Nine Heavens

Chapter 2353 Phantom Scolding Demons


Mi Tianluo's voice became more and more sad, sad, mournful, resentful, and deep!


Looking closely, Liu Juan saw the face and expression of Liu Qianlang, the younger brother of the Cosmic Nuclear Body, who had already stepped into the Cosmic Immortal stage of the Immortal Demon Cosmos.

He seemed to have understood something, and Wang Hai roared in Tianda's eyes, with tears rolling down his face.

Perhaps because he was too excited, he couldn't speak and kept whining.

"Aunt Juan—"

Yaya couldn't stop talking, but her soul could move. She found Liu Juan's arrival, and knew what she was doing. Her soul transmitted voice, and she cried out in infinite pain.

"Poor Yaya, I've made you suffer, don't be distracted, listen to your aunt's words, turn off the listener and keep watch, Yaya just needs to concentrate on calling your master!"

Liu Juan's heart ached for Yaya, and she kept watching the pain of her relatives falling in her sight, and said to Yaya for the last time.

Then, Liu Juan flicked her emerald sleeves, a few emerald eyes covered Yaya, and Yaya's world suddenly became quiet.

In her line of sight, except for Master's cosmic nuclear body, there was no one else, and in her ears, except for Master's mournful roar, she could no longer hear the voices of other relatives.

However, it was within a hundred feet of her body. Her Mistress Shui'er, Mistress Yan'er, Qi Qi, and Liu Juan, who was still talking to her just now, all lost their souls one after another, injecting all the energies of gods into her body.

This pain has been going on.

After the fall of Liujuan, Pa'er, Princess Jinling, Princess Qinghua, Dongluo, Emperor Frost, Sirius Zhoujun, Jianzhan Zhoujun, Tianjun Wuxiannan, Lingyao Zhoujun, etc. The emperor who was looking for darkness, and in the end, Emperor Qingfeng also died around Yaya.

This is definitely an extremely cruel process that lasts only ten billion years.

In fact, Yaya didn't need to look, she knew in her heart that all her relatives were gone, because the spirit in her body was exhausted and there was no new supply for a long time.


Shen Xiao's nearly 10 billion-year-old cosmic nucleus began to roar and shake violently in the blood moon fairy universe filled with blood demon energy.

On it, volcanoes erupted wildly, thunder and lightning struck, mountains and rivers collapsed, fires frenzied and waters chaotic, and infinitely terrifying hurricanes hovered.



Yaya, totally disregarding, disregarding how her figure is blown wildly, disregarding life and death, her mouth is playing, and her heart is calling:

"Master, come back quickly, Yaya can't stand it anymore; Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng, all teachers and wives... Yaya won't let you leave alone, Yaya will come soon...


"Ha ha……"

Because there was no one guarding the Immortal Territory of Houqing Country, it was quickly swallowed up by the vast blood demon aura of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe and destroyed.

Ouyang Lang, the blood sword immortal emperor, floated in the fairy dust and gods of the ruined backward country fairyland, stepped on the blood demon dragon, held the blood demon sword, and kept laughing wildly.

In Qianyuan Zhou's battle between immortals and gods, he lost and Liu Qianlang won. He was defeated with nothing, and then sadly entered the universe of immortals and demons, began to hide his demon nature, and began a long journey of killing immortals with immortals, pursuing the goal of the great demon universe.

In the Frontier Universe, Liu Qianlang won heartily. Not only did he ascend to the peak of the Immortal God in the Frontier Universe, but he also ascended further into the Immortal Demon Universe.

At the same time, he successfully brought the entire fairy gate, that is, the Langyuan fairy gate, and all the people from the gate into the supreme fairyland, becoming the supreme immortal of the frontier universe.

"Ha ha……"

However, what made Ouyang Langlong finally laugh wildly was that in Immortal Demon Universe, he finally defeated Liu Qianlang, and Liu Qianlang was completely defeated.

He killed Liu Qianlang himself, and also killed all the people who had evolved into the Immortal Demon Universe.

And I didn't do too much by myself, everything was based on wisdom, let them kill each other, didn't they value love, and I used the word love to kill all of them!

Now, seeing that the stinky fairy playing the celestial snail is no longer good, and then she is destroying the body of the cosmic core, the entire Blood Moon Immortal Cosmos will have no immortals to speak of, no gods to speak of.

"Ha ha……"

Hundreds of millions of miles away, in the crumbling dust of the Immortal Realm of the Backward Kingdom, Ouyang Langlong, the blood sword fairy emperor, was thinking wildly and laughing wildly, waiting for Yaya's final fall with disdain.

Facts have proved that he succeeded again, and after tens of thousands of years, Yaya finally lost her body and spirit.

"Master, Yaya did her best!"

This is Yaya's last mournful sound.


The body of the cosmic nucleus vibrated more and more violently, roaring and churning in the blood moon fairy universe, like a monster going crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang! Just give up. Now all the relatives of your immortal sect have died in my careful plan, and you have died a long time ago. Tens of billions of years ago, you died !

You are not reconciled, are you, but the matter is right in front of you, is it useful for you to insist on a little obsession?

Obsession is not the mind of the soul, and obsession is not the ability of the body and gods!

You will be like this forever, and it is better to die than to exist in pain like you!

Don't you have eyes? You widen your eyes to see what's around me.

On the head is your Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, surrounded by your ninety-nine and eighty-one fairy dragon balls, and the ones trampled by my dragon are your hundreds of millions of cultivating wild dragons.

Have you forgotten that your original body is the wave of the front edge Eternal Sky Linghe, and I am your shadow.

Everything about you is everything about me. The only difference between us is that you are a fairy enjoying the light, and I am a demon in the dark!

This is really unfair, why! We belong to the same wave, you are a fairy and enjoy all the good things, but I am crushed by you, eternally cold!

There is a saying, there is a saying in the world, Feng Shui takes turns, and now it is finally my turn to be lucky, I have become the master of this fairy universe, and you, haha... go to hell! "

Ouyang Lang, the Immortal Emperor of the Blood Sword, laughed wildly, roared madly, and kept rambling.

After he had said enough, he suddenly controlled the blood demon dragon, raised his blood demon sword and threw himself at Liu Qianlang, who was the body of the cosmic nucleus.


Bang, bang——

Ouyang Langlong used the most primitive and direct method to slash Liu Qianlang, who is the body of the cosmic nucleus.


However, no matter how he slashed, the body of the cosmic nucleus was not damaged at all, and the blood demon sword screamed from the sky.

"Hmm! How is this possible?"

"The Blood Demon Sword of the Immortal Emperor Blood Sword is the number one demon sword in the Immortal Demon Universe. It is invincible and unstoppable by all things!"

Ouyang Langlong continued to slash the body of the cosmic nucleus.

However, the body of the cosmic nucleus was not damaged by even a speck of dust while it was circling and howling.

But Qi himself is majestic and turbulent.


"Put down the magic sword and become a Buddha immediately!"

"The battle between immortals and demons, the soul can be destroyed, and the relationship is eternal!"

"You won't succeed!"


Because of Ouyang Langlong's continuous slashing, countless illusory shadows of gods and gods suddenly appeared on the body of the universe core. They didn't have any artifacts in their hands, and they all pointed at Ouyang Langlong with two fingers together, buzzing Buzzing.

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