Nine Heavens

Chapter 2348 Cosmic Nuclear Boy

"Hee hee... that's it, you are on my lips now. You can fly a little higher and you can see my appearance."

The little boy's voice laughed.


Hearing the words, the little white dragon magically transformed into the appearance of a little lotus, summoned the rainbow silk, and flew on the silk for hundreds of millions of miles.

Looking down, I saw that the vast and huge star core turned into a huge star child at some point.

Although the star child was huge, his limbs were short and fat, and his big head and fat face made him look like a baby.


"How did you turn from a little white dragon into a young lady? The lotus in your hand is so beautiful!"

Hundreds of millions of miles below, the little boy Xinghe looked at the little face of the sky, flying in the sky, holding the sparkling nine-color lotus in his hand, and said with a smile.


"I'm far behind you. You're still amazing. How did you become a cosmic nucleus?"

Little Lian'er looked at the huge and cute Zhouhe boy below, and felt that he was very funny.

"I don't know, why did I appear suddenly. I seemed to have a long, long dream, and then suddenly woke up.

I don't remember anything from before, do you know who I am? "

The boy from Zhouhe asked Little Lianer.

"Hehe...Of course I know who you are, you are a newborn cosmic nucleus, you have existed for billions of years.

It’s just that you keep glowing and glowing, sometimes thunderbolt and lightning, but the previous you did not become a Zhouhe person. "

Little Lian'er felt that it was ridiculous for such a big Zhouhe person to appear. She looked at his appearance and kept laughing.

"I admire you so much. You are so small and smart. I really want to be as big as you, so we can play together."

Hearing Little Lian'er's answer, the little boy of Zhou He said with huge eyes shining, and said with infinite expectation.

"Well, do you really want to be smaller?"

Little Lian'er nodded, and then asked the Zhouhe boy.

"Of course I do, I look so stupid, I want to fly around like you, how wonderful!"

Said the Zhouhe boy with an envious look on his huge face.

"Well, I'll go back and talk to my mother, aunt, and uncles. They are all supernatural, and maybe they can help you."

Little Lian'er promised.

"Thank you, Miss. I still want to learn your ability to change back and forth! Can I play with you now?"

Hearing that little Lian'er wanted to help him, the Zhouhe boy was very happy, and wanted to fly close to little Lian'er.

He suddenly turned over, and carrying an infinitely powerful cosmic hurricane, roared towards the little Lian'er in the sky.



However, the hurricane he carried was too powerful, in the end he not only failed to fly close to little Lian'er, but even blew little Lian'er away.

"Wow! Big boy, what are you doing? I still want to make friends with you. Why are you so violent?"

Little Lian'er tried her best to control the colorful ribbon in the hurricane, fluctuating ups and downs, trying to hover around the Zhouhe boy, and shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, miss, can't I just stop?"

The Zhouhe boy didn't expect that he just flipped his body casually, and let the little Lian'er wander around, and immediately apologized and remained motionless.

After a long time, the cosmic hurricane stopped.

Little Lian'er also landed on the nose of the Zhou He boy panting, panting wildly, and sighed:

"My God, where did you come from such a terrifying immortal soul energy in your body, coupled with your own terrifying cosmic energy, you can destroy countless immortal realms in an instant as long as you move at will!"

"I don't understand what kind of immortal soul power, Zhou Neng's."

The Zhouhe boy stared at the little Lian'er on the tip of his nose with big eyes, frowned and shook his head slightly.


He made such a slight movement, and the result caused the hurricane to howl again.

"My God, I said you don't move, okay, I haven't waited for you to help you, you're going to blow me out of me!"

Little Lian'er resumed her appearance as a little white dragon, and reminded the Zhouhe boy.

"Well, I'm not moving. By the way, why did you come to me? Is your place not good?"

"Of course not. Our Blood Moon Immortal Palace is very beautiful. It's not as desolate as yours."

"Your place is so good, why do you still come here?"

"It's Uncle Zhanxuanzi, Jun Zhanxuan, who said that I have a destiny with this place, and that I am the only one who can come here safely and go back safely in the entire Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

I like to come here because you have extremely powerful soul energy, and I can constantly test my spiritual power here!

However, I never thought that one day you would become a Zhouhe person! This is incredible! "

"So that's the case, then do you know where the powerful immortal spirit energy on my body comes from?"

"Of course I know, not only I know, but all the gods in the Blood Moon Immortal Universe know.

This place was originally the location of the ancient magic palace of the immortal and demon Zhouyuan Cave. After falling behind, it became a gathering place for the dead souls of countless immortal gods. The immortal gods called this place the Immortal Tomb of the Dead.

So your powerful fairy soul is the aggregate of countless death fairy gods, demon souls and blood moon fairy universe death fairy souls from the ancient fairy universe! "

"You mean, I was born after gathering the souls of countless dead people?"

"It can be said like this. But it's not that simple. Those dead souls of death fairy gods and monsters are by no means easy to gather.

In the universe of your mind, there must be some elements of the most demonic and immortal soul energy among the countless death gods and dead souls.

Otherwise, the countless souls of death gods and immortals would not all gather towards you and give birth to you in the end. "

"Oh! It seems to be the case. When I was about to germinate, I once had a weird dream.

Two fairy gods appeared in the dream, they called themselves Dumojian Zu and Nuwa Empress. They said, my soul sea is the demon saver, and my wisdom heart is Nuwa.

The soul of the mind is immortality, and the thought of wisdom is love. If I dominate the universe again, only the Star Sword can break through the universe!

Like you said, aren't Dumo in my mind and Nuwa Xinhui the two immortals and demon gods you mentioned. "

"No, it's not theirs. Empress Nuwa and Du Mojian Zu stay in the Frontier Universe, they protect the Frontier Universe forever, and refuse to evolve.

Your mind and heart must be the masters of death demons and immortals other than them.

If I guessed correctly, the Xinhui in your mind is probably the deceased Immortal God Zhou God Emperor Demon Emperor. This is the most reasonable explanation. "

"God Emperor, Devil Emperor?"

The Zhouhe boy quietly listened to Xiao Bailong's words, and repeated them thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is the only explanation to explain why your body contains infinitely powerful soul power.

However, the strange thing is that they are only the gates of the soul of the universe of the mind inside you, the sea of ​​​​heart wisdom.

How did the countless gods and dead souls inside it enter?

What is the original state of your body? "

Xiao Bailong breathed steadily, and after concentrating on thinking, he sighed in surprise.

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