Nine Heavens

Chapter 2351 Xian Dynasty Coup

"Hmph! You are so confused. This cosmic nuclear boy has just sprouted. If he recovers the body of a fairy god, it will take tens of billions of years if not hundreds of billions.

Now that you are taking such drastic measures to carry out the coup against the Immortal Dynasty, wouldn’t it immediately make the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor hostile to you and him.

Although you are now powerful together, if you completely tear your skin apart, you may not be the opponent of the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor.

And Mengxian Zhoudi has been unable to restore the immortal body and the memories of the past love relationship for a long time, and cannot be your helm, you can't beat him! "

Just when Emperor Qingguo Feng quickly finished deploying his troops and was about to execute the emperor's order immediately, Yao Niang suddenly landed on the main hall and scolded in a cold voice.

"Mom! Thank you for your advice. You should have guessed that even if we hadn't taken the initiative to attack, the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor would start to act recklessly and attack us cruelly.

Under his control, he was tortured and slaughtered like Ganoderma lucidum seeds and Princess Yingyao, and was humiliated and slaughtered. It's not as good as his mother's adventure to change the fairy dynasty. If he succeeds, he will be king, and if he loses, he will have dignity!

As for the husband, we have been ashamed of him, and we will not let him suffer the same sorrow. We don't care who dies or who dies, we will definitely return to our soul husband.

With all the souls embracing the husband, there will be a day when he will wake up and regain his immortal body. At that time, we will no longer be ashamed, and we will be honored even though we die! "

Qingguo Fengdi saw that it was his mother coming, so he hurried down from the hall, helped Yaoniang to the front of Fengdi's seat on the high altar, looked around the hall full of excited officials, and said in tears.

"Hey! Since you are gambling with your lives, Yaoniang is talking too much. Yaoniang is tired of the battle between immortals and demons, so she can only bless you.

Take care everyone, Yaoniang is going down now. "Hearing what her daughter said, Yaoniang disappeared, sighed and shook her head, then looked deeply at her daughter Qingguo Fengdi for a long time, then looked around the hall full of immortals and gods, and drifted away.

"Congratulations to Yao Niang!"

Although Yaoniang sometimes appears mysteriously, but every time she appears by chance, she is worried about the life and death of the immortals.

Not to mention right or wrong, just her concern for the immortals is enough to move the immortals, so all the immortals respect her.

At this moment, seeing him coming in a hurry and leaving in a hurry, they all saluted and shouted to see him off.

Qing Guo looked deeply at his mother's somewhat lonely figure, feeling silently sad in his heart, and watched her gradually leave.

"All the immortals and gods in Qixiang Palace, prepare quickly according to the order of Emperor Feng just now, and act immediately at noon and midnight at this moment! Do all the immortals know what Emperor Feng said!?"

Emperor Qingguofeng watched his mother leave, with tears in his eyes, and after stabilizing his emotions for a while, he asked all the gods and gods in a concentrated voice.


Everyone in the group answered in unison with decisive expressions, simple and clear.

"Okay! Separate and prepare immediately!"

Qingguo Fengdi nodded vigorously, and finally said.

After hearing the sound, the immortals stopped talking, turned into divine light and prepared to leave.

It is said that Yaya stepped on the time boat, shuttled through the blood moon fairy universe, and played the celestial snail for a long time to come near the boy of Zhouhe.

The Zhouhe boy heard the melodious and vicissitudes of Mi Tianluo's divine voice, and he seemed to like it very much. He stopped chasing the nine-colored lotus, hovered far away from Yaya, and listened quietly.

He listened very seriously, and as Yaya played, his majestic face sometimes showed a happy feeling, sometimes it looked very sad, and sometimes it looked high-spirited...

His eyes inspected Yaya, and also inspected the time boat under Yaya's feet.

"Yaya! Listen to Yaoniang's grandmother, from now on, no matter what happens around you, don't stop playing the Mitian snail!

Until your master successfully restores the body of the fairy god and appears in front of you, can it be done? "

When Yaya was weeping and blowing the snail, Yaoniang suddenly appeared in front of Yaya.

"Grandma Yaoniang! You have a way to make Master..."

Yaya held back her tears, broke through her tears into a smile, and asked joyfully.

"Yes, kid. But you need to do what I said!"

Yaoniang smiled and nodded, and then looked at Zhouhe boy who was quietly examining herself and Yaya, her eyes were full of relief.

"Well! As long as you can save Master, Yaya will not stop even if she dies!"

Yaya nodded heavily.

"Well, when your master recovers, tell him for me to take good care of your young lady, remember!"

Yaoniang gently hugged Yaya, straightened Yaya's messy hair, and then resolutely shot at Zhouhe boy.

A quarter of an hour later, she died suddenly, and the soul of Yuanshen shot into the eyes of the dazed Zhouhe boy.

"Ya Ya, hurry up and play the snail, and I will draw your master's young and weak child soul, Tong Yi, and use your time boat to revisit all the illusory realms he has experienced in his life, and then he will recover the body of a fairy god !

I don't know how long this process will take, you must do what I say, otherwise your master master will never come back! "

With Yaoniang's last distant call, her voice will no longer be heard in this world, and then, the time boat under Yaya's feet suddenly shoots at the Zhouhe boy.

A few hours later, a coup d'état had already taken place in Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

Immediately, the palace battle started between the immortal god forces headed by Qixiang Palace and the blood demon forces headed by Blood Sword Immortal Emperor.

Because of the sudden action of the gods and gods in Qixiang Palace, and their full preparations, the independent action of Fenzhou was completed in just a few days.

However, the struggle between the two sides has since fallen into a long and protracted process.


Back then, Qingguo Fengdi saw with his own eyes what his Yaoniang had done, so he shouted and ordered the Xian Dynasty coup.

Now the Houqingguo Immortal Territory has finally separated from the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, floating independently in the sky.

During the break between the battle between the two sides, Qingguo Fengdi burst into tears, looking at the boy who had been silent and listening to Yaya playing the sky snail for billions of years.

During these billions of years, the appearance of the boy from Cosmic Nuclear has been changing, from the look of five or six years old to seven or eight years old, to eleven or twelve years old to about twenty years old...

And with the changes, the emotions in his big eyes gradually became complicated.

After billions of years, Mother sacrificed herself to see her father, and she also went to save her husband, especially for herself.

Emperor Qingguo Feng knew what his mother did in his heart, so she burst into tears, and she wept silently with trembling lips.

"Yaya! You must persevere and keep blowing. We must fight to the death not to let the forces of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe hurt you. You must not disappoint Yaoniang's expectations. Sooner or later you will blow until the day your master comes back! "

Qingguo burst into tears, muttering silently in his heart.

Her heart hurts so much! The Immortal Territory of Back Qing Country successfully completed the coup d'état of the Immortal Dynasty, and then fought against the Blood Moon Immortal Universe for billions of years, causing heavy losses to the Immortal Realm of Back Qing Country.

The eight demons of the heavens, the five sons of Juying, the forces of ninety-nine and eighty-one gods and gods, countless immortals and gods have all fallen one after another among these billions.

There are also living young immortals, all of whom...

Immortal Emperor Qingguo thought of this, couldn't bear to think about it, bit his lip in grief, his lip was broken, and drops of bright red blood dripped down.

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