Nine Heavens

Chapter 2354 Soul God Immortal Emperor

"Oh ha ha... ha ha..."

"Liu Qianlang! You can be regarded as a hero of the universe. I never thought that your unwillingness and obsession would be so useless. Gathering the energy of these useless death immortal gods and souls, they will clamor for you!"

Ouyang Langlong couldn't succeed, he sneered and sarcastically.


"Yaya! My apprentice——"

Surrounded by the dead shadows of immortals and gods, the body of Cosmic Nucleus wailed sadly, and just after the Yaya shape disappeared, he suddenly roared.

"Huh? How is this possible, you actually have the ability to distinguish objects from life and soul!?"

Liu Qianlang, the body of the cosmic nucleus, suddenly called out the name of his lover Yaya, which made Ouyang Langlong stop laughing abruptly, and then stared blankly at the body of the cosmic nucleus, which was constantly rolling in the sky.

"Damn Ouyang Langlong, return my relatives and friends!"



Although Liu Qianlang's immortal body has not recovered, his memory of immortal gods has finally recovered due to the effect of the soul energy of countless immortal gods. Naturally, he also knows everything that happened in the fairyland of Houqing Kingdom.

As well as Xueyue Xianzhou's destruction of his relatives and friends, Liu Qianlang hated it deeply, and mourned even more.

At the same time, infinite and terrifying divine energy shot out from the body of the cosmic nucleus, absorbing all the weapons of the immortal gods and the soul power of the immortal gods that Ouyang Langlong had snatched from him, all of which were absorbed back like a tide.

"Dream Immortal Eternal Emperor!"


After all this happened, all the souls of the death gods floating above the huge body of Liu Qianlang, the body of the cosmic nucleus, knelt down and wailed loudly.

"Brother Mengxian, you finally woke up and avenged Ganoderma lucidum and the third sister of the British demon princess!"

Among them, the soul shadow of the ganoderma lucidum seed, beating her chest and stamping her feet, supported the body of the foolish and chaotic British demon princess, crying in grief and indignation.


The ghosts of Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives, like flying in the sky, linger in the sky above Liu Qianlang's big eyes, nostalgic and reluctant to part, calling out infinitely affectionately.



"Lead the waves!"

"Third brother!"

"Mengxian Eternal Emperor..."

All the phantoms of the dead souls of the gods and gods called Liu Qianlang amidst bursts of mournful sobs.

"Pfft! Pfft! Aww—"

Liu Qianlang's celestial eyes were huge, the ocean was churning, and infinitely huge tears fell down the fairy and demon universe.

He was whimpering too, and he was in pain too.

His pain was not because of how bad his relatives had been to him, but because he could not accept the relatives he gave up everything to defend, and finally sacrificed for his resurrection.

His pain, as well as Liu Qianlang who hypocritically murdered him in his sight!

Liu Qianlang frantically absorbed everything robbed by the other party, while choking in pain.

Ouyang Langlong, the Immortal Emperor of the Blood Sword, saw that the opponent was in pain that he couldn't extricate himself from, and thought to himself.

Silently left behind a phantom body, and then the real body quickly shot back to his own Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

Since then, Ouyang Langlong, the blood sword fairy emperor, has been sealed off from the palace for hundreds of millions of years.

And Liu Qianlang, the body of the cosmic nucleus, after a drastic change hundreds of millions of years ago, was suddenly silent, indifferent, floating in the blood moon fairy universe.

The only thing on it is the shadows of the dead souls of the gods and gods, floating on it all day long.

billions of years later.

Suddenly one day, the body of the cosmic nucleus exploded.

A white-haired man suddenly appeared in it, his silver clothes fluttered, his expression was calm, dragon balls hovered all over his body, bright red clouds roared on his head, and trillions of dragons roared under his feet.

The cosmic nuclear explosion formed countless cosmic galaxies that roared and expanded far away.

These galaxies are vast and resplendent, boundless, and immediately suffocate the filthy crimson time and space of the Yunyue Immortal Universe, but more than half of it is domineering, and it is beautiful and bright everywhere.

Since then, the entire Blood Moon Immortal Universe has formed two sub-universes, the Newborn Immortal Universe and the Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

The former is in the east and the latter is in the west.

After the time and space of the former universe calm down, you can see the person with white hair flying wildly and surrounded by dragon balls all day long.

He always smiles and sings, singing songs, holding the fairy soul bottle in one hand, and the soul sword in the other (the former Nine Heavens Fate or Demon Sword).

He kept planting souls in the Newborn Immortal Universe, the dead souls of his ten beloved wives, the dead souls of his brothers and sisters, and the dead souls of many young immortals.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one, the souls of the dead spirits of the supernatural forces, as well as the souls of all the dead of the immortals.

After these dead souls were planted, delicate baby bodies grew out one after another, and then the white-haired flying man, tired of planting, used warm palms to stroke these young soul children.


In the state of the newborn fairy universe, the ancient blood moon fairy universe seemed to freeze suddenly. For hundreds of millions of years, there was no movement inside the seal.

No one knows what has become inside the Blood Moon Immortal Seal, and what happened.

Liu Qianlang, who was resurrected with infinite hatred, has the ability to instantly destroy the Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

However, Liu Qianlang didn't kill Xueyue Xianzhou because of hatred, and just didn't continue to grieve and refuse because of hatred.

On the contrary, his new immortal world didn't even set up a seal. His face is shining with eternal calm eyes, smiling, smiling from the heart.

He turned all hatred into a smile, and spent billions of years, ten thousand years with a smile, constantly planting and protecting souls...

Inside the Blood Moon Immortal Universe.

All the blood demons of Yunyue Xianzhou were killed by Ouyang Langlong, because he didn't believe in any monsters, even his most trusted phantom body.

He is crazy, sometimes crazy, sometimes silent, sometimes laughing wildly, sometimes crying.

"Liu Qianlang! Please, it's a challenge, it's a killing, you should come!

The Blood Sword Immortal Emperor has been waiting for you for hundreds of billions of years, yet you still make me wait!

The taste of waiting is too painful! The Blood Sword Immortal Emperor would rather accept failure than wait any longer..."

For hundreds of millions of years, Immortal Emperor Blood Sword has been shouting similar words all the time.

Immortal Emperor Blood Sword, with disheveled hair, was carrying a huge magic wine jar in his hand, pouring it wildly, and the waves of magic wine splashed. He kept shouting and shouting.

However, Blood Moon Immortal was tightly sealed, and Liu Qianlang couldn't hear his roar at all, and didn't want to hear it.

"Hmph! Liu Qianlang, you are a coward, afraid of me! Don't attack, haha...

Who am I, Immortal Emperor Blood Sword? It is Immortal Emperor Zhou Ba who slaughtered all of your Langyuan Xianmen! How dare you come here to challenge me, an immortal who is reborn from the dead!

That's right, you must be afraid of me, so you didn't dare to come, for fear that I would kill you again!

It's ridiculous, what do you think of the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor, if the Blood Sword Immortal Emperor wants to kill you, it will not be a matter of a moment.

The reason why the Immortal Emperor Blood Sword did not kill you is because the Immortal Emperor found out that without you, the Immortal Emperor would feel lonely..."

Blood Sword Immortal Emperor Ouyang Langlong flew to the edge of Zhoufeng again and again in gusts of wind and gusts of rain. He wanted to go out but didn't dare to go out, but he yelled like this.


Blood Sword Immortal Emperor Ouyang Langlong, through the thick cosmic seal, saw the infinitely distant New Immortal Cosmos region, with an infinitely bright and peaceful appearance, and his deep red eyes flashed with astonishment.

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