Nine Heavens

Chapter 2352

"Qingguo, don't cry, maybe this is what we should pay back!"

When Emperor Qingguo Feng was weeping in sorrow, behind him, Liu Juan, Lord of Qixiang Zhou, appeared at some time.

With a pale and calm face, she looked at her brother and sister Qingguo Fengdi whose shoulders shrugged and said.

"Sister Juan! I..."

Qingguo Fengdi looked back, feeling that he had lost his composure as Fengdi, and said ashamedly.

"Sister Juan understands you, you have tried your best, let's go back, the blood demon outside the fairyland is too strong, it is not good for us!

Enough crying, come back! "

Liu Juan embraced Emperor Fengdi Qingguo in her arms, Ren Qingguo burst into tears for a while, and said after a long time.

"Sister Juan, let me be the next person who will support Xianneng for Yaya! Qingguo really can't stand it, sisters are going to die!"

Qingguo Fengdi was crying, suddenly raised his head, looked at Liu Juan with tears in his eyes, and begged.

"No! They are not going to die, they are to revive Qianlang's fairy body and fairy heart.

Qingguo, why worry, we still have us now, you must be strong, because you are the Immortal Emperor of Houqingguo Immortal Realm. We can die for leading the waves one by one, but the dignity of Houqing Kingdom Immortal Domain cannot be lost!

One more day you live, one more day our fairyland dignity will exist!

Our general trend is the trend of the times, and the demise of the Immortal Realm of the Post-Qing Kingdom is inevitable, but we must hold on for one more day, and your existence is our spiritual pillar.

If everyone dies in the end, you will only be the last one, and you will die with dignity!

Qingguo, do you understand what Sister Juan said? "

Liu Juan's face was condensed, she looked at the body of her younger brother Zhou He who was hundreds of millions of miles away, and frowned with tears in her eyes.

"Reporting to Emperor Feng and Lord Qixiang Zhou, in order to maintain the immortal power in Yaya's body, Emperor Miaoyan and Emperor Qianmeng also..."

Qing Goshawk, also known as Qiqi, came to report on a blue star, lowered his head and said helplessly.


"Sister Yan'er, hold a dream!"

Qingguo Fengdi's eyes, which were originally filled with tears, burst into tears instantly, lying on Liu Juan's shoulder and shouting mournfully!


Seeing this, Qing Goshawk felt sad, looked at Liu Juan, and shook his head in embarrassment.

"Who is going to support Yaya now?"

Liu Juan hugged Qing Guofeng Emperor tightly and asked Qing Goshawk.

"Aunt Shui'er and Aunt Yan'er have gone, and they asked me to tell Emperor Qingguo Feng that sisters in this life will not regret it, and if there is another life, they will still be sisters!"

Qing Goshawk said truthfully.

When Emperor Qingguo Feng heard the words, his heart and soul ached, he bit his lip and scratched his hair, shaking his head non-stop.

"Where is Blood Moon Immortal Universe?"

Liu Juan asked with extraordinary calmness.

Heavenly Wolf Zhou Lord, Jianzhan Zhou Lord, Tian Lord, Ling Yao Zhou Lord and Dark-seeking Emperor, Purple Beard Immortal, Sky Demon Hongxie, seven gods are guarding the satellite defense.

Blood Moon Immortal Universe has made countless large-scale attacks, and it has also lost soldiers and generals. Now it has temporarily stopped the attack.

"Where is Thirteen Valley Elder?"

Liu Juan nodded slightly upon hearing this, and asked again.

"The thirteen elders of the ancient Celestial Realm, alas! They all died at the hands of Ouyang Langlong, the blood sword fairy emperor!"

Hearing this, Qing Cangying's pitch-black magic robe dangled around her body, her red eyes flashed rainbows on her black face, she looked at the Qingguo Fengdi who was supporting Liu Juan's shoulders, hesitated again and again, but still bowed her head and said cruelly.

"Got it, go, Qiqi!"

After listening to this, Liu Juan felt uncomfortable and said.


After Qing Goshawk finished speaking, he suddenly turned into the main body and shot high into the sky.

"Kiki, you?"

Liu Juan instantly understood what Qiqi wanted to do, and asked in astonishment.

"Respected Emperor Feng and Lord Qixiang Zhou, although Qiqi is the master's fairy pet.

But in terms of deep affection, it is no less than the immortal saints. Now only the mighty immortals and saints are left in the Immortal Realm of Houqingguo, and there is no need for Qiqi to deliver messages anymore.

Qiqi has completed the mission of the Immortal Territory, and it is time for Qiqi to repay the favor to the prodigal father. Qiqi is very happy. He can't be with his master while alive. After death, his soul energy can be transformed into the sound of a conch that summons the prodigal father.

Emperor Feng and Qixiang Zhoujun take care, Qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiyou, it's great to meet you! Bye now! My respected immortal saints, goodbye to the Immortal Realm of Houqing Kingdom!

Will! Will……"

Qiqi hovered over Liu Juan and Qingguo Fengdi for a long time, then left with a crisp cry.

"It is said that the fairyland is indifferent and pure, and the spirit pet still has loyalty to the master! Qianlang! Have you seen it? The relatives and friends who came here after the evolution of the fairy gate.

They killed you by mistake, but they will always engrave you in their hearts. If you can hear and see now, quickly restore the fairy body and restore all the memories of the fairy heart.

We can all pay you back with our immortal heart for our mistakes, but I hope you will come back quickly! "

Liu Juan looked up to Qiqi to fly to death resolutely, her throat choked up, and she looked up to the sky and shouted.

"Aww! Aww—"

As soon as Liu Juan finished speaking, she suddenly heard the howling and groaning sounds that shook the universe!

"Sister Juan!?"

"He, he reacted! He heard Yaya's call!"

Emperor Qingguofeng, who was still crying in grief, also heard this voice, turned his head suddenly, wiped his tears with his sleeves, looked at the body of the cosmic nucleus hundreds of millions of miles away, and shouted in surprise.

"Yes, it's true that the heart is stiff, and the loyalty and persistence shake the cold soul!

Qianlang, his love soul has gradually returned to his body. Since he has spoken out, it means that he has finally forgiven us. If we continue to work hard, he will soon fully recover his fairy body and love.

I'll go to Yaya right now and tell her that at the critical moment, I must let her persevere!

Emperor Feng, go back to the palace, the sisters in the palace are waiting for you, I came to call you specially for them. "

When Liu Juan heard the sound of howling, she was both happy and sad, she smiled and said to Emperor Qingguo Fengdi.


"Alright, Sister Juan will go and come back early, so I'll go back first and tell them the good news."

Qingguo Fengdi smiled through his tears, happily agreed, and then floated down and shot into the golden lotus dragon soul seal Tiangang in the Qingguo Immortal Realm below.

"Silly girl, take care of yourself, Sister Juan and you are so happy and sad in this life!

I hope you will survive until the day when Qianlang is fully resurrected! "

There was a sudden relief on Liu Juan's cold and proud face, her emerald eyes sparkled, she smiled, and looked down at the huge golden lotus dragon soul seal Tiangang in the Immortal Realm of the Backward Kingdom below.

With a smile all over the city, and then another smile all over the country, the corners of his mouth are a little cold and proud, a little bit of relief, and a little bit of reluctance.

Liu Juan stared deeply for a while, then turned around suddenly, stepped on the pure white ancient handkerchief made of incense, and held the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks in her hand, and flew towards the body of the cosmic core that was still roaring.

Not long after, she appeared around Yaya.

Around Yaya, Shui'er, Yan'er and Qiqi were already sitting cross-legged around her.

All three of them were pinching the miraculous formulas with both hands, and they released the immortal spirit energy and body power to Yaya endlessly.

They had obviously persisted for a long time, Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch sensed Liu Juan's arrival, but they didn't have any ability to distract and greet Liu Juan.

As the divine energy leaked out of their bodies, their immortal bodies began to float away, and their lower bodies had already faded away, and kept getting lighter.

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