gone, I can get off work now! Haha..."

Ouyang Lang flew into the sky and roared, but the blue spirit beast laughed happily with its nose on its side.

One rushed into the deep palace, and the other shot outside the palace.

From then on, only Ouyang Langlong existed alone in the harem of the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor. During the day, he turned into Liu Qianlang and went up to the court, and at night he resumed his Ouyang Langlong appearance, screaming at the moon.

If there is nothing wrong, as long as there is a chance, Ouyang Langlong will kill some immortal gods with little power, in exchange for balance in his heart, release his anger, and even more to deter the power of Qixiang Palace.

In such a situation, the years have passed, and it has reached 4.9 billion years later.

On this day, the new core of the universe that was born in the area of ​​the ancient abyssal cave magic palace suddenly gave birth to infinitely huge limbs and heads, and all five senses appeared.

The nose is like Mount Zhou, the eyes are barking, and the mouth is as big as the sky, and can suddenly spit out fairy words.

"Hee hee...Brother Xiao Bailong, can you play with me?"

The newborn cosmic nucleus is vast and huge, but the voice he made turned out to be that of a four or five-year-old boy.


Hearing the little man's laughter, Xiao Bailong, the son of Liu Qianlang, who came here to try his magic skills, was startled.

He made a lot of publicity back and forth, but he didn't see any fairy figure appearing, so he couldn't help standing on the newborn cosmic core, his eyes were blank.

"Hey! Brother Xiaobailong, be careful, take it out of my mouth! Hehe..."

Because Xiao Bailong couldn't find the speaker, he muttered in his heart on the newborn cosmic core, and his figure retreated involuntarily.

At this time, he heard the voice of the little boy again.

Little White Dragon suddenly turned around and lowered his head, seeing that he was on the edge of a huge abyss in the nascent cosmic core, backed up a little, and fell into it.

"Thank you Shaoxian for reminding me, but where are you, why don't you show up and see?"

Little Bailong was still in shock, looked around, but still couldn't see the little boy, asked.

"Ha ha……"

"You're so funny, aren't you on my face?"

The little boy's voice laughed.

"In your face?"

Xiao Bailong was stunned.

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